phatspatt t1_j6hjpwv wrote
also i suppose with the plague raging, they could find better digs than a wobbly earthquake-d structure
fell-deeds-awake t1_j6hrzuk wrote
And here I am, thinking what Arsenal did with Highbury was cool...
oldmancornelious t1_j6hy2og wrote
That is longer than the US has been a nation. As an American I find that telling.
tnicholson t1_j6i0rv4 wrote
As an American, please stop bringing up the US when it’s completely irrelevant. Especially if you’re going to tack on some nebulous pseudo-intellectual commentary.
ConqueredCorn t1_j6i4035 wrote
geologyrocks98 t1_j6i598m wrote
You sound like the kind of person who uses words like "earthy" and "tannic" to describe the aroma of your own farts.
PG-DaMan t1_j6i6y3u wrote
Its honestly amazing how much of it was also disassembled to use for other things.
Full_Temperature_920 t1_j6i7cmg wrote
It's only natural to interpret new info in the context of what you already know. Everytime I learn something about another country I think about it compares to Jamaica. Why can't your compatriot do the same with your country?
You really hate your country that much that you can't stand to even see it mentioned in online forums huh?
Old_Week t1_j6i96rb wrote
Telling about what lmao
ralleee t1_j6i97s3 wrote
9/10 troll
omar1993 t1_j6iaija wrote
What the fuck does America have to do with this at all?
omar1993 t1_j6ianrm wrote
and you're clearly obsessed with your country if you think it makes sense to bring it up when it's utterly irrelevant. You really hate being on topic, huh?
nim_opet t1_j6iczs7 wrote
Came here to say this. I love stopping by just to admire that people are still living there
cookiemonster247 t1_j6idljo wrote
America has been a country for 85 years longer than Italy. Not sure what that has to do with anything though.
1895red t1_j6ihs2f wrote
CE, not AD. It's very important.
amicouligano t1_j6ijtib wrote
It's not
1895red t1_j6ikst4 wrote
Letting one religion speak for the entire world's history is pretty gross, my dude.
epicpantsryummy t1_j6im561 wrote
It's the same fucking number, lol.
dishonourableaccount t1_j6inc8w wrote
If people actually gave a fuck, they'd come up with some new calendar like the French Republican Calendar or in the Year of Our Ford. Instead people lazily renamed it in fear of people getting triggered.
Also, isn't it even more religious to imply the "Common Era" started with the start of the Christian calendar. Didn't think of that, huh?
1895red t1_j6ino3j wrote
Do you think this is some kind of Twitter-esque 'gotcha?'
1895red t1_j6ioka6 wrote
Woosh! Reading and reading comprehension are two separate skills.
DannyFuckingCarey t1_j6iot0b wrote
CE is still christian-centric you just changed the name, it doesn't matter
chbailey442013 t1_j6iu535 wrote
Would be even cooler if the apartments were haunted by the ghosts of gladiators. I would totally watch a movie about that.
_SkateFastEatAss_ t1_j6ix4b7 wrote
At least they don't bring up farts in a conversation as an 11 year old would do
GeorgeSantosBurner t1_j6ixcf7 wrote
Do you think being pedantic to a bunch of redditors that likely agree with you on religion but are better at choosing fights than AD vs CE is a productive use of your time?
[deleted] t1_j6ixxn6 wrote
1895red t1_j6iy9lq wrote
The pedantism began when them; they get what they give.
ReturnOfCE t1_j6j0rym wrote
At the risk of getting downvoted, I agree with you. It’s an imperfect change sure, but it’s a very simple courtesy to others.
Can’t believe the amount of anger/seethe your comment generated lol
1895red t1_j6j0yqa wrote
Right? That's all I'm saying; I appreciate your understanding. I seriously don't understand why people are so damn angry about it.
geologyrocks98 t1_j6j14e1 wrote
What would I do without your pearl clutching, u/_SkateFastEatAss_? You truly are a beacon of maturity. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways.
jav402 t1_j6j18eb wrote
Imagine looking out your window to a bunch of tourists every morning
_SkateFastEatAss_ t1_j6j2ris wrote
The amount you overreact means you're either a troll or a manchild.
