hedgehogsinhats t1_j45og3q wrote
They were truly fortunate sons.
TheGillos t1_j45peq8 wrote
Goes to show how much good music was released those years. I think about half of those 9 should have been #1s though.
[deleted] t1_j45psgm wrote
[deleted] t1_j45q2sv wrote
Robbotlove t1_j45sugk wrote
yooo I know exactly what you mean. my formative years were in the 90s and I hung out at roller rinks all the time. they'd play Britney Spears and Backstreet Boys and all kinds of pop but I was into metal and punk and stuff at that time so I hated it and would roll my eyes. now though? I have entire playlists of 90s pop and I'll sing along when I drive anywhere. my past self would hate me.
[deleted] t1_j45tora wrote
60's and the 70's were the golden years of music.
Solo_is_dead t1_j45tt3d wrote
Golden ears of music.
Hairbear1965 t1_j45z266 wrote
There is a newish CCR documentary on Netflix which is worth watching.
clydefrog811 t1_j45zdhm wrote
How did they have time to tour with 7 studio albums in 4 years? Or did they not tour?
PlayerSalt t1_j45zhkr wrote
How down on the corner was not a #1 single for months i dont know
Also i believe ccr got fucked out of all their money
[deleted] t1_j460uq9 wrote
davadvice t1_j460xi4 wrote
The 60s was an amazing period for music, I'm an 80s kid but I love music from this period and the 70s such great variation and unique (at the time) styles.
To be sitting 60 years from now, I wonder what stuff being produced just now will be on their records players
pharealprince t1_j461l40 wrote
Probably like the rest they just recorded In a van.
HazelFrederick t1_j4628fe wrote
My dad listened to nothing but country so that’s what I listened to. I rolled my eyes at my friends who listened to grunge and hip hop and 90s girl pop. Ten years later that’s all I would listen to.
HazelFrederick t1_j462jns wrote
John Fogerty and producer Saul Zaentz had a terrible but terribly productive relationship.
SatansMoisture t1_j463374 wrote
I will always remember hearing ccr for the first time as a child while watching American Werewolf in London.
[deleted] t1_j463e0n wrote
Curlydeadhead t1_j464h6k wrote
It was reported yesterday that Fogerty got the rights to CCR’s music back after being sued for sounding like himself once CCR broke up. They did get fucked out of a lot of money though that is true.
Ccaves0127 t1_j464yk9 wrote
They also literally destroyed all the bad music. There were a thousand records from shitty bands that were not preserved so it looks better in retrospect
Sudden_Difference500 t1_j4659kh wrote
Not much, certainly not music from the charts. Digitalization of music killed a lot of individuality and character. Everybody uses the same synths and software.
alexmunse t1_j465y0n wrote
The Beatles were only together for 8 years. Time flies
jlc1865 t1_j46628q wrote
Not only that, but the frequency. Seven albums in four years! You'll be lucky to get two now.
DuoMaxwell22333 t1_j4665py wrote
Fogerty V Fogerty is actually a really funny and interesting example of copyright law.
ElJamoquio t1_j4668hn wrote
When I was in high school, I hated that music because it was so terrible.
Now I love it because it is SO terrible.
Joris2627 t1_j466lkr wrote
Tnx for the tip, love everything ccr
TheGillos t1_j466nd1 wrote
Hey! You're saying this Billboard Hot 100 #1 hit isn't better that everything from CCR?
fantasmoofrcc t1_j466nsx wrote
Run for the shadows, run for the shadows
Run for the shadows in these golden years
tkdyo t1_j467au1 wrote
I'm still a metal head, but there are definitely plenty of 90s pop songs I'll listen to just for the nostalgia and fun.
shivermetimbers68 t1_j467gkt wrote
The Albert Hall doc on Netflix is great. They were incredibly tight playing live. Sounded just like the records.
jkmumbles t1_j467i4l wrote
Hey it’s more than a feeling.
tkdyo t1_j467ke4 wrote
That's just insane. You always think of these big bands as being a staple throughout the era.
jdino t1_j468rcg wrote
Buncha liars!
