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squeevey t1_j1ojx2g wrote

This stood out to me:

> Schwartz - Robb has one directing credit: the notorious indie film Don’s Plum, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire. The two actors successfully prevented the film, shot before they became stars, from being released in the U.S. To this day, it has never been legally shown outside of Europe.


ThisFreakinGuyHere t1_j1otu9c wrote

Yarr let's see this piece of crap


BRUHSKIBC t1_j1p2yyo wrote

A Christmas miracle! Don’s Plum


gonzo5622 t1_j1q68p4 wrote

Wow… I can see why they don’t want a wide audience. Reminds me of those “edgy” / “avant garde” movies made by college students.


blue-opuntia t1_j1q3g3l wrote

Wow I feel like I just lost brain cells trying to watch that


MCS117 t1_j1rfgaq wrote

I just fast forwarded to some part in the middle - is that Kevin Connolly in it also?


kinkyonthe_loki69 t1_j1pcbzp wrote

What makes it notorious?


TheSpeakingScar t1_j1pnaih wrote

Probably the scene where dicaprio puts in the fake buck teeth and does a rather, insensitive, impersonation of a handicapped person about an hour in


kinkyonthe_loki69 t1_j1pp0yy wrote

Oh god, simple jack?


ringobob t1_j1psq7q wrote

I mean, we've already got What's Eating Gilbert Grape.


throwawayforj0b t1_j1qn5nx wrote

I legit thought he was special needs because that was the first thing I saw him in


Bug1oss t1_j1q6cmp wrote

The worst part is, I thought her did good in that. I don't want to see it again, but it was a good film.


javenthng12 t1_j1pqioc wrote

Do those two actors work together a lot?


bkconn t1_j1q1cws wrote

Maguire and DiCaprio, who've been best friends for over 30 years, first met in 1990 during the casting for Parenthood, a one-season TV spin-off series based on director Ron Howard's movie starring Steve Martin (before it was revived for TV — successfully — in 2010)


AshgarPN t1_j1q8hqp wrote

Great Gatsby, off the top of my head.


statiiic t1_j1q1gpb wrote

Yeah if I remember right, they're actually childhood friends.