Either way, I hope you feel better soon.
itsmylameusername t1_j6j4lew wrote
That’s anywhere in Rome
onometre t1_j6j9chw wrote
It's telling about how this was longer than the US has been a nation, obviously
onometre t1_j6j9tjk wrote
People 1000 years ago: wow this building is so old it borders on mythic. Let's live in it and take parts to make new buildings
People now: this gas station opened 6 months ago and is now a historic monument that can never be changed again
IntoAComa t1_j6jclye wrote
A solid r/im14andthisisdeep entry here.
rxFMS t1_j6jezn9 wrote
i like the idea of a 13 months 28 days per month and jan 1st each year is an uncounted bonus day. that way the date falls on the same day of the week every year. but i dont really "give a fuck"
realjefftaylor t1_j6jfri5 wrote
Sucks if you have like a Wednesday birthday though.
hibernatepaths t1_j6jftwf wrote
Thursday is Thors Day. Should we change that?
rxFMS t1_j6jhfee wrote
Ya I guess so. But can you imagine the uproar from teachers and govt employees having to take a holiday on a Wednesday and not get a three day weekend with every holiday.
dishonourableaccount t1_j6jhrfe wrote
I really dislike that idea because it ignores the point of weekdays. The goal is 7 days that are on loop, forever. You can go back 7n days for any integer and know that that day was a Monday, just like today is. Really any modified calendar should be independent of the concept of weekdays, and adding an arbitrary non Mon-Sun day defeats the purpose.
ItsGermany t1_j6jhycg wrote
Imagine the arguments! "My family has lived here for 400 years!!!!" But it was just some Interim phase for the building..... Amazing, and makes those flag waving Trump Nazis look like a bunch of whiney little snitches, oh wait, they are....
boblinquist t1_j6jhzdr wrote
It’s a bit pedantic to correct others over such trivial matters. We all understand what that means, they both mean exactly the same. Also, stating it’s very important, is not really correct. It might be to you, so go forth and be a good example in the world, but you can’t force anyone else to treat things you deem to be important as also important. It comes across a bit condescending
epicpantsryummy t1_j6jih6z wrote
Writing and common sense are also two separate skills, evidently.
rxFMS t1_j6jjkub wrote
Wouldn’t 4 weeks per month contain 20 week days and 8 week end days?
Maybe_its_her_fur t1_j6jjo8u wrote
That's actually pretty wild, TIL.
TaliesinMerlin t1_j6jl815 wrote
Some say that they hung banners on the coliseum like, "We ain't lion, we have the best rates" and "Gladiator? Be gladtolivehere!"
dishonourableaccount t1_j6jn4gf wrote
> jan 1st each year is an uncounted bonus day
This is the problem. There will be drift across years.
Ignore months for a bit. The length of a day is not a perfect multiple of a year.. of course, they're independent phenomena. The fact that a year is approximately 365.24 days means we can roughly correlate them with 3 365 day years and 1 366 day year, with the next exception happening in 2100.
But, even ignoring religious significance, so much regarding employment, planning, and pop culture relies on every 7th day resetting the cycle. There's no reason to construct a "new" calendar that messes up that pattern. If there was to be an alternate calendar, it should just tick upwards independently of the concept of weeks or months. Something like today is "Day 8431" of the 3rd millenium. And use kilodays, hectodays, and decadays. Weird, but so is every other alternate calendar concept. At least this one would make time keeping off-Earth simple.
rxFMS t1_j6jnqau wrote
I appreciate the response.
Nyghtshayde t1_j6jsr6t wrote
My first trip to Rome I stayed at an Airbnb a bit away from the main attractions. Being a tourist in that part of town was a bit of a novelty - the locals were genuinely (mildly) surprised. It was nice to be away from the bustle of those main areas too.
ghost650 t1_j6jtc4a wrote
This sounds lovely.