Junkis t1_j468xwq wrote
That feeling when you find out they're not from Alabama or somethin but some kids from the bay area -_-
doesn't affect how much i like their tunes tho
obsertaries t1_j46a3f9 wrote
“The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long, and you have burned so very brightly indeed”
249ba36000029bbe9749 t1_j46aao4 wrote
I'd say there's some survivorship bias going on as well. CCR songs are so well known to us now thanks in part to being so heavily used in 60's-70's era movies and TV shows. Thus, they seem more popular than they were at the time.
CrieDeCoeur t1_j46c4bs wrote
Yeah, but did they ever see Lorraine?
ty_kanye_vcool t1_j46cp8q wrote
For a major band in the 60s, this wasn’t all that uncommon a release schedule. The Beatles were doing two albums a year until they quit touring. Hell, over the same five-year period as CCR, the Supremes recorded fifteen studio albums. They really beat the hell out of successful acts when they could back then.
Frodolicious3 t1_j46cxgb wrote
I remember my dad saying this, and he called them everyone's second favorite band because they never had a #1 hit
Disgruntled_Viking t1_j46e4tk wrote
I picked up their box set after watching that. Gave me a whole different appreciation of a group that I love.
TheMauveHand t1_j46eo3r wrote
Did the Supremes also write all that music, or just record it?
ty_kanye_vcool t1_j46evla wrote
The Motown in-house writers would have written most of it that wasn’t covers.
HomeHeatingTips t1_j46f1vx wrote
Are you aware of any other songs released between 1968-1972? If I recall there were a few good ones. The competition for #1 must have been crazy
oldkale t1_j46fakd wrote
Was there a thing about werewolves in London in pop culture that passed me by? There’s that, and I’m also reminded of that song Werewolves in London.
GrandmaPoses t1_j46fdcs wrote
I mean, they had nine top 10 singles in four years. That's pretty popular.
omganesh t1_j46fh1k wrote
I also grew up listening to them, and there was just with CCR to me. A friend bought tickets to Forgery in the 80s, I went with him, and it still didn't pass a smell test, but I couldn't figure out what or why.
After watching the Netflix doc, everything fell into place and I was finally at peace with my gut instinct. They were fakes. They grew up in well-off families outside of San Francisco, but their songs made us think they were poor bluesmen "Born in the Bayou."
His affected persona shone through in his vocal phrasing and lyrics. I'm not saying I don't still listen to CCR. I'm just saying I couldn't put my finger on that internal nudge I got from them, and then last year I finally fingered it.
ontha-comeup t1_j46fm5q wrote
I got to see John Fogerty play all the CCR hits with Mumford and Sons playing instruments in Florida. He was filling in for a cancellation and they kept it secret until he stated playing. Really, really cool show.
ATribeOfAfricans t1_j46g4bn wrote
Also interesting is that John Fogerty of CCR was born and raised in southern California.... Most people would fairly assume they were from Louisiana considering the content and sound of their music
ATribeOfAfricans t1_j46g6rx wrote
Second this recommendation. Very good doc
SSJRapter t1_j46kxzf wrote
Still a banger
typhoidtimmy t1_j46mxdh wrote
Dude, they never said they were. In fact, they thought it was hilarious people kept attaching this story being a bunch a bayou kids to them when they were out of Central California and the closest swamp to their home was the salt marshes outside San Francisco.
Dutch-Sculptor t1_j46ntaw wrote
So if we now all start listing to it on repeat we can undo thar record?
dickshark420 t1_j46q4kf wrote
Does it start with Fortunate Son?
RetroMetroShow t1_j46q5an wrote
The Fogertys and Clifford all served
RetroMetroShow t1_j46q8uz wrote
She was coming down on a sunny day
GotMoFans t1_j46qugg wrote
Drake also had nine songs where he was the lead artist hit the top ten on the Hot 100 before his first #1.
artipants t1_j46qyt8 wrote
I had no idea this was an actual song. My dad taught it to me and I used to sing it with the neighborhood kids, but never heard an actual recorded version. Super interesting!
SurealGod t1_j46tl1v wrote
For me, my music taste has changed a lot as I've grown.
