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brock_lee t1_ix07mqs wrote

Just see this on Jeopardy? :)


brock_lee t1_ix07w0y wrote

> She recited the alphabet until Bauby blinked at the correct letter, and recorded the 130-page manuscript letter by letter over the course of two months, working three hours a day, seven days a week.

I bet they also developed some shortcuts, too, like when the next word would be obvious: "Is the next word 'the'?" or a character name. "She asked Gwe..." "So, Gwendolyn, right?"


sprint6864 t1_ix08x3r wrote

It's not as well-known, but he also wrote the accompanying song


ExtonGuy t1_ix0au7g wrote

I would have suggested Morse code, or some variant. Telegraphers used a lot of shortcuts for common words and phrases.


yIdontunderstand t1_ix0gaui wrote

1952 - 1997 wasn't anything to do with his life span...

That's how long it took to write the book...


OsamaBinFuckin t1_ix0qftm wrote

Many pages are illegible and incoherent, attributed to possible seizures he suffered.



youjustjelly t1_ix0s1wm wrote

“Cerebrovascular seizure” actually means a stroke. Given he was locked in it was likely a brainstem stroke at the level of the midbrain. But there is not really an accepted medical condition of “cerebrovascular seizure” in neurology currently.


Zaber_fang t1_ix0xqh7 wrote

Would blinking Morse code not have been faster?


monkeypox_69 t1_ix0yabg wrote

I guess you don't got much else to do at that point


ElTontoDelPueblo t1_ix0zkqe wrote

He can write a book with one eye lid and I can't write an article with two frikin pan-sized hands


beebeereebozo t1_ix0zrbo wrote

Did he really? Sounds a bit like facilitated communication. Seems more likely that he painted the broad strokes and his assistant filled in the gaps.


STBadly t1_ix10cww wrote

Plot twist: He was just trying to flirt with her the whole time. Ends up writing a bestseller when all he really wanted was a kiss.


Crepuscular_Animal t1_ix14n8p wrote

One of the most fascinating movies I've seen and also one if the scariest. He was quite young, wealthy, glamorous, active, everything in his life was nice and happy, and then bam, in one second it all just goes away. Like he's transported to hell instantly.


Dolly_gale t1_ix169eh wrote

His story was made into a decent film in 2007. It was nominated for 4 Academy Awards (Oscars), among other distinctions.
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

The film follows him as he starts his rehabilitation. It's intercut with moments from his life before before his incapacitation as he reflects on them, so it's not all bedside footage. It does take some liberty with his story (his real-life girlfriend didn't react the way she was depicted in the film), but I still think it was a good film. Actually, years later it's one of those stories that I still think about from time-to-time, which is one of the best compliments I can give a film.


cetacretin t1_ix17vdr wrote

I believe it's possible to have medical care preferences laid out in some legal form, along the same lines of a Do-Not-Resuscitate order. Like, if X/Y/Z happens and I'm incapacitated/vegetative, do not provide life support.

One of those things I really should get done. Shit can happen at any age or any time.


abanabee t1_ix1ct9r wrote

Yes! As a speech therapist myself, we put the alphabet in a grid based on letter frequency. Then you point to each row and then across the columns to get the letter.


Nojoke183 t1_ix1eu7f wrote

This picture was taken in '96. Why does it look like it's from the 50s?


Von_Cheesebiscuit t1_ix1g6ad wrote

Fine, fine. Al you had to do is ask. Let me grab some paper. Ok, you ready?

A... B... C... um, I can't tell if your blinking. I think we're gonna have to meet up at a local coffee shop or something to make this work...


dkdream21 t1_ix1gzcy wrote

Just wanted to say, the French word for “diving bell” is super badass. Le scaphandre :)


lying_Iiar t1_ix1hyce wrote

This would be way better served by even some simple algorithms.

Think how much time you would save if you even made just one modification:

The first prompt is: "First half of the alphabet?"


dcohenmd1 t1_ix1hyd9 wrote

It wasn’t a seizure. It was a stroke.


lying_Iiar t1_ix1jvr4 wrote

It can be done, my grandmother had one. I think it can be called a "living will."

