wegqg t1_j21a51k wrote
Lol wait till you hear about the little mermaid.
Muzzy637 t1_j21ld8v wrote
Sleeping beauty. The prince raped her.
Klin24 t1_j229pzy wrote
Cinderella, stepmother cuts the big toe off of one the step sisters feet to get the slipper to fit.
schleppylundo t1_j22azos wrote
That’s technically a later development added by the Grimms to make it more appealing to the violence-hungry children of the time. Disney’s movie in fact draws from an older version, though they also added plenty to make it more appealing to that generation of children.
ypsm t1_j22lgzb wrote
Bambi: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/01/24/bambi-is-even-bleaker-than-you-thought
Hunchback of Notre Dame
Etc. I sometimes tell my friends that if Disney ever made Romeo & Juliet, they’d make the title characters live happily ever after.
Matter_Infinite t1_j244vqd wrote
>I sometimes tell my friends that if Disney ever made Romeo & Juliet, they’d make the title characters live happily ever after.
Not sure if you're setting people up to explain this, but
they did: The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride was based on R&J to keep with the Shakespeare theme since Lion King 1 was based on Hamlet.
ypsm t1_j24hpon wrote
No, I honestly didn’t know that, so thanks for the explanation! (I haven’t watched the straight-to-video sequels, though I hear Lion King 2 is pretty good.)
Matter_Infinite t1_j296u5c wrote
You should keep telling that to your friends. If they disagree, you can clobber them with truth (hopefully in front of other good friends).
original_ninjapigeon t1_j25eprw wrote
Man, just to add to the tragic childhood stories- how many of you know the original Peter Pan where Tinkerbell actually dies? there's a scene where they expected the audience to applaud to help her resurrect. Applaud. Tinker bell's. Death.
and some kids shows are considered harsh these days?
WeirdLadyAlert t1_j26kx0m wrote
Ooohhhhhhh!!! I see it now!
And The Lion King 2 is so good. When Kovu gets banished and they start singing "deception, disgrace..." it hits me right in the feels.
Matter_Infinite t1_j297s6w wrote
Every Disney movie since Little Mermaid or Beauty and the Beast has at least one song that gets me. I haven't seen any Disney movies older than those two.
WeirdLadyAlert t1_j29sjm5 wrote
I feel that. They just don't hit the same anymore.
KagomeChan t1_j2846uu wrote
That was what came to my mind.
I do love that movie, though… Soundtrack is dope.
beardedblorgon t1_j2467k8 wrote
Id would probably be a lot like Gnomeo an Julliet
Arthamel t1_j237ezl wrote
After cinderella is queen, she kills stepsisters, makes soup out of them and gives it to stepmother. She notices only after eating it whole and seeing bones at bottom of cauldron.
Obvious-Inflation-77 t1_j244a02 wrote
Was the evil stepmother's name Scott Tenorman?
Matter_Infinite t1_j244z0a wrote
Yeah. Now I'm wondering if that inspired the South Park writers.
stryker006 t1_j24bjva wrote
Hahaha. I made you eat your parents.
greenknight884 t1_j22udx3 wrote
Zootopia, the bunny gets pregnant and then has an abortion
jesuswig t1_j232fx9 wrote
Wait, what?
ItRequiresPatience t1_j23inw4 wrote
I haven't read the comic though, what's your thoughts on it?
KagomeChan t1_j2849ez wrote
Whatchu talkin’’bout?
95DarkFireII t1_j23q2ax wrote
That is still the original version told to children in Germany.
First sister cuts of a toe, second sister cuts of her heel.
Both are found out because the shoe starts leaking blood.
palparepa t1_j261nix wrote
I've read one version like this, in which the dumb prince only realizes when a bird tells him so.
supagirl277 t1_j2355on wrote
Cuts heel off of other stepsister too
GoldenGlassBall t1_j240nxc wrote
The toe from one, the heel from the other.
supagirl277 t1_j2354rt wrote
Also gave birth to twins in the wild once she finally woke up again
EmperorG t1_j23ayht wrote
Correction, it was the babies being born and sucking the prick out of her finger (cause they were looking for a teat to suck on) that revived her. Imagine passing out at a loom one day and then waking up in the middle of nowhere covered in blood (from the birth) and freshly birthed babies crawling all over you. Poor girl got a raw deal.
regenerated-hymen t1_j23nhs0 wrote
yeah she was rawed alright
supagirl277 t1_j259s6w wrote
Yeah they sucked out a piece of flax apparently? I mean to say that she had given birth while asleep and woke up to twins
ComprehensiveYam2429 t1_j242j6z wrote
fotorobot t1_j22b2ix wrote
Which is a overly-happy ending because she gains a human soul. It spends like a sentence about her turning to foam, and the whole last paragraph about what she gained from her decision.
wegqg t1_j22jzv2 wrote
Dude she dies, the foam part is just there to help you with the trauma.
fotorobot t1_j23q6l6 wrote
I get the feeling that most redditors only know the synopsis, without having read the actual story. Yes, technically she does die, but tone of what happens in a story is just as important as the actual details. And the tone of the last part is anything but traumatic.
> The sun rose above the waves, and his warm rays fell on the cold foam of the little mermaid, who did not feel as if she were dying. She saw the bright sun, and all around her floated hundreds of transparent beautiful beings; she could see through them the white sails of the ship, and the red clouds in the sky; their speech was melodious, but too ethereal to be heard by mortal ears, as they were also unseen by mortal eyes. The little mermaid perceived that she had a body like theirs, and that she continued to rise higher and higher out of the foam. “Where am I?” asked she, and her voice sounded ethereal, as the voice of those who were with her; no earthly music could imitate it. “Among the daughters of the air,” answered one of them. “A mermaid has not an immortal soul, nor can she obtain one unless she wins the love of a human being.
And then like 3 more paragraphs about them getting an immortal soul.
wegqg t1_j23tgrt wrote
She dies, what is there to misunderstand, it's not a happy ending dude it's just that she gets to die in the same way that humans die. IF you actually read it as a child then the ending is, unless you're deeply religious, extremely sad.
fotorobot t1_j23zn2y wrote
It's a little sad, but not "extremely sad"- and then gets spun to sound happy again. It's a children's book that many children still read. I am not deeply religious, but you don't need to be religious to believe in fictional existence of souls in a fictional world.
justpayin t1_j21am3m wrote
Not the little mermaid!!
BrokenEye3 t1_j229620 wrote
Yup. The Sea Witch grusomely cuts the Little Mermaid's tail in half to give her "legs", but the Prince (there are few, if any named characters in the original) falls for someone else so she decides to murder him, but she can't go through with and commits suicide instead, and the narrator decides this would be the perfect time to remind us that dead mermaids can't go to Heaven because they're abominations and have no souls.
justpayin t1_j22ausp wrote
Omg no
BrokenEye3 t1_j22bilr wrote
Later editions have her somehow transforming into an air sprite instead of dying so that she can earn a soul through good deeds (people complained)
FartOfGenius t1_j22cktu wrote
Which is the earlier edition you're referring to? Andersen's version already has her gaining a soul, I'd like to see earlier versions of the tale
foul_dwimmerlaik t1_j22dbrk wrote
If you look at the handwritten drafts, it’s very clear that the part about her becoming a spirit of the air who can earn a soul was tacked on at the last minute.
BrokenEye3 t1_j23gqos wrote
Hans was going through some shit
wegqg t1_j234tto wrote
Yeah another guy fell for it hook line and sinker, guess he will need therapy now
laps1809 t1_j21boz3 wrote
Or Cinderella
saliczar t1_j21tmmk wrote
Disney®️ ruins everything.
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