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Landlubber77 t1_iy8sqb7 wrote

> One of the symptoms caused by envenomation from this particular species of jellyfish, however, is the subject denying that they are suffering from any symptoms, and therefore it was difficult to determine if they were in fact suffering from the syndrome he sought out to prove would be caused by the sting.

Lol, one of the symptoms is denying that they're suffering from any symptoms? This seems dubious.


BiBoFieTo t1_iy8v98a wrote

Nothing says love like scientific experiments on your kids.


chiefapache t1_iy97d8a wrote

Imagine being a lifeguard, watching the seas, minding your own business and some mad bastard comes up to you and slaps you with a jellyfish to prove some scientific theory.


Mattums t1_iy9e95h wrote

I watched something a long time ago about some people who were researching these tiny jellyfish. They always had protective gear but while taking off their suit there was one stuck to it and they got stung. I remember seeing the woman writhe from the waves of pain it caused. They gave her morphine and it didn’t help. Here

I can’t imagine knowing this and letting anyone go through it, even someone you hated. He did that to his son for science. Awful.

Edit: The actual video I was referring to was posted by u/RedditMayne


RedditMayne t1_iy9erc2 wrote

That’s really irresponsible. Irukandji have one of the most excruciating stings on the planet and attending doctors just can’t prescribe painkillers to counteract it because the risk of overdose is too high, forcing the patient to feel all the pain and nausea for hours until it exits the system. In some cases, death might occur.

Here are two marine scientists who accidentally stung themselves.


onemany t1_iy9f1ee wrote

He stung his 9 year old son. What a dick.

He deserves to be stung on his ball bag.


DrownedAmmet t1_iy9noam wrote

He needed a control, so he didn't sting everyone else on Earth


on_ t1_iy9va4z wrote

Scientific’s name? Dr Mengele II


speakeasy-aus t1_iy9zx1b wrote

Little bastards are out now where I live 🤬


MedicalJargon-itis t1_iyajhfg wrote

I'm a physician and routinely prescribe sedating medications. If I were taking care of a patient in that much pain, they could at least get an amnesic like midazolam. Phenobarbital is also very safe and long-acting for sedation. I understand that this is not really an opiate-responsive pain, but that's not the only possible intervention.

I'm not even an anesthesiologist. I feel like this would be well within their wheelhouse.


Zacherius t1_iyajsg4 wrote

Theorized as the worst pain known to man. As one stung swimmer said, he wished he was stung by another (far deadlier) box jellyfish because the pain goes away in a couple of hours, or you die.


phosphenes t1_iyaoy9t wrote

No recent revisions to that wiki article, no Google hits for that line, nothing even similar on other pages about irukandji syndrome. They made it up as a (moderately funny) joke, or it's a reference I don't get.


Glacial_Self t1_iyarfd4 wrote

That'll fuckin do it, mate. Hope he gets some weird award for shittiest parenting that contributes to science.


BanVegans t1_iyatvny wrote

Annnddd... Father of the Year Award goes to...

Not this guy.


BandDirector17 t1_iybc1bz wrote

Sounds like the story of Abraham, Isaac, and the angel, just modified a little, and at the beach.


RedditMayne t1_iybrtvh wrote

The venom works on a variety of pain receptors, and because doctors can’t predict how, how long, or to what degree the venom will affect a person, putting them under can be a risk. There’s more info in the included link.


Romanian_ t1_iybt410 wrote

It's in the name, dumdum


xXbrosoxXx t1_iybwmpq wrote



StrikeMePurple t1_iybytxb wrote

I used to live by the ocean that had these little fuckers in there during the rainy season, no one swims then, and also because crocodiles but mostly jellyfish. The scary thing is, they are completely invisible in the water. When someone gets stung although very rare, there is no mucking about, stretcher to the ambulance straight to the airport you're on a 3 hour flight to the city, on another ambulance to the hospital, all in agonizing pain that is if you've survived until then. Welcome to Australia friends.


absentmindedjwc t1_iyc2o0l wrote

The commonly known date rape drug flunitrazepam is the same category of drugs - a drug depressing neural activity, causing amnesia and loss of consciousness.

Given that it is far cheaper and easier to administer, I don't imagine it'll be replaced by this any time soon.


frugwa t1_iycgd5z wrote

Ahhh Australia


Luckcrisis t1_iycl2v2 wrote

I will admit, that parent does get creative with discipline. If you don't clean your room, it's the jellyfish for you!


SubatomicPeen t1_iyclx8c wrote

"Amongst other things, he established that their toxin would not discharge on a synthetic surface and so wore pantyhose when collecting specimens, a practice now adopted by lifesavers at risk of jellyfish stings."

What even 😂


bluetheslinky t1_iycmt53 wrote

Nah, no one was subjected to torturous pain in the story (well maybe the lamb that got sacrificed in the kids stead). My point was that there was no one to be like "wait no, stop, don't actually hurt anyone" in the scientists case, and way more people resulted injured.

How is it exactly the same? (If you're gonna say "because it's imaginary and it never happened, and therefore god couldn't speak to anyone to say that because God doesn't real", please remember we're talking about this referring to it as a STORY.)