The nurses just called it a DNR.

My father has told me many times that if he's ever a vegetable, I'm supposed to "find a way to off him." Like it's too much effort for him to get the fucking DNR, so I better risk murder.


FrankieMcGigglefits t1_ix1k0ud wrote

Husband watched it with coworkers at his first hospital gig for TIRR. He was on a traumatic brain injury unit, so it was his bread and butter.


moleware t1_ix1s26f wrote

They had color photographs this dude's entire life. Why is this in black and white?


Jadeldxb t1_ix1wd93 wrote

Or the assistant wrote the book.


LukeyLeukocyte t1_ix1xoeq wrote

It took a while for them to realize he was cognizant behind that one blinking eyelid. Once they realized he was awake they quickly devised a way to communicate. Once communication was established I am sure s lot of different discussions came up, including the book.


cosmorocker13 t1_ix1xtxt wrote

Should a great book and obviously short. I think I’ll read it tonight!!


bohoish t1_ix20qc1 wrote

Read it. It is a cool book.


SigmaGrooveJamSet t1_ix2185x wrote

Not a bad idea. People do sometimes use morse code in adaptive devices. Some computers have had straws that someone paralyzed from the neck could blow or suck on in morse code to type. But it typically isn't used for people with locked in syndrome for a number of reasons

1 any message system would have to be easy to learn for the user and his caregivers and family and friends to learn. An alphabet board can be learned in minutes but morse code could take weeks.

2 Sometimes people with locked in syndrome only have some of the muscles of their eyes fully functional and these can fatigue. Its easier to do one or two inputs for letters at the slower pace than morse code which would require rapid accurately timed blinks. Jean Dominique actually had the incomplete form and had some small eye face and neck movement as well as describing being able to wiggle his limbs in the book.

3 in some people with locked in syndrome the eyelid control is so poor that they cannot open or close their eyes fully. In this case the only movement they have that is reliably easy to see is looking up. It is extremely hard for even able bodied people to use this movement timed with morse code.

There have been improvements a knock code is most often used today. The letters are in a grid and the row is selected by saying the first letter then that row is read off. Also it gives time for the interlocutor to guess the word in between letters potentially speeding up the process.


wecomeinpeacedoyou t1_ix21cc6 wrote

That would be crazy if they blinked at the same time and she had to say “i’m sorry, i didn’t hear you what was that??”


microbesrule t1_ix21f4m wrote

Props to the assistant, too. That sounds like a gruelling task.


Test_After t1_ix22oz2 wrote

Also, the movie highlights something the book didn't - he was in love with a woman who didn't/couldn't deal with the locked-in situation, and his amanuensis was his loving but unloved wife, who found out about the affair because of the accident. Awkward.

TIL That his publisher provided the amanuensis, and a ghost writer. And the director of the film decided to focus on the first wife and write out the current lover, who visited him fairly often actually.


Vocalscpunk t1_ix23v5r wrote

I thoroughly enjoyed it but found out after that the drama with the woman/ex wife was fabricated for 'good movie making' which tracks with Hollywood but feels unnecessary. It's a compelling story without added drama



UnmutualOne t1_ix245x1 wrote

Should have kidnapped him and taken him to Talos IV.


Careful_Yannu t1_ix28uw3 wrote

Honestly my vague memories of first year programming were suggesting a binary search (first half of the alphabet or second, first half of your subsequent selection or second) but a grid is much faster.


anarchyreigns t1_ix293s3 wrote

And the most obvious deterrent to me is that it would be exhausting to blink out a sentence, one letter at a time, in Morse code. It would be much easier physically to blink “yes” to the correct letter as read out by his assistant.


lying_Iiar t1_ix2a6wu wrote

My intuition suggests it might still be faster to start with that question, but someone would have to run the algo against the most common words, or the book he wrote at least.