At this point, I'm confident in saying that I now like most genres of music. I remember liking maybe only a small few when I was a kid or teen.
artipants t1_j46tz1y wrote
Different monsters have been "trendy" during different time periods. It felt like vampires were everywhere for a while such as Interview with the Vampire and other Anne Rice works, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Bram Stoker's Dracula, From Dusk til Dawn, etc. It was on the downswing when Twilight and True Blood hit and faded out pretty quickly after that. Then suddenly it was zombies with The Walking Dead, Warm Bodies, (2004)Dawn of the Dead et al, 28 Days Later, Resident Evil, World War Z, etc. I think Werewolves just had a little moment of popularity in the 80s with American Werewolf in London, The Howling, Teen Wolf, etc. London happened to be in vogue during the same period.
cultural_hegemon t1_j46wfwh wrote
Yes Burton Kanter and Castle Bank and Trust, a Bahamas money laundering bank used by the CIA and the Mafia to launder money from heroin trafficking and pay for the Bay of Pigs Invasion, stole all of CCRs money
Kanter went on to be a money launderer and lawyer for the Pritzker family (Hyatt hotels, current Illinois governor JB Pritzker) before getting convicted of money laundering and tax evasion in the 90s
Individual-Ask5230 t1_j46xqm5 wrote
Huh and here I am thinking I'd been thunderstruck.
Individual-Ask5230 t1_j46y02r wrote
This sounds interesting. Any more depth about this or the CIA shadow banks connected to other popular musical acts?
CaptCW t1_j46z7mg wrote
Arguably the greatest American rock band of all time. No other American rock band had that amount of success ever, and they did it in 4 years.. Not to mention John Fogerty didn't play music for 10 years because the label held him hostage. When he finally started playing music again in the '80s, when most thought of him as an old man, he had three or four major hits. Old man down the road, centerfield, etc. In the late 90s he put out another great album, which I believe won album of the year at the grammys. Not to mention, they are unbelievably popular in europe. And as beloved as they are, I still think they're underrated.
cultural_hegemon t1_j46zjyo wrote
The podcast Subliminal Jihad did a good 6 part series on CCR and Castle Bank, the history there is very interesting. They also have a bunch of other interesting music episodes, including about The Eagles, the Grateful Dead and the Laurel Canton music scene
The main history of Castle Bank can be found in the book Masters of Paradise by Alan Block, though that's more about finance and money laundering than about music
If you're interested in more shady background of the music industry I'd recommend the book Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon by Dave McGowan. Weird Scenes also pairs nicely with CHAOS by Tom O'Neill, which is about Charles Manson, who was a tangential part of that same Laurel Canton music scene
roman_maverik t1_j470stv wrote
It should be noted that cover songs were much more relevant in the 60s. Lots of rock bands, even bands like the Beatles and Stones, covered a lot of blues songs in their early days.
The first CCR album was like 60% cover songs, which really wasn’t unusual for the time.
AmbitiousTour t1_j4713tw wrote
And of those four years, the large majority of their hits were in the first two.
geckochan665 t1_j471scq wrote
There's a bit in one of Stephen King's books about a Vietnam vet who says it kills him when he watches war movies and they're blasting CCR. He said you were much more likely to hear something like the Carpenters if you were actually over there. I asked my one uncle about it that served in it and he said "accurate".
Mattermaker7005and8 t1_j472j2a wrote
Unfortunate one
mastnez t1_j474qgp wrote
Didn't know so I looked it up. Would that be the Travelin band documentary? Shame I can't find it on my Netflix(Europe)
[deleted] t1_j474skz wrote
Knull_Gorr t1_j475miv wrote
That dude probably doesn't listen to Johnny Cash because he was never in Folsom Prison.
Bangingbuttholes t1_j475uf6 wrote
Holy shit, I grew up in the 90s as well.but in Saudi Arabia. Same thing happened to me, those shitty pop songs make me feel happy
Bullmoose39 t1_j475v3v wrote
I was going to say this. They were active for longer than four years, polishing, learning, joining the military and then getting back together. It was just the album years that everyone knows. The doc is pretty good.
groggyMPLS t1_j477hmf wrote
That doc made me aware that John Fogerty absolutely was not your typical Rock n Roll frontman. Sort of a quiet and… strange guy. Insanely talented though. The doc also gave me the impression that he was 80% of the talent in the band, and 99% responsible for their success.
billboard t1_j477nla wrote
Definitely an interesting situation! CCR held the record for the most top 10 hits on the Hot 100 without a No. 1 until 1987, when Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band got their 10th with “Brilliant Disguise.”
