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heisdeadjim_au t1_j0aptmk wrote

Well, that was an expression. I'm not particularly fond of the man, by the way. I just don't comprehend how someone with money can be so dumb.

If I had that money I'd be travelling the world experiencing things.


opiate_lifer t1_j0aqbqq wrote

This is Donald Trump:

Can you even believe this is the same guy?! I suspect Trump as we know him is an act, like Boris Johnson he plays a buffoon thinking it appeals to the common man.

I suspect the real Trump who casually uses the word abeyance in conversation and almost certainly has a refined palate would put off his base lol


InappropriateTA t1_j0atqpt wrote

I don’t think so. He still has a limited vocabulary, ‘dodges’ a very pointed question (avoids details, gives pretty much a canned response), and uses the idiom “holding in abeyance” improperly.

I would guess that he had it on his word of the day calendar, or it’s a term that he’s heard but doesn’t really know how to apply it.


opiate_lifer t1_j0au6c3 wrote

Compared to "bigly" era Trump using a word albeit incorrectly gets points from me.


whiffitgood t1_j0ayo0k wrote

Most people aren't as sharp as they were 10+ years prior