Submitted by PlayingCarded t3_zvcgag in todayilearned
NutNBaby t1_j1ody4f wrote
He got triple dog dared to stick his tongue to the pole.
MuthaPlucka t1_j1oe2r0 wrote
It’s not a long path from Flick to Dick.
muemamuema t1_j1oeiet wrote
Very versatile actor.
weavebot t1_j1oenur wrote
Screech and Flick would have been a good anthology name though the age differences may have been a problem
bolanrox t1_j1oepb2 wrote
You mean master bates?
melbbear t1_j1oeqz8 wrote
Can’t believe it wasn’t Farkus
WFStarbuck t1_j1oevxm wrote
He’ll shoot your eye out!
patrickeg t1_j1ohfwn wrote
Fine. I'll ask.
Goalie_deacon t1_j1ohl3e wrote
Wait till OP finds out Melinda Dillon was in Slap Shot, topless, playing a cheating wife who prefers women.
[deleted] t1_j1ohwq3 wrote
MillaRedd t1_j1ojb9p wrote
I couldn’t believe it and looked it up. New Wave Hookers 5 is disgusting. I refuse to watch it for a 7th time today. It’s Christmas.
PipeOrganEnthusiast t1_j1ojkjg wrote
"Cry, baby, cryyyy!"
squeevey t1_j1ojx2g wrote
This stood out to me:
> Schwartz - Robb has one directing credit: the notorious indie film Don’s Plum, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire. The two actors successfully prevented the film, shot before they became stars, from being released in the U.S. To this day, it has never been legally shown outside of Europe.
Masiaka t1_j1okvvd wrote
Well, that's all we have to say about....poor Flick.
[deleted] t1_j1omhk6 wrote
spucci t1_j1oo2at wrote
Yeah but nut Ralphy.
tangcameo t1_j1ooxue wrote
Farkus was the brother on Titus.
niboras t1_j1oqqb7 wrote
“Hey Harrahan! Your wife’s a dyke!” Edit: I should clarify that the only reason I remember this is a guy I went to HS with whose nickname was unironically “buba” talked about nothing else for a week after this movie came out.
NotARussianAgent t1_j1oqyq0 wrote
90s porn titles just hit different
jimmyn0thumbs t1_j1org3k wrote
Doesn't everyone run this on a 24hr marathon on Christmas Eve? Isn't this why Ralphie went blind?
thewidowgorey t1_j1oss3k wrote
You are about to blow my family’s mind. These are two of our favorite movies.
mchaney317 t1_j1ostut wrote
He missed a golden opportunity to call himself Flick Beans
jigglywigglydigaby t1_j1osym9 wrote
Ahhh....New Wave Hookers 5....hours of fun 2 minutes at a time
jigglywigglydigaby t1_j1ot4e1 wrote
Don't forget her role in Harry and the Henderson's
TSAOutreachTeam t1_j1otqpq wrote
No blue ball for Christmas, for him.
ThisFreakinGuyHere t1_j1otu9c wrote
Yarr let's see this piece of crap
Aubear11885 t1_j1ow6qf wrote
And got killed in the first Transformers in the desert IIRC.
Kriznick t1_j1oxtre wrote
Somehow on brand for the character.
Olbaidon t1_j1oyezm wrote
It’s a tradition of ours now thanks to TBS.
We don’t even have cable anymore but we ended up purchasing the movie and play it nearly all day on Christmas.
[deleted] t1_j1oz3z5 wrote
jimmyn0thumbs t1_j1oz7l7 wrote
Either you missed my bad joke or I missed yours
GriffinFlash t1_j1ozyqi wrote
Why did I read this in the Christmas Story Narrator voice?
fettermans_goiter t1_j1p0mnm wrote
It’s no Backdoor Sluts 9
BRUHSKIBC t1_j1p2yyo wrote
A Christmas miracle! Don’s Plum
dandroid126 t1_j1p3f4t wrote
Does it make Crotch Capers 3 look like Naughty Nurses 2?
dont_worry_im_here t1_j1p41ul wrote
Is everyone just reading the trivia section of this movie today and posting every submission?
barriekansai t1_j1p45ll wrote
But there were so many unanswered questions - they had to keep going!
[deleted] t1_j1p45os wrote
dead_wit_laugh t1_j1p4d37 wrote
Holy shit man--just Googled and my mind is blown. I never thought I'd see the milkers that fed Ralphie and Randy. I felt very conflicted initially but it faded fast.
jlemrond t1_j1p4fei wrote
Honestly, Backdoor Sluts 9 was a bit too derivative of Backdoor Sluts 6. I feel like they aren’t even trying to come up with something new. Instead it’s the same ass recycled content.
Myotherdumbname t1_j1p4o33 wrote
Flick is a character in the movie! I was really confused about the wording here.
brettmjohnson t1_j1p6ayi wrote
LittleWhiteBoots t1_j1p7etq wrote
He had yellow eyes. YELLOW EYES!
r0botdevil t1_j1p883r wrote
You are indeed correct!
MiniDelo t1_j1p9cx8 wrote
He’ll shoot your eye out!!!!
FillThisEmptyCup t1_j1paml2 wrote
I’m told this is a sexy one.
kinkyonthe_loki69 t1_j1pcbzp wrote
What makes it notorious?
Godtiermasturbator t1_j1pctbh wrote
Goddamn those are beautiful... I'll be mommy's little piggy for those
LiamtheV t1_j1peaqz wrote
You bet your ass it does!
TerribleGramber_Nazi t1_j1pildz wrote
Well I didn’t expect to see that today..