Here are the artists with the most top 10 hits on the Hot 100 without a No. 1 (as of this week’s charts dated Jan. 14, 2023):
13, Lil Baby
12, Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band
10, J. Cole
9, Creedence Clearwater Revival
9, Juice WRLD
9, Missy Elliott
8, Brook Benton
(Drake holds the overall record for the most top 10 hits, with 67, followed by Taylor Swift (40) and Madonna (38).)
Many Hot 100 records have changed in recent years because of the adoption of streaming. As streaming has become more prominent in recent years, certain artists have been able to achieve impressive Hot 100 records after releasing high-profile albums (see: Taylor Swift scoring 10 top 10s after releasing ‘Midnights’ or Drake landing nine in the top 10 after releasing ‘Certified Lover Boy’). It’s different than it was in past decades, where acts generally promoted one single at a time in the physical-only marketplace and on radio. That shift in consumption helps explain why artists are able to increase their total number of career entries and top 10s over a short period.
Check out CCR’s Hot 100 history here:
And check out this week’s Hot 100 here:
—Xander Zellner, Billboard Chart Manager
shivermetimbers68 t1_j4783hl wrote
Their last album, where the other members insisted on writing and recording songs, pretty much shows that... John was 99.9999% responsible for their success. :)
I've read where he said he also did a lot of the drum fills on the songs.
Ccaves0127 t1_j4793l2 wrote
If you told me that was one guy doing all the instruments alone at 2PM on a Tuesday, I would have believed you
arcosapphire t1_j479dli wrote
Uh...disagree. 70 years ago everyone used the same instruments because they are all that existed.
Now, everyone can use instruments with properties unique to them. Even unique to one song. There is no limit to variety.
[deleted] t1_j479y76 wrote
HazelFrederick t1_j47a40x wrote
Berry Gordy and Phil Spector would flog the same song over and over and over again until they didn’t think it could be profitable anymore.
red_0ctober t1_j47amu0 wrote
the post I read before this one was the covid "SEX" sign one, which apparently primed my brain because I read this as:
> I picked up their sex bot after watching that. Gave me a whole different appreciation of a group that I love.
omganesh t1_j47brr4 wrote
I'm sure you're right. It's just my personal gut feeling, it doesn't have meaning for anyone but me, probably.
That said, a bunch of white boys from the Bay Area don't get to claim they're not fortunate sons. Just saying.
Exnixon t1_j47dmfl wrote
> It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no fortunate son
> Cleaned a lot of plates in Memphis Pumped a lot of 'pane down in New Orleans But I never saw the good side of the city 'Til I hitched a ride on a river boat queen
> It was down in Louisiana Just about a mile from Texarkana In them old cotton fields back home
Can't imagine why anyone would think they were southern good old boys from modest roots. What idiots!
I'll say this: when their contemporaries like ZZ Top sang songs about Texas whorehouses, or Lynyrd Skynyrd sang about Alabama, those guys weren't making it up.
RichCorinthian t1_j47dnrw wrote
On his comeback album Centerfield he recorded every instrument.
davis53 t1_j47dqwd wrote
Fogerty was from Northern California, he grew up in El Cerrito, Ca. I recall seeing him at a local gas station many times in the 60's.
daveashaw t1_j47e65f wrote
The Holland-Dozier-Holland team at Motown cranked out virtually all of the Supremes' catalog.
daveashaw t1_j47etym wrote
Their recording setup was basic--it just wasn't a lot of studio time for them to bang out enough songs to make an album. Production and post-production were pretty minimal.
Quiverjones t1_j47f9b6 wrote
Some folks are born...
benefit_of_mrkite t1_j47gfbh wrote
Werewolves of London was written by Warren Zevon, a somewhat underrated artist
382Whistles t1_j47ghba wrote
And "Green River" is Wyoming Utah & Colorado. "Lodi" is Cali.
Are you from the bayou? I guess that could make assumptions easy...
I met someone from around Chicago that thought "Lincoln Park" from Bob Seger's "Back In 72" was local to Chicago vs Bob's hometown of Detroit.
I've heard people thinking KISS was from Detroit because of "Detroit Rock City" too.
