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Boo_Owl t1_j29d51c wrote

That was a interesting read even though I've never heard the phrase before. Thanks for sharing!


Zombo2000 t1_j29gjeb wrote

I've often used "SFA" as a reply to the question "what are you up to?". I don't think I'll be doing that anymore.


Unlucky_Fee3970 t1_j29nbuj wrote

Thanks for the edification. I've said that a few times in my life, and never would have guessed.

It seems like this may have morphed into:What are you up to?

"F**** all"


PiemarchGeneseed513 t1_j2a01s4 wrote

I've heard ( and used) the..ahem...later version, but never knew the origin. Also the title of a song by glam band the Sweet.


Gladiutterous t1_j2a4xjj wrote

Today I did learn. My grandmother (born 1903) used to say sweet Fanny Adams when appropriate.


lost_girl_2019 t1_j2bi264 wrote

Is anyone else bothered by her father playing cricket while townspeople were out looking for his missing daughter??


Guckalienblue t1_j2bzgtn wrote

I really hope her family never heard this phrase. Poor thing.


Verticalarchaeology t1_j2c72u7 wrote

On the Who Live at Leeds album Roger Daltrey adds “sweet f**k all” to the end of Youngman Blues. Great song.


GALACTAWIT t1_j2cct3g wrote

Sol: No, it's a moissanite. Bad Boy Lincoln: A what-in-ite? Sol: A moissanite is an artificial diamond, Lincoln. It's Mickey Mouse, mate. Spurious. Not genuine. And it's worth... fuck-all. -Snatch

That's where I heard it.


butterscotchhop t1_j2cpr90 wrote

Jesus Christ on a bicycle this is awful. On a side note, this revelation is not helping me be less of a helicopter parent.


L_knight316 t1_j2d2adx wrote

Pretty sure it was implied he didn't know up until he was specifically summoned. I doubt a man who's first instinct is to grab his shotgun and kill the man responsible would wave off his daughters kidnapping and murder for cricket if he'd known


Radiobandit t1_j2dzner wrote

>In 1869, tinned mutton was introduced as rations in the British Navy. Far from being a tasty cut of meat, sailors complained their food was so awful they suspected it was the dismembered body of Fanny Adams. Soon the grotesque joke had spread so far that tinned mutton was referred to as a tin of Fanny Adams.

>To this day British sailors are served their rations in what is nicknamed a 'Fanny'. As often happens with language the slang phrase 'Sweet Fanny Adams' soon filtered into wider society where it became a euphemism for anything not worth having or 'nothing'.

Sweet Fanny Adams > Sweet Fuck All

For anyone who is as lazy as me and didn't want to scour the article for the reasoning.