OakParkCemetary t1_j1pisoi wrote
Butters: "MY PRECIOUS"
youngmindoldbody t1_j1pj05q wrote
I had no idea they made any sequels to New Wave Hookers. Naturally I don't have the original.
sickcat29 t1_j1pl2v4 wrote
Is it the same as "ass recycled 4". Or are you saying that it is ass content? Not to be confused with "ass content 1thru 9"
BreadMeatCheeseGang t1_j1pln1c wrote
TheSpeakingScar t1_j1pnaih wrote
Probably the scene where dicaprio puts in the fake buck teeth and does a rather, insensitive, impersonation of a handicapped person about an hour in
kinkyonthe_loki69 t1_j1pp0yy wrote
Oh god, simple jack?
CorgisDie t1_j1ppr7q wrote
He went from Flick to flicking the bean.
javenthng12 t1_j1pqioc wrote
Do those two actors work together a lot?
ringobob t1_j1psq7q wrote
I mean, we've already got What's Eating Gilbert Grape.
DamnMyNameIsSteve t1_j1ptfq0 wrote
I read about it in People
Shut--Up--Bird t1_j1pxiy9 wrote
I disagree.
Back door sluts 6 was a little too new wave for my taste. But when Back door sluts 9 came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically.
mponte1979 t1_j1pxmkg wrote
Hah. It’s U.S., not “you ass”
yackofalltradescoach t1_j1pyf0t wrote
I was going to make a joke about all the Backdoor Slut movies, butt fuck it!
noonehasthisoneyet t1_j1pynyu wrote
Even so, he came back for the hbo max sequel
Serious-Barracuda-13 t1_j1pzwel wrote
Flick? … Flick who?
bkconn t1_j1q1cws wrote
Maguire and DiCaprio, who've been best friends for over 30 years, first met in 1990 during the casting for Parenthood, a one-season TV spin-off series based on director Ron Howard's movie starring Steve Martin (before it was revived for TV — successfully — in 2010)
statiiic t1_j1q1gpb wrote
Yeah if I remember right, they're actually childhood friends.
blue-opuntia t1_j1q3g3l wrote
Wow I feel like I just lost brain cells trying to watch that
FrakTerra t1_j1q49es wrote
Came here for this. Ty.
[deleted] t1_j1q4aa8 wrote
Atomaardappel t1_j1q5arq wrote
Was also Cricket's brother on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
TooMuchPretzels t1_j1q5c5x wrote
Quality comment, u/godtiermasturbator
gonzo5622 t1_j1q68p4 wrote
Wow… I can see why they don’t want a wide audience. Reminds me of those “edgy” / “avant garde” movies made by college students.
Bug1oss t1_j1q6cmp wrote
The worst part is, I thought her did good in that. I don't want to see it again, but it was a good film.
[deleted] t1_j1q8cz5 wrote
AshgarPN t1_j1q8hqp wrote
Great Gatsby, off the top of my head.
AshgarPN t1_j1q9b5t wrote
No joke, Olbaidon watches porn for 24 hours on Christmas Eve
LeftyMcRight t1_j1qa3m9 wrote
Mattermaker7005and8 t1_j1qb5np wrote
Chrispychilla t1_j1qbym0 wrote
I remember him going on a national radio tour of “shock jocks” promoting it during Christmas that year.
CincyBrandon t1_j1qfyfj wrote
And was Postal Guy in the movie Postal based on the videogame of the same name.
Hengist t1_j1qg4vd wrote
How is this not the top comment?
allergic_to_LOLcats t1_j1qke95 wrote
Trying getting Inside Lydia’s Ass now you fucking, stupid bastard!!!
throwawayforj0b t1_j1qn5nx wrote
I legit thought he was special needs because that was the first thing I saw him in
bolanrox t1_j1qrfbn wrote
Ok u ssssssssss
tdomer80 t1_j1qv0ax wrote
Jesus at first by “Flick” I thought you meant the “movie” itself - like the whole movie was recast and remade scene by scene into a porno. Holy shit.
dj3po1 t1_j1qwixf wrote
New Wave is a very 80s term since the term described a whole genre of early 80s music. I was wondering why it was made in the 90s but I see the first one was made in 85. New Wave Hookers had some long legs apparently.
quityouryob t1_j1qyjzi wrote
He also got killed in resident evil.
KzininTexas1955 t1_j1r3gy3 wrote
Whoa, Paul Newman ( confess : never saw the movie).
MCS117 t1_j1rfgaq wrote
I just fast forwarded to some part in the middle - is that Kevin Connolly in it also?
AccurateInterview586 t1_j1rhibq wrote
Who didn’t do porn in the 90s? It’s what boosted the Internet.
TroutComplex t1_j1rkrj5 wrote
Like they did with E.T.
GermSlayer1986 t1_j1rsy2b wrote
Hey, he already had a famous tongue!
Some_Inspector3638 t1_j1s0v0j wrote
Master Bates? From The Toy?
str8sin t1_j1s568y wrote
"I know, I know!!"
Ficon t1_j1sfql6 wrote
"She's a lesbian, a lesbian!"
TriscuitBob t1_j1sl5sh wrote
Scotty also dated deceased porn star Anastasia Blue for a bit.
[deleted] t1_j1stmdu wrote
Breakdawall t1_j1uff3g wrote
that movie was actually pretty decent
Breakdawall t1_j1ufjys wrote
Ralphy was in a softcore porn series on showtime called sherman oaks.
hunterries t1_j1odqy1 wrote
Tongue stuck to a pole in those, as well?