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crixx93 t1_j1svf0m wrote

I think great great grand parents are removed enough to not be considered incest. I think you are even safe with second cousins


T3canolis t1_j1swy24 wrote

I get why the screenwriter would think that’s a fun little joke, but I also agree with the critics that it does not belong in an otherwise light and breezy fantasy rom-com. Like, even if it isn’t incest in the legal sense, I don’t know if that sort of thing is what you want your audience contemplating.


Ninjas4cool t1_j1t070f wrote

If it’s good enough for Futurama it’s good enough for me


Destination_Centauri t1_j1t4niu wrote

Rule#1 of Time Travel:

NEVER EVER sleep with anyone! NEVER! Might end up being your great-grandmother, or some direct ancestor?


dishonourableaccount t1_j1t4tue wrote

Funnily enough Stuart was portrayed by Liev Schreiber and Leopold by Hugh Jackman. The two would later portray the siblings Sabertooth and Wolverine.


frogandbanjo t1_j1t73bp wrote


I distinctly remember seeing the movie on some basic cable channel, and it was right out there in the text. It wasn't a subtle reference. She was absolutely his distant relative. He realizes it and gives some aw-shucks speech about the nature of the cosmos and time.


Mangledpork t1_j1tkm9k wrote

As a perfect extra factoid from checking the Wikipedia page, I love that one of the scenes cut for the change was "A cameo by director James Mangold where he plays a director whose film is being changed to meet the demands of a test screening."


Hattix t1_j1tsye0 wrote

You work out how much of your genome would be identical to the relation to calculate the Relationship Coefficient. As the relative is direct-line, then it's simply how much of your genome is contributed by that ancestor and this simplifies much of the math.

It'd be 6.25% for a great great grandparent.

In terms of centiMorgans, it'd be around 200. Full first cousins share the same as great grandparents (around 850 cM), first cousins once removed would be the same as great great grandparents.

To avoid inbreeding related malady, you usually want shared DNA to be below 10%, ideally below 5%.


doct3r_l3xus t1_j1u8mpa wrote

Well, if you go back in time on the same timeline your present is on, you would not be able to avoid or force something like that.

Because everything that lead to your existence in the future can't be changed by you in the past. Otherwise, you would not exist and therefore would not be able to travel back in time and change something.