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Jesse0100 t1_j2swje7 wrote

Because Jesus was a big time partier and not much for athletics?


mlvcrfan t1_j2swpyc wrote

Wow there's a lot of awful to unpack in that wiki page


Dawnawaken92 t1_j2syej2 wrote

This jackass is also a pedo he somehow avoided being convicted.


AssassinSnail33 t1_j2t0wgv wrote

In 2004 he was found not guilty of indecent assault against a seven-year-old girl. Though he did admit that he was naked while the girl tickled him and while they played hide-and-seek, during the court case he also claimed to own only one pair of tight-fitting green satin underpants that have never been washed as he needs them to 'always be ready for use', at one point Horan produced the pants from his pocket to show the jury.[2]

He was arrested and spent some time in jail in Germany in 2006 when police found out about his plans to stage a Pro-Nazi demonstration (which included a poster he made praising Adolf Hitler).[3]

And then they let him compete on Britains Got Talent a couple years later.


seamustheseagull t1_j2txjm7 wrote

I almost feel like this doesn't qualify for Horan. He is so disconnected from reality that I'm not sure he is capable of understanding the concept of consent, never mind any child he comes into contact with.

He should have been forcibly committed a long time ago.


10key_G t1_j2u0s37 wrote

Pedofile Nazi catholic priest. Wtf.


chris-punk t1_j2u7f9s wrote

This guy will turn up to pretty much any protest in London dressed as what I assume is a leprechaun with a home made sign with weird stuff about hitler on it.


SmallCorvette t1_j2uffzp wrote

Aidan Millward covered this dude's shenanigans. What a tool. And no surprise, he's a pedophile (according to the other comments).


Direct_Age_2279 t1_j2uhw0t wrote

Wanderley Cordeiro the Brazilian marathon athlete was terrified, he thought the crazy priest had a gun and he was going to die.

A Greek fan watching the marathon intervened subduing the crazy fuck and put Wanderley back on the marathon where he managed to finish in 3rd place. He was leading when the attack happened.

Months later he was invited to Brazil and was received as a hero. His name is Polyvios Kossivas.


citizenjones t1_j2umtyu wrote

What to do if a stranger is having a mental health crisis?

Call 1-800-950-NAMI (1-800-950-6264) or text “NAMI” to 741-741 to connect with a trained crisis counselor. One of the best tools in your toolkit is empathy, Brown said. If you work on extending empathy to others in your daily life, you'll be more equipped to do so to a stranger.


mcgato t1_j2uoq8o wrote

The name of the marathoner is usually listed as Vanderlai de Lima. I guess Cordeiro is his maternal family name. I watched the race on TV, and I believe that he would not have won the Olympic race, irregardless of the nut case that tried to tackle him. Most other knowledgeable followers of the sport also tend to believe that. He had been fading at the time of the attack, and the two following him were closing quite a bit in the final stages of the race.


Ramady t1_j2v453q wrote

There’s that Baader–Meinhof. I learned about this guy earlier today while watching an F1 meme video.


pangolin-fucker t1_j2vx06n wrote

I've seen what happens when a person is hit by an F1 car

Parts of them were found in the car park from the track


267aa37673a9fa659490 t1_j2w3519 wrote

I'm surprised they have no system to compensate for his lost time considering they failed to provide him with a safe environment to compete in.

So if my favourite marathoner is in 2nd place, I can just disrupt 1st place to cause him to lose and the results would be valid?


Petal_Chatoyance t1_j2wbuwi wrote

I keep saying "Religion ruins everything".

And I am always right.


wedontlikespaces t1_j2weapp wrote

It was convicted of being a Nazi though. Though I'm unclear if it was that or the protest that was the problem.

Suppressing right wing nationalists isn't a great idea anyway, although tempting, because it lend legitimacy to their victim complex.


res30stupid t1_j2wilyl wrote

Oh, right. He entered the show and performed a jig for the audience, which led him to qualify for the next round.

But when his episde aired, he got recognised and named in the press due to his prior stunt, it was revealed that he lied to the producers about having prior convictions which led to his being kicked off the competition.


res30stupid t1_j2witn0 wrote

No, they audience didn't know. In fact, when he was recognised on the show, he was disqualified for having lied about not having a prior criminal conviction (and just for the bad press of having a defrocked priest who fucked up two major sporting events for his protests - they were afraid he'd do it again if he were allowed onto the live finals).


boxedcrackers t1_j2x6p8o wrote

Ok serious question................... what the actual fuck is wrong with the catholic church? Like really, what the fuckn is going on? So many weirdos and pedophiles.