Somewhere, in city or town near you, as we speak, someone is attributing being a Jackson Mississippi native, to Kid Rock
OldeHickory t1_j47ht2a wrote
Eh fogerty was praised for how authentic he sounded because all he listened to was southern blues. I think you reversed confirmed your suspicions. They aren’t known for being fakes, they are known for successfully playing a mix of southern delta blues and rock and roll, and fogerty’s voice is tailor made for that kind of music.
puckduckmuck t1_j47idzy wrote
Blue Ridge Rangers as well.
evasote t1_j47jfe5 wrote
Ironically the band “Linkin Park” named themselves that because there’s a Lincoln park in every city and they thought everyone in every city would think they were a local band
mtcwby t1_j47kcad wrote
I grew up in the 60s and 70s near where Fogarty grew up. A hell of of lot of kids from the area ended up in Vietnam if they didn't go to college for the deferment. My older best friend was drafted at 18 from the same area and was in Vietnam in 65'. Kid across the street from my wife's house served and came back pretty messed up. The bay area wasn't the tech rich place it is now. Lots of assembly line workers lived there.
mtcwby t1_j47kkqs wrote
The bay area was a blue collar place back then. Fremont was a GM plant town. Lots of assembly line workers and remember the Raiders were all about being blue collar. Don't confuse it with the tech bay area now.
typhoidtimmy t1_j47l0ap wrote
I am not saying the guys was an idiot for believing the Southern origins of CCR or anyone who thought that. I am simply saying the members of CCR enjoyed they were good enough to make people think they were born and bred Southern swamp rockers.
Fogarty himself said something to the effect of Since we were in the middle of the progressive psychedelic rock scene, we thought what would be the complete opposite and started playing stripped down raw rock. It resonated and the lyrics could shape around Southern standards and I liked blues like Howling Wolf and classics like Cole Porter, so I just ran with it.
When we saw how much people loved the idea, we went along because hell, we were selling records. We even named our second album Bayou Country to fuel it.
Heck, if you look at their first big hit Proud Mary, Fogarty wrote that it started as a song about a maid for rich people who basically calmly keeps their lives together by doing her job and going home. Stu Cook suggested making the maid become a person working on a Riverboat.
The point is, they liked good music, wrote good music, played good music. They found a niche and rolled with it and did very well so why fuck with it? And it tickled them they were good enough to make people think completely different origins for them.
ClownfishSoup t1_j47l4om wrote
John Fogerty was once sued by CCR's record label for plagiarizing CCR songs and sounding too much like CCR, in particular, the songs that he wrote and performed while he was the lead singer of CCR. The jury decided that no, he did not steal his own songs and copy himself.
GingerlyRough t1_j47ldd4 wrote
The COVID what now?
Randvek t1_j47lgfv wrote
Next you’ll tell me that Johnny Cash never shot a man just to watch him die or that Steve Miller couldn’t actually fly like an eagle. What a bunch of fakes! Does Cardi B even own leather pajamas?
McFeely_Smackup t1_j47m1r2 wrote
Music has changed so much in the recent decades.
You used to be able to expect a new album from a popular artist every year or so. two albums in a calendar year was not uncommon at all...they wrote, they recorded.
Now 5 years or more between albums is just normal. it sucks.
Hairbear1965 t1_j47mcb2 wrote
Yes, that's the one. It's on Netflix UK so hopefully will turn up in the rest of Europe soon.
typhoidtimmy t1_j47nfqe wrote
The lyrics of Fortunate Son are directly related to Fogerty’s own experiences with the draft and seeing a tons of common folk going to war.
In his autobiography he explained Julie Nixon was dating David Eisenhower. You’d hear about the son of this senator or this congressman who was given deferment or choice positions in the military away from fighting.
They seemed privileged and whether they liked it or not, they were symbols in the sense that they weren’t being touched by what their parents were pushing on the rest of us.
Mind you, John Fogarty was drafted into military service in 1966. He avoided going to Vietnam by going down to the Army Reserve recruiter who signed him up immediately and dated it before the draft notice. He still served out 3 years and apparently was terrified of being drummed into actually having to go to Vietnam until he was discharged in 68.
walterpeck1 t1_j47nzse wrote
>thanks in part to being so heavily used in 60's-70's era movies and TV shows
This is exactly it. Filmmakers love to put stuff in that they know, or enjoy, that they feel is evocative of the era but that doesn't mean it was popular.
