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PasghettiSquash OP t1_j27lz6f wrote

Wish there wasn’t a character limit on the title. He also:

  • had two brothers die from Cystic Fibrosis
  • was made fun of for being a ‘bean pole’, which led to adding muscle and the shot put state championship
  • was cut from his first college team for beating up an Air Force cadet that had hit on his girlfriend, breaking nearly every bone in his face, requiring 8 weeks in the hospital
  • starred in North Dallas Forty while playing for the Raiders
  • posed nude in Playgirl
  • Had his wife try to run him over with a car
  • Had his head coach save his life with CPR after taking a sleeping pill and chasing with beers

Guy somehow lived 5 lives in 38 years


sweetdawg99 t1_j27n4h5 wrote

Big fan of rocky road, too, as I understand it.


gibgod t1_j27nfzt wrote

Where’s the movie?


RolowTamassee t1_j27oq2s wrote

I had no idea about any of these, and I consider myself a fairly solid Goonies fan. Crazy story of a life apparently!


PasghettiSquash OP t1_j27pb2o wrote

Have probably watched this movie 100 times, one of my kids said they had to go to the bathroom today, and I kept saying “HEY MIKEYYY, GOTTA GO TO THE BATHROOM??” So figured we’d throw it on tonight, and pulled up the IMDB (as one does). Can’t believe I never checked his backstory.


shr2016 t1_j27z05l wrote

Maybe he's best known as Sloth to you young whipper-snappers...

Seriously though the Raiders of those years were fucking insane and he was the poster boy.


houseape69 t1_j27zuo2 wrote

I heard a story where he partied all night long the night before the superbowl when the raiders played it in New Orleans. Wasn’t his best game, but he did well enough


[deleted] t1_j28acfv wrote

He also posed almost-nude in Playgirl magazine, IIRC.


patmax17 t1_j28cu3h wrote

Lol, what a man. What does "ODing" mean? Oh, maybe overdosing?


chronicwisdom t1_j28hfcf wrote

The Tooze played Sloth?!?! Aside from HOFers, I've always thought of Tooze as one of the players that epitomized the AL Davis era, "Just Win Baby" and don't worry what anyone outside the org. thinks of you. I remember reading an article about how hard he partied before the SB XV 20 years ago...legend.


Interrogatingthecat t1_j28hwvm wrote

I mean, a restraining order is... A bit of a twist from the other fairly positive stuff.


KajePihlaja t1_j28o4pc wrote

I know everyone in here is hyped on The Goonies, but Caveman was such a fun & goofy watch. That was one of my childhood favorites.


FredVIII-DFH t1_j28o9wq wrote

His first appearance on film was in one of my favorite movies: North Dallas Forty.


Dirtface30 t1_j28pter wrote

I constantly do the "Hey MIKEY GOTTA GO BATHROOM" bit, as well as "ITS WET AINT IT" and nobody seems to ever know what I'm talking about.


Remorseful_User t1_j28sx6z wrote

Ummmm. Matuszak was very, VERY famous as an NFL player. What are goonies?


BuccaneerRex t1_j28u5uq wrote

He was also a really nice guy. I met him when I was like 7. He said the 'Hey you guys' line.


AwayAd9297 t1_j28vkm7 wrote

Sounds like an asshole to me


Alwayssunnyinarizona t1_j28zatd wrote

With 2 brothers dying of cystic fibrosis, it's very likely he was affected (or a carrier) as well. I had friends growing up - dad died of CF at 40, first friend at 28, second at 35, a couple years after a lung transplant.

They all new it was coming.


CletusVanDamnit t1_j294snn wrote

Probably would have been great at javelin and hammer-throw, too.


mcjackass t1_j2952is wrote

Super Bowl 15. I was a 7 yr old Eagles superfan. The Raiders were a wild card team, that barely made the playoffs. The Eagles had the best record in football. All of the Raiders were down on Bourbon Street getting wrecked the night before the game. I remember they said that they had to pick dudes up off the street and hustle them to the Superdome by gametime. Meanwhile, the squeaky clean Eagles, with their religious christian coach Dick Vermeil, had a strict lights out at 9 and no leaving the hotel. Raiders blew the doors off the birds that day. I wept.


jim45804 t1_j2972mi wrote

CPR, huh? Too many Baby Ruths.


fourfourzero t1_j29bhhm wrote

I grew up in that era and I legit had no idea this was the Goonies guy.


fourfourzero t1_j29bsmp wrote

Nothing better than 70's NFL. I can't believe there hasn't been a movie or at least a docu series about the lifestyles etc. It wasn't even a bad look till Lawrence Taylor took it to the N'th degree.


PasghettiSquash OP t1_j29dci1 wrote

So while he was playing in the NFL for the Oilers early in his career, I guess he was upset with management, so to get back at them he signed a contract with the World Football League to play with the Houston Texans. After 7 plays, Houston sheriffs walked on to the field to give him the restraining order to prevent him from playing for 2 professional teams. Also I’d say there’s plenty of negative stuff mixed in there too.


rbhindepmo t1_j29f0v1 wrote

It’s possible he could have taken the Mickey Mantle approach to life of thinking he was gonna die young of something.

