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hunterries t1_j1odqy1 wrote

Tongue stuck to a pole in those, as well?


NutNBaby t1_j1ody4f wrote

He got triple dog dared to stick his tongue to the pole.


MuthaPlucka t1_j1oe2r0 wrote

It’s not a long path from Flick to Dick.


weavebot t1_j1oenur wrote

Screech and Flick would have been a good anthology name though the age differences may have been a problem


melbbear t1_j1oeqz8 wrote

Can’t believe it wasn’t Farkus


Goalie_deacon t1_j1ohl3e wrote

Wait till OP finds out Melinda Dillon was in Slap Shot, topless, playing a cheating wife who prefers women.


MillaRedd t1_j1ojb9p wrote

I couldn’t believe it and looked it up. New Wave Hookers 5 is disgusting. I refuse to watch it for a 7th time today. It’s Christmas.


squeevey t1_j1ojx2g wrote

This stood out to me:

> Schwartz - Robb has one directing credit: the notorious indie film Don’s Plum, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire. The two actors successfully prevented the film, shot before they became stars, from being released in the U.S. To this day, it has never been legally shown outside of Europe.


Masiaka t1_j1okvvd wrote

Well, that's all we have to say about....poor Flick.


spucci t1_j1oo2at wrote

Yeah but nut Ralphy.


niboras t1_j1oqqb7 wrote

“Hey Harrahan! Your wife’s a dyke!” Edit: I should clarify that the only reason I remember this is a guy I went to HS with whose nickname was unironically “buba” talked about nothing else for a week after this movie came out.


jimmyn0thumbs t1_j1org3k wrote

Doesn't everyone run this on a 24hr marathon on Christmas Eve? Isn't this why Ralphie went blind?


mchaney317 t1_j1ostut wrote

He missed a golden opportunity to call himself Flick Beans


Kriznick t1_j1oxtre wrote

Somehow on brand for the character.


dont_worry_im_here t1_j1p41ul wrote

Is everyone just reading the trivia section of this movie today and posting every submission?


Myotherdumbname t1_j1p4o33 wrote

Flick is a character in the movie! I was really confused about the wording here.


CorgisDie t1_j1ppr7q wrote

He went from Flick to flicking the bean.


yackofalltradescoach t1_j1pyf0t wrote

I was going to make a joke about all the Backdoor Slut movies, butt fuck it!


bkconn t1_j1q1cws wrote

Maguire and DiCaprio, who've been best friends for over 30 years, first met in 1990 during the casting for Parenthood, a one-season TV spin-off series based on director Ron Howard's movie starring Steve Martin (before it was revived for TV — successfully — in 2010)


Chrispychilla t1_j1qbym0 wrote

I remember him going on a national radio tour of “shock jocks” promoting it during Christmas that year.


tdomer80 t1_j1qv0ax wrote

Jesus at first by “Flick” I thought you meant the “movie” itself - like the whole movie was recast and remade scene by scene into a porno. Holy shit.


dj3po1 t1_j1qwixf wrote

New Wave is a very 80s term since the term described a whole genre of early 80s music. I was wondering why it was made in the 90s but I see the first one was made in 85. New Wave Hookers had some long legs apparently.


TriscuitBob t1_j1sl5sh wrote

Scotty also dated deceased porn star Anastasia Blue for a bit.


Breakdawall t1_j1ufjys wrote

Ralphy was in a softcore porn series on showtime called sherman oaks.