BubberRung t1_ix2ad3b wrote

That’s it. That assistant has the most boring job in the history of the world.


cc_manhattan t1_ix2d6k3 wrote

We should ask r/theydidthemath how long this would take!


FnkyTown t1_ix2de78 wrote

Or maybe she just wrote it for him?


24cupsandcounting t1_ix2fxth wrote

I’ve often heard stories about paralyzed people who communicate through blinking. Why is it that blinking is often the only movement they have left? Has anyone ever been paralyzed to the point of not being able to blink? What would happen to such a person?


Crepuscular_Animal t1_ix2i2bx wrote

Eyes have different innervation than most parts of our body. Most of the body is controlled via the spinal cord, but the structures in the head, like eyes, are controlled via cranial nerves that come directly from the brain. There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves that are traditionally numbered from top down. Eye movement nerves are number 3, 4 and 6. If you got your connections disrupted on the level of, say, number 4, you still have some movement left in the eyes/eyelids, but can't move anything else in your face. The whole body is paralyzed, too, because the spinal cord / brain connection is off.

Some people are/were totally paralyzed, yep. There is some ongoing research on recognizing and helping such people. Doctors can scan for brain activity and use machines that interpret this activity as attempts for communication. They've actually made a brain implant that allowed a patient to ask for beer, curry and some music. It's amazing.


RedditMayne t1_ix2jtsy wrote

Oh man, that movie and its music broke my heart.


funkyonion t1_ix2mzpw wrote

Jeez, at least Salamanca had a bell.


DMala t1_ix2nvlc wrote

That's always my first thought when this story comes up. In the same situation (assuming I could persevere at all) my first request would be for a table of Morse. The tedium of going through the alphabet over and over just seems like the torture.


Neon-Nina t1_ix2ul6k wrote

And here I am with to hands and 10 fingers


brentlymax t1_ix35q0o wrote

There is a great Venture Bros episode that references this titled "The Diving Bell vs. The Butterglider". It does a mashup of this story with Fantastic Voyage.


AvonMexicola t1_ix36q0a wrote

So weird I remember 1996 in color.


FirstAidKilt t1_ix3kox8 wrote

If I remember there was also a similar thing with two characters from The Count of Monte Cristo. She would go down the letters of the alphabet In a dictionary I think, and then start going down the words under each letter. I wonder if this was some kindof accepted practice in France for communicating with people who couldn't speak or move


JBatjj t1_ix3lies wrote

Oh ya, I agree with you. My comment was more what you would do if you actually followed a compression algorithm tree. Idk I was really high when I commented.


JMarcusM t1_ix3n583 wrote

Hope it was a short story.


drekwithoutpolitics t1_ix3nd2t wrote

I could see Morse being harder to get started and way easier to get discouraged if I’m already quite disabled and wanting to write a novel.

Someone mentioned they had an alphabet ordered by letter frequency, so I could see the two of them optimizing quickly.

Like, at the beginning of a sentence,

“S” blink

Ok… it’s not another S. “A…” no blink “E,” etc. as a simple example.


BrambleWitch t1_ix40wai wrote

I read this book when it came out. Devastating. There is also a movie made of the book which I also saw. A true nightmare.


Mystic1989 t1_ix4801q wrote

What if they pretended to write it down but actually came up with their own book?


argv_minus_one t1_ix4jkio wrote

About the only thing I'd be blinking is some variation of “kill me”.

It is cruel beyond words to keep people in that state alive. If ever there was a situation where euthanasia is clearly the right thing to do, that would be it.


noccusJohnstein t1_ix4wugh wrote

How do we know that the assistant didn't write the book based upon intricate knowledge of the man and his works, and that she knew it would never be a success if she tried to take the credit?


chumloadio OP t1_ix51h8l wrote

I guess we're compelled to trust that some people are actually honorable, sincere, and have personal integrity -- especially in the context of helping someone who is going through an unimaginable personal challenge like this.


GoGaslightYerself t1_ix58fkg wrote

Didn't they do this on "Breaking Bad"? I could have watched ol' Hector ring his bell for weeks. RIVETING!