Plus, using licensed music costs money so sometimes you have to go with something other than a top 40 hit for that time. All the moreso these days with the nightmare of music licensing regarding the Internet, streaming, etc.
allthetimeatIT t1_j47o378 wrote
Look up the artist Lead Belly.
typhoidtimmy t1_j47ohhm wrote
Exactly…it was pretty blue collar up until the 90’s tech boom when homes went through the roof.
Exnixon t1_j47oudr wrote
I don't believe that he shot a man just to watch him die, but if I found out that he actually had a masters in sociology from NYU, yeah, that would be surprising.
Like if NWA made "Straight Outta Compton" after briefly visiting Compton while volunteering with their church group.
typhoidtimmy t1_j47q2nd wrote
Fogerty’s output was tremendous during his first tour….and probably helped break up CCR in some ways.
Supposedly, John had a thing where he kept wanting to make songs and keep on because he thought they were going to fall off the map if they weren’t producing songs. The rest of CCR wanted breaks and the ability to stretch a bit…but John kept them going.
Zaentz, being the greedy piece of shit he was, never told John it was ok to stop and smell the roses and instead fueled this fear. And because of his contract with CCR, raked in bucketloads of cash on their backs over the normal cut that was expected.
Man, if I could go back in time, I think I would have made CCR consult with a entertainment lawyer before signing anything. Or at least try get John Fogerty to not believe his paranoia of losing fans.
LevelDosNPC t1_j47q3y4 wrote
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard: Hold my kiwi
Chewyninja69 t1_j47qzcg wrote
Yeah, what this person said.
Chewyninja69 t1_j47r5xi wrote
This is a frequent repost…
omganesh t1_j47rl8q wrote
I stand corrected. Carry on.
Lotharofthepotatoppl t1_j47sdxj wrote
Fuck Saul Zaentz
red_0ctober t1_j47u1kt wrote
Some store had a sign up that said SEX and then under it "now that I have your attention vax + mask required".
red_0ctober t1_j47u1xz wrote
Some store had a sign up that said SEX and then under it "now that I have your attention vax + mask required".
typhoidtimmy t1_j47uokt wrote
‘Somewhat underrated’ is like saying King Kong was ‘somewhat of a monkey’ when it comes to Zevon.
Dude was a literal diamond in the rough that a lot of people didn’t realize or ignored. Amazingly dark and acidic lyricist, a smart assed satirist of a genius level, song producer, instrumentalist, and all around self admitted asshole with a list of problems a mile long. He was unrepentant about his wild life and bad behaviors (he did have regrets though). A truly mythic character of unique variety he is the very definition of ‘they broke the mold when they made him.’
As Warren once said “I got to be Jim Morrison a lot longer than he did.”
Cilicious t1_j47wgun wrote
> That doc made me aware that John Fogerty absolutely was not your typical Rock n Roll frontman. Sort of a quiet
I haven't seen the doc yet, but as a teenybopper I saw CCR perform in Denver in 1969. John Fogerty really didn't say a whole lot, was demonstratively quiet, but did declare "This is for Nixon" before beginning 'Fortunate Son.'
reb678 t1_j47wmup wrote
The first place I bartended at was on the other end of the block from a place they used to play down on Main Street in Santa Monica Ca.
Now I live near Green River (Putah Creek) where they used to go to Cody’s Camp. I think the camp was up near Lake Solano in Yolo County Ca somewhere.
isuxblaxdix t1_j47x2kr wrote
I have the same feeling listening to 2000s pop hits playlists. Like they're such terrible songs for the most part, but the nostalgia and the pure camp of it makes me kind of love it
ATribeOfAfricans t1_j47z49x wrote
Thanks for the clarification. Point remains, buncha good ol boys think Fogerty would have fought in the civil war, lose their kinda when I informed them he was born and raised in California and had never even visited Louisiana before a lot of their hits lol
chickenlips66 t1_j47zmy4 wrote
Absolutely amazing post. I couldn't agree more.
experttexpert t1_j481nfq wrote
I want more CCR, father!
attackcow94 t1_j481p69 wrote
May I interest you in a little band called King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard? These madlads have produced 23 studio albums since 2011, five in 2017 and another five in 2022, three of which dropped in a single month. I have no idea how they do it.
