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mullman911 t1_j1m1dpg wrote

I've owned several dogs in my lifetime and never noticed this. Why ya'll sniffing doggie toes?


thecstep t1_j1m2jlc wrote

Did you even cuddle your dogs then? That or your sense of smell may be bad.


KimmelToe t1_j1m4xu2 wrote

dogs under the covers are working overtime at the frito factory.


Erellin t1_j1n1pw2 wrote

Every morning I ask my dog how his shift in the Fritos mines was. Sometimes he tells me he had to work overtime. Sometimes it’s a short shift. Depends on how strong the Fritos smell is


Gremnoir t1_j1mp78d wrote

Sometimes just being close to my pup I can smell his paws, especially if he’s been napping or is warm and toasty. But maybe his paws just have a stronger scent? Smells like popcorn almost.


LADYBIRD_HILL t1_j1nnhx2 wrote

Because my dog insists on standing on me when I'm laying down.


aralanya t1_j201vq5 wrote

Because my dog shoved his paws against me with as much force as he can muster when I rub his tummy. Often against my arm, sometimes against my chest, sometimes right in my face. Once or twice right on the nose. I often won’t move him right away because I think it’s funny, but the paw to the nose has to get moved because of the Fritos.


SAMUEL_LEROY_JACKSON t1_j1mtxub wrote

White people sleep with dogs in the bed


LADYBIRD_HILL t1_j1nngkq wrote

Good luck getting my dog to leave me alone for 8 hours straight. It's not about race.