RobinsShaman t1_j6jujou wrote
Oh no. Now modern developers want to submit an application to do this today. LUXURY Apts coming soon. And let's paint it green.
Nyghtshayde t1_j6jxonw wrote
It was! The Airbnb owners were a young engaged couple, I was their second guest ever. I had a birthday while I was there and they made me a cake. It was a really special trip and even though I was a bit disappointed at first to be so far from all the sights it kind of made it a bit special.
monchota t1_j6jym6e wrote
I was there in 03 for a HS trip, it was a different time. It was wild to stay in waht was concidered hotels.
WhatAYolk t1_j6jyvrk wrote
onometre t1_j6jz75q wrote
Nimbys suck
BigSwedenMan t1_j6k134g wrote
It's because nobody cares and it's totally meaningless. It's the exact same date, why expend energy on this fight?
AidenStoat t1_j6k1e9x wrote
Germany didn't unify until 1866
Lelabear t1_j6k3aga wrote
Guess that was after they filled the coliseum with water and
Navy_Canuck t1_j6k3qo0 wrote
Went to Rome a few years back. We walked away from the tourist areas and really enjoyed it. Much quieter and no people trying to sell you shit.
GeorgeSantosBurner t1_j6ka0sr wrote
At the very least, the pretentiousness began with you...
1895red t1_j6ka68s wrote
Yeah okay buddy. ITT: upsetero christians knee-jerk into delusion and fallacy
Nyghtshayde t1_j6kck34 wrote
There's also genuine interest in where you're from, at least from some people.
Powersoutdotcom t1_j6ke7dp wrote
Gladiator? The look on his face said otherwise.
Quiverjones t1_j6kehb4 wrote
Was it to house the homeless?
UristMasterRace t1_j6kkfle wrote
So the Colosseum was residential apartments for more than twice as long as the USA has been a country 🤯
Significant_Anteater t1_j6km8z3 wrote
You didn’t go there for English classes, did you?
tmccnt t1_j6kpbgl wrote
I surprised some of my US relatives a while ago by serving them beer from a local brewery about 8 years older than the US. And that is not even rare. Always weird to think how young that country is.
monchota t1_j6kq9u3 wrote
Does bullying make you feel better about your self?
UristMasterRace t1_j6kqnzc wrote
When I was in the UK, a tour guide said: "In the US, 100 years is a long time. In Europe, 100 miles is a long way."
[deleted] t1_j6ku02z wrote
Siglo_de_oro_XVI t1_j6kuvry wrote
Outypoo t1_j6kvefo wrote
Youre arguing with a bunch of likely atheists. As another atheist, I dont give a shit about CE vs AD, it quite literally is NOT important.
ShortWoman t1_j6l4r8n wrote
At least that’s better than “Now pLeasing.”
i4get98 t1_j6l54po wrote
It’s kinda their fault. I mean, every road does take you there.
TaliesinMerlin t1_j6l5i4u wrote
For rendingt
CrestedBonedog t1_j6l6e4u wrote
The naumachia under the Augustus and other early emperors were as far in the past for the people living in 9th century Rome as the Middle Ages are to us today. The last gladiator battles were outlawed in the late 4th century by Theodosius I.
Good for him.
wufnu t1_j6lgqhv wrote
A fresh, naive crowd every morning...
opiate_lifer t1_j6lqynf wrote
Beer doesn't degrade in taste over all that time?
Significant_Anteater t1_j6ltbat wrote
Does it make you?
tmccnt t1_j6m4wwy wrote
Beer yes, brewery no. :)
AdvonKoulthar t1_j6m6f7o wrote
Least insufferable Reddit Athiest^TM
frantafranta t1_j6hfvq5 wrote
Marcellus' theater (older than the colosseum) is still apartments!,12.4803812,3a,75y,222.3h,88.87t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sn7x1SlzYU3f6iwE6auttzQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en