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Fetlocks_Glistening t1_ix4tpm4 wrote

I mean do they really think the charade fools anybody into thinking they are not a dictatorship?


Gemmabeta t1_ix4tri6 wrote

Yes, they are Potemkin parties that are allowed to exist purely for show. None of them have ever voted against the ruling Workers' Party of Korea in all their history. (and every once in a while, they'd kill a few of these minor party members just to make sure no one gets too comfortable).

The articles for these parties literally refer to them being "awarded" their seats in the Congress.


-Pelican t1_ix4uzhg wrote

"Political Parties"


windythought34 t1_ix7347z wrote

In Russia yes, to a lesser extend. Putin allows the opposition.

The USA is different. Two right wing parties (yes, from a worlds' perspective the Democrats are right wing too. Even if they are not so far right as the Republicans). The system makes it "nearly" impossible for a third party to exist and to be effective.


yelbesed2 t1_ix7fwxx wrote

It was the same in the Eastern Bloc under Stalinism...


quokka70 t1_ix8u4xa wrote

Oh, there's someone out there who believes it, or chooses to allow themselves to be duped because they are a credulous tankie and the country has "Democratic" in the name and how could a nation of heroic socalism and Juche be anything but a worker's paradise and Lenin said everything works by Democratic Centralism.