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chadslc t1_j1bbcch wrote

Coca-Cola took red & white Santa and added the finer details to make theirs the predominant depiction of Santa.


BrokenEye3 t1_j1bchwu wrote

Not really. His personal appearance was already completely described by Clark Clement Moore in A Visit from St. Nicholas in 1823, a little over 60 years before the Coca-Cola company was even founded, and the Santa Suit had already been developed to to the appoint of having its iconic present day appearance in 1862, 40 years prior to Haddon Sundblom's 1931 Coca Cola campaign. The Coca-Cola company have even gone on record saying they were only copying the look of Thomas Nast's Santa illustrations for Harper's. Only the art itself is original.


snow_michael t1_j1bhajm wrote

And the red cloak, wandering around at midwinter, giving gifts to the good?



BrokenEye3 t1_j1bqki4 wrote

Since when does Odin wear red?


mtreef2 t1_j1ck5mm wrote

He doesn't. That's the blood from his enemies.


snow_michael t1_j1feixw wrote

After gaining the knowledge of runes from hanging on Yggdrasil, he came down to find his blood has soaked his cloak red, so that is what he wore thereafter


chadslc t1_j1bd833 wrote

That has nothing to do with what I said.


BrokenEye3 t1_j1bdnfw wrote

It has everything to do with what you said. Coca-Cola's version of Santa is not and cannot be the predominant version of Santa because they don't have their own version of Santa and never had.


chadslc t1_j1bgho9 wrote

Sit down and read it again.