WhiskeyGnomes t1_j482u7s wrote
Their entire albums are amazing works until the end. Even Pendulum is pretty good. Mardi Gras not so much.
VeryJoyfulHeart59 t1_j48368u wrote
My worst CCR-related memory is that of Dinah Shore doing a cover of :"Down on the Corner" on her show.
WhiskeyGnomes t1_j4838w5 wrote
By the majority of it not being very good let alone CCR level lol?
WhiskeyGnomes t1_j483myf wrote
benefit_of_mrkite t1_j484gtz wrote
I’m a huge fan of his and I said somewhat because he’s underrated by the general public but any singer+songwriter and guitar player worth a damn knows who Warren Zevon was.
I got to be friends with Todd Snider back when he lived in my city and he turned me on to Warren. This was 20+ years ago
sevargmas t1_j485fa6 wrote
Surprisingly, the Beatles have a similar story. From the very first album they ever made all the way through Abbey Road is only 6 years. Their entire catalog is a surprisingly short time span.
sevargmas t1_j485hvu wrote
Surprisingly, the Beatles have a similar story. From the very first album they ever made all the way through Abbey Road is only 6 years. Their entire catalog is a surprisingly short time span.
fairlyoblivious t1_j485rau wrote
This is just ignorance. Nobody sounds like Aphex Twin, nobody sounds like Oskar Schuster, and the only reason everyone sounds and sounded like Kraftwerk is because EVERY ARTIST YOU LOVE SAMPLED THE SHIT OUT OF KRAFTWERK.
"digital music" is neither new, nor did it "kill" or even harm anyone or anything, except a few cave men with boomer meme level "if it ain't real guitars it ain't real music" complexes. Your fucking "The Doors" and "The Grateful Dead" and "The Beatles" fucking used a MOOG ELECTRONIC SYNTH IN THE 1960'S. Oh and unless you're rich or you deal with SUPER hot and annoying tube amps your stereo makes your music digital at some point any way, and even if you DO have tube amps, you either waste a fuck ton of time and money every other year replacing them or it sounds like SHIT.
EffortAutomatic t1_j485ze4 wrote
It also explains why when a new artist gets a popular song it feels like they are instantly over played.
People streaming that album cause algorithms to recommend all the tracks to people. So you end up going from "who the fuck is Doja Cat" to "did they just play 8 song in a row that feature or star Doja Car?"
FlashTheChip t1_j486arp wrote
One of my current theories is that no matter what group you start with on Pandora Radio, you always end up listening to a CCR song.
typhoidtimmy t1_j4877uo wrote
Him not being included on Rolling Stone’s Top 100 songwriters of all time in 2017 was a warcrime, IMHO.
fairlyoblivious t1_j4880ie wrote
Which Lynyrd Skynyrd do you mean? I mean which of the 27 members the band has had? All of them? Do you understand why that's kinda a silly statement to make?
You can't understand why John knew how to craft them lyrics because you've never been to "the salt marshes outside San Francisco" to realize that places where the band grew up like Lodi(which they wrote a song about as well) are farm towns more "southern" than most of the people in Texas live..
fairlyoblivious t1_j488qsb wrote
Places the members of CCR came from like Lodi, Stockton, El Cerrito are in almost every sense FAR more "southern like" than most of the actual south, they are farm towns where crops and cows live, and in El Cerrito's case, now a bunch of refineries, just like the south.
nboylie t1_j489l6r wrote
Kind of crazy considering that Fortunate Son got blasted at every US Army base and helicopter during the Vietnam war.
[deleted] t1_j489ph7 wrote
fairlyoblivious t1_j489wbc wrote
You would be amazed how much El Cerrito, Lodi, Stockton, etc. are in many ways more "south" than much of the south, there's more cows in Lodi than there are in almost any place in Louisiana.
garlicbreadmemesplz t1_j48a4ru wrote
And from northern California! Despite being “southern boys.”
benefit_of_mrkite t1_j48aavd wrote
100% fact
[deleted] t1_j48ahz4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j48atep wrote
sbvp t1_j48e6uj wrote
Its just 6 hours of helicopters in jungles
Algaean t1_j48h4i0 wrote
Hejaz or eastern province?
