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ipsdirtleg t1_ivn2hcg wrote

Yeah, sry. Downvote me all you want guys. In Platos own words, his grandfather told him about the story of Atlantis. And there are lots of writings about an “Atlantis” long before Plato. It’s an easy google. But whatever. Plato is the inventor of Atlantis. Lmao!


sennbat t1_ivn2z40 wrote

> And there are lots of writings about an “Atlantis” long before Plato.

If they're so easy to google why not, I dunno... bring one up?

> In Platos own words, his grandfather told him about the story of Atlantis.

Bro, do you even understand how fiction works lmfao


ipsdirtleg t1_ivn3svi wrote

Bro, lol, people were talking about “Atlantis” thousands of years before Plato. Just like the story of Jesus had been told by multiple cultures hundreds of years before the Christian Jesus. Chill bro…


sennbat t1_ivn490w wrote

Provide a single example of anyone talking about Atlantis at any point prior to Plato. You said there are lots of those writings. Share just one.


ipsdirtleg t1_ivn6n8t wrote

Is google really that hard for you to use?


sennbat t1_ivn8650 wrote

Apparently, since I can't find any. Or maybe, just maybe, your many examples don't actually exit! Gee, I wonder which is more likely.