Mickey Mantle’s father and various male relatives died young from Hodgkin’s, and Mickey thought that’d happen to him too. Those family members worked in lead/zinc mining which could have a tie to Hodgkin’s and Mickey made it to 63 before dying from liver cancer after a lifetime of drinking a lot.


rbhindepmo t1_j29fhso wrote

I don’t think they could get Braun Strowman’s hair or acting skills right for that kind of role. Hair-wise Matsuzak sorta looked like a giant bearded John Belushi.


ZhouDa t1_j29hfqz wrote

Eh, as someone who doesn't watch football only a handful of names of football players have seeped into my awareness, and this is the first I've heard of Matuszak. Goonies on the other hand is likely in the top ten most well known 80's movies.


zael99 t1_j29hlwr wrote

Good. I still have a few years to achieve all of that. Can't be that hard to get in the NFL in your 30s after never being athletic right?


farrenkm t1_j29ibrm wrote

Oh shit. I never saw The Goonies, but I knew him as Corporal Elmo Hitalski in M*A*S*H. He was passed over for a promotion to Sergeant by Major Winchester (among others). They end up giving him faked papers and a "transfer". Newly-minted Sergeant Maxwell Klinger calls the MPs and reports Corporal Hitalski as being AWOL, impersonating a sergeant, and going to try to grab a transport out of Kimpo Air Base.

Winchester: "He's a rather large gentleman, possessing a fist the approximate site of Ohio. He has assured me that, should he not be promoted, he will pound me into the ground like a croquet stake." -- Promotion Commotion


Double_Distribution8 t1_j29ilau wrote

I thought that was really Sloth's face in the Goonies. Like, I thought they hired a real life deformed person for the role. Like that deformed kid in the Mask movie.


o_4_petesake t1_j29l8df wrote

I don’t know why I needed this, and I don’t know how it will help me, but I did, and it will. Thank you.


Pluto_Rising t1_j29m92g wrote

Fwiw, Mickey's dad, Mutt, worked in the Picher, Ok. lead mines, which produced something like 40% of all the lead the U.S. used in WWII....the entire town has since been evacuated and is a superfund site. Was on 60 Minutes.


DaisyDuckens t1_j2a0a1d wrote

I grew up in the Oakland area in the 1970s. Like some of the players attended the same church I attended (players didn’t make the big big money back then either. My dad went to real estate school with an ex-Raider as well). The Tooz was really kind and gentle towards me when I met him. He was enormous, but I wasn’t afraid of him because he was very sweet towards me. I only met him the one time.


Holinyx t1_j2a0c8h wrote

The Tooz. He was a legend. Sometimes I confuse him with Lyle Alzado, another Raider who lived fast and died young, but he died of Cancer.


gwaydms t1_j2a0ry7 wrote

After he retired Alzado admitted using steroids and said they caused his cancer. Idk if they actually did or not but he was one of the first NFL players I remember who admitted using them.


DavoTB t1_j2a70pz wrote

The title actually inverts the matters for which John Matuszak was “best known.” The factoid of him playing “Sloth” in “The Goonies” is a “lesser-known” fact.


jumpofffromhere t1_j2b3saj wrote

"candy gram for Mongo...candy gram for Mongo"

"Mongo only pawn, in game of life"


TheDeadManWalks t1_j2b43oe wrote

Additional fun fact, pro wrestling fans. While at college, he once got the absolute shit beaten out of him by future wrestler and attempted murderer "Dirty" Dick Slater in a bar fight.


KeithGribblesheimer t1_j2bcuam wrote

He got to make zug-zug with Catherine Bach, so all in all, a good life.


hatersaurusrex t1_j2bekpy wrote

So many players on that team were basically prison football movie caricatures - Ted Hendricks, Lester Hayes, Lyle Alzado, and of course Kenny "The Snake" Stabler leading the charge while ripping a Winston on the sidelines and tossing around his glorious mullet before heading back out to punch the Steelers in their collective dick.


Careless-Tumbleweed6 t1_j2c8k9e wrote

The Goonies story is wild:

Ke Huy Kuan saw a massive comeback with Everything, Everywhere, All at Once.

Jeff Cohen, who played Chunk was able to get into law school, and Richard Donner (director) helped him pay for it. He works as an entertainment lawyer, including his friend and client, Ke Huy Kwan.

Brandon was played by Josh Brolin who's doing amazing work.

Sean Astin has had an awesome career, including The Lord of the Rings, and Stranger Things.

Kerri Green want on to film roles and eventually production.

Martha Plimpton went on to a super acclaimed career, particularly in TV.

Anyway, this just came about because I watched everything, everywhere the other day, and looking him up lead me to the others.