- me too
reconstruct94 t1_j48kn0p wrote
I relate to this more than I'd like.
[deleted] t1_j48lggy wrote
MisterMarcus t1_j48li2h wrote
IIRC it was one of the catalysts for the breakup. Bassist Stu Cook had a business degree or similar qualifications, but John insisted on handling the financial side of the band himself.
ethanvyce t1_j48pulm wrote
Was amazing to see them crank out all that sound with minimal gear
Jadty t1_j48si0e wrote
Best known for their song “I ain’t no senator’s son”.
Fedcab t1_j48vrfx wrote
Cosmo was a pretty competent drummer I feel, John must have just needed to scratch that itch of being in control of the work.
SuitableObligation85 t1_j48y1yg wrote
If you think that’s impressive go check out Bucketheads body of work.
shivermetimbers68 t1_j48zdl6 wrote
He was. I was surprised when I read that bit.
KingsElite t1_j48ztdc wrote
It's just something they didn't prepare you for. War, man
Dababolical t1_j492adl wrote
The one pro to this as a casually engaged fan of a particular artist, it lets me find songs they’re featured on I would have otherwise never have found. Especially in rap, where smaller artists are known to buy features from much bigger ones.
DaveOJ12 t1_j492r1u wrote
I had no idea.
Foghat is from England.
GarbledComms t1_j493f66 wrote
I know in the Grateful Dead's case one of their managers ripped off the band, and what made it especially awkward was that he was the father of one of the drummers, Mickey Hart. This lead to couple year-long 'hiatus' of Mickey from the band.
The song "He's Gone" was about the episode, including the classic line "Steal your face right off your head". This is why the Dead's logo with weird skull and lightning bolt is called a "stealie".
mistermoondog t1_j49bqe5 wrote
I was a pre-teen and deeply moved when first hearing the opening guitar chords of “who’ll stop the rain”. Maybe many others felt the same way: a rite of passage. Perhaps the producer/mixer deserves all the credit.
nikogrande t1_j49ml49 wrote
One of the tightest bands there ever was!
notstephanie t1_j49n27v wrote
John Fogerty is an incredible songwriter and was prolific af
DaFugYouSay t1_j49ohph wrote
I watched the special on them on whatever streaming platform it is, Netflix, I think, and what struck me the most is they sounded live exactly like they did in studio. Amazing live act.
kent_love t1_j49okta wrote
But it is good!
Bangingbuttholes t1_j49pcas wrote
Eastern province. Would listen to 91.4 every day
foodybu4 t1_j4a3oly wrote
My dads favorite band. I love them too.
Algaean t1_j4a9nbo wrote
Small world, i was there seven years until 1990, moved west when the Iraqis moved south. That station had the best music.
scrampbelledeggs t1_j4ab5zo wrote
One of the greatest bands ever. Grew up with my dad playing them in the 90's. Iconic childhood for me.
Bangingbuttholes t1_j4agegh wrote
That station still plays music
to_the_elbow t1_j4aikex wrote
And now the #2 band will perform their #2 song: Born to Runner Up.
Algaean t1_j4b39z4 wrote
Cool, thanks! The little kid i was says thanks:)
EffortAutomatic t1_j4bb645 wrote
It actually makes me less likely to discover anything new because anything new is gonna come with so many filler tracks. It's hard to trust the algorithm when it's influenced by stans playing albums on loop
valeyard89 t1_j4brjhx wrote
We get it, you like Coldplay
Such_Personality3690 t1_j4ca8i0 wrote
Get a VPN....
Such_Personality3690 t1_j4cbks9 wrote
There was just a TIL recently on Buckhead, an amazing an artist seen him many times live. Lookin forward to see KGLW at Bonaroo. i do love CCR so many childhood memories there music brings back from the 70's
herbw t1_j4cczr6 wrote
Thanx for a good couple hours of fine music.
Logondo t1_j4ce8oj wrote
There’s a bathroom on the right.
Liesthroughisteeth t1_j45oagq wrote
hateddisliked CCR when I was a kid. Particularly because their, music was somewhat country flavoured, the other reason was for a few years, you couldn't go to a sock hop at school or turn on the radio (and that's all we had) without having to listen to CCR.Love them now of course because they were such a big part of the best years of my life. Life is complicated. :P