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thewickerstan OP t1_j1ba79b wrote

I'd throw Washington Irving in there too.

>One of Irving's most lasting contributions to American culture is in the way that Americans celebrate Christmas. In his 1812 revisions to A History of New York, he inserted a dream sequence featuring St. Nicholas soaring over treetops in a flying wagon, an invention which others dressed up as Santa Claus. In his five Christmas stories in The Sketch Book, Irving portrayed an idealized celebration of old-fashioned Christmas customs at a quaint English manor which depicted English Christmas festivities that he experienced while staying in England, which had largely been abandoned.

I think it was the book on customs that had such a huge impact on Dickens.


Cold_Situation_7803 t1_j1bjibd wrote

Yes, the Headless Sleigh-man is a classic.


ADiestlTrain t1_j1bw8s8 wrote

Oh, someone is definitely writing that screenplay as we speak.


RandoCalrissian11 t1_j1d4obz wrote

Unfortunately Hollywood doesn’t currently have the talent or foresight for that.

They will be able to do a sleepy hollow reboot though. It will suck. Or a sequel, which will also suck.