crixx93 t1_j1svf0m wrote
I think great great grand parents are removed enough to not be considered incest. I think you are even safe with second cousins
Hattix t1_j1tsye0 wrote
You work out how much of your genome would be identical to the relation to calculate the Relationship Coefficient. As the relative is direct-line, then it's simply how much of your genome is contributed by that ancestor and this simplifies much of the math.
It'd be 6.25% for a great great grandparent.
In terms of centiMorgans, it'd be around 200. Full first cousins share the same as great grandparents (around 850 cM), first cousins once removed would be the same as great great grandparents.
To avoid inbreeding related malady, you usually want shared DNA to be below 10%, ideally below 5%.
tetoffens t1_j1txyy4 wrote
As in that it won''t lead to genetic defects? Yes. As in far enough to remove the gross factor? I'd say no.
Vordeo t1_j1tzutt wrote
So you're saying that if I ever got a time machine, going back in time and banging my great great grandma would be cool, right?
snow_michael t1_j1unghv wrote
I think the level of 'cool' might depend upon her level of 'hot'
spasske t1_j1uh7og wrote
The 60s Elvis movie Kissin Cousins title song included the lyric:
“But we're kissin' cousins 'n that's what makes it all right”
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