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YourWiseOldFriend t1_j0pzv7f wrote

As an artist there is no greater win than to be arrested just for speaking out.

George Carlin was a giant of a man.


JimC29 t1_j0qr3cd wrote

Or it can send you to an early grave as it did to Lenny Bruce


mcampo84 t1_j0rqx9y wrote

Pretty sure that was the drug use


JimC29 t1_j0rtofo wrote

The arrest is what sent him down that spiral though


Likesdirt t1_j0rn85h wrote

When a record of the bit was broadcast on the radio, complaints were made, the FCC involved, and eventually those naughty words became the standard in the US. Arrested and made enough of a statement to be a little part of history.


YourWiseOldFriend t1_j0vame2 wrote

To be fair, back in the 70s the 'Streisand Effect' was still an unknown phenomenon.


throwawayforj0b t1_j0rimd5 wrote

I'm glad I got to see him live while I was in college. I literally joined a student org and ushered the show to get tickets.


Kronos_001 t1_j0tjrkw wrote

I so wish people in my country understood even an ounce of that statement.


HPmoni t1_j0vcgi6 wrote

He was quite short, actually.