2giga2dweebish t1_iydzzil wrote
Reply to comment by bolanrox in TIL The inventor of the television was a 15 year old farm boy who got the idea for scanning an image in rows from the back and forth motion of plowing a field. by chapstickninja
I think there's a fair argument to be made for Browning to have had one of, if not the biggest impacts on humanity in the past century when you consider how influential his designs have been on small arms warfare. Christ, it's surprising that there's still a few of his designs in use somewhere. The 1911, Hi-Power, M2, , M1919, BAR... all in use either actively or fairly recently (I will admit I don't think the latter two have been seriously fielded recently in the past 30 years, but I'm sure there's still poorer countries using them somewhere).
bolanrox t1_iye53s8 wrote
Cz is based on brownings patents too
And any pump shot gun..
bolanrox t1_iyef7b5 wrote
Not to mention the Marines only officially gave up on the m1911 in the past decade.
Allegedly he said Garand was a genius too, though I've never seen an official source on that one. Thoguh we all know Patton's opinion on his rifle.
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