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ChoosyLooseGoose t1_ivkw48k wrote

I hit your name and saw you defending a position using…..Wikipedia.

Hope you got a cookie with that booster….

##Gangstalking! It’s what’s for dinner…


Timbofieseler102 t1_ivkxbgd wrote

Lol why is you being against vaccines the least surprising thing I am seeing today?


ChoosyLooseGoose t1_ivkxpiu wrote

Booster - citing Wikipedia. But…you’ve absorbed that language too and are using it to defend a position in yourself and to others too ignorant to give thought to the flow of a chat thread.

Guess you’ve been affected by the idiocy of the last three years and missed the most recent SNL skit mocking masks and COVID?


CattleNo2695 t1_ivkyr5g wrote



ChoosyLooseGoose t1_ivkzcon wrote


Edit: when the user above and below blocks you because their only goal is functionality inside of a social experiment within which they are among the vessels working toward social division. Oh, and they are just pathetic enough to earn a living being a social media “influencer”. This…job…is as pathetic as it sounds and is a passing fancy. Unemployment or real job within 5 years but…don’t stop buying your video games just yet! It’s only midterms.
