Seeksp t1_j6jrn4y wrote
Typically both are infertile.
awawe OP t1_j6jry3k wrote
According to the article the male isn't affected very much, though he may be slightly less fertile due to a decrease in testicle size.
[deleted] t1_j6js18o wrote
Where I would I work where this would be NSFW?
Seeksp t1_j6js6rl wrote
Interesting. I took a lot of animal science in uni and they always taught us both were infertile.
awawe OP t1_j6jsdck wrote
I guessed squeamish people might find it off-putting. I removed the NSFW tag anyway because you're right, there really isn't anything explicit about the post.
TylerBradleyLegend t1_j6ju3e8 wrote
Unless you received your degree from a religion based university, it's safe to say you can still trust your education over a Wikipedia page....
Seeksp t1_j6judvy wrote
I do. Land grants pride themselves on science based research.
Budget_Bathroom_1056 t1_j6jwpgi wrote
Is this a common case in humans aswell?
katharsisdesign t1_j6jwukq wrote
This makes Dwight's comment on the office about how to induce a male birth more funny.
everybodydumb t1_j6jx52q wrote
Interesting theory
ChronoComputer t1_j6k5083 wrote
Saw this on Dr Pol actually, cool factoid.
Redpandaling t1_j6k947w wrote
Probably not. At best, you get hormones passed from the baby through the mom and then to the other baby, but that blood travels a very significant distance between the two babies, which should substantially dilute the hormones.
Cinema_King t1_j6kbqra wrote
NSFF fact
Scribblenerd t1_j6kd31c wrote
Intersex does not equal female.
ignominous_igauna t1_j6kdqkt wrote
That's not what OP is saying though. There is 1 genetically female twin and one genetically male twin. However, the genetically female twin is developmentally intersex by the time it is born
zachw055 t1_j6kdr6e wrote
What is considered a significant distance?
Ok-Table-3774 t1_j6kfp9i wrote
Yea, it's called a Freemartin. This happens a lot of in cows and other ruminants but not so much human due to how the placenta forms and the blood share. I used to work in a genetics lab that offered freemartin testing to cattle breeders to confirm this. A lot of times the females look normal on the outside but when mating is attempted, it either doesn't happen (no internal vagina), or the mating isn't successful (female is infertile). Sadly most freemartin calves are euthanized.
Kuraio-Kadaver t1_j6kfsj9 wrote
elpajaroquemamais t1_j6kfxqf wrote
If one is intersex it isn’t opposite.
Glad_Possibility7937 t1_j6kg21y wrote
No, I but people used to think it did.
Redpandaling t1_j6khfvj wrote
Uterus => heart => lungs => heart => uterus
And of course it's mixing with blood from the rest of the body the whole way
405134 t1_j6ki9p9 wrote
Human twins in the womb don’t share blood supply between themselves, the blood comes from the mother , and her blood enters each twin through the umbilical cord separately
malary1234 t1_j6kjh1l wrote
Can confirm.
malary1234 t1_j6kjkwy wrote
What? that guy still has a license??!! yikes
malary1234 t1_j6kjrrm wrote
Yes. The genetics are female but the phenotype is intersex.
Cannie_Flippington t1_j6klcmx wrote
Cows and humans gestate for the same length of time, oddly enough. But they do mature a lot faster...
Cannie_Flippington t1_j6klvgc wrote
Except with tigons and ligers! My favorite example of assumed sterility. Apparently the whole world just forgot they weren't actually sterile for 20 years.
I can never find the article where a zoo had a tigon enclosed with an opposite sex tiger and was so surprised when they had babies.
jumper7210 t1_j6kn8fb wrote
Really stupid that they get euthanized as the freemartins we had made pretty good cuts of beef when raised right
AndyZuggle t1_j6kozxi wrote
This site has had the information up for a long time, at least a decade:
Roadkinglavared t1_j6kp21b wrote
Where we live, if the female twin is born first it is assumed she can breed. If she is born second, then she is a freemartin. Another way to say it is if the heifer is bigger then the twin bull calf, chances are great she can breed. If born second they are raised like the steers for beef. Our vet said that most farmers don't test their freemartins and while the numbers state 80% chance the female born second will be a freemartin, he said not enough farmers give the female a chance so the numbers are most like no 100% correct. Sometimes you can tell the heifer is a freemartin and other times it's all in inside workings that you cant see. I remember hearing one farmer who kept his freemartin for beef and she was running with the bulls and steers. She got pregnant and he kept her as a breeding cow.
Cannie_Flippington t1_j6kpbs2 wrote
I'm talking 1980 to about 2003. So that wouldn't contradict this site hosting the information even for two decades.
[deleted] t1_j6kq4dc wrote
3kid100chicken t1_j6kq64f wrote
This must depend on location, In central Wisconsin they are raised as steers and sent to market.
[deleted] t1_j6kqb29 wrote
Kooky-Cry-4088 t1_j6kqzgw wrote
Most freemartin calves are not euthanized, in fact none are nor should be unless other congenital/genetic defect exist such as PHA, cleft palate etc. They are fed and harvested as beef. No ovarian hormone production so actually feed similar to a steer. I’m specifically a bovine veterinarian in the heart of cattle country.
[deleted] t1_j6krbrb wrote
gwaydms t1_j6ktz2j wrote
I saw one on Dr. Pol where a bull tried to mate with a freemartin (the owner didn't know that's what she was). Vet closed the wound and she was raised as a steer. Away from the bull!
gwaydms t1_j6ku9nl wrote
Dr. Pol educated the farmer because he didn't know what a freemartin was, much less that he had one. I learn so much on that show.
gwaydms t1_j6kuk8o wrote
The one on Dr. Pol had a blind vagina, and was injured by the bull. Pol saved her life so she could be raised as a steer
Naxela t1_j6kuqgj wrote
Why would the male be affected? There's no source that could cause demasculinization in this scenario. Only the male twin is producing disruptive hormones here.
Naxela t1_j6kux41 wrote
Intersex animals are still of one particular sex or the other. Truly hermaphroditic mammals are an extreme rarity. I don't think there's even known examples in humans.
[deleted] t1_j6kv4kq wrote
Seeksp t1_j6kv63j wrote
Grad school is a while ago so I don't remember the specific papers backing it up but that's what we were taught.
AlphabearPSK t1_j6kxelt wrote
It does not happen a lot in other ruminants. Considering we want at a minimum twins in small ruminants, this occurring would be detrimental. In 29 years of raising sheep and goats, I have never had a freemartin.
On top of that, if it were to occur they wouldn't just euthanize the calf/kid/lamb since it is perfectly healthy. They would try breeding if they were uncertain of freemartinism occurring and if it wasn't successful it would then become meat.
[deleted] t1_j6l175y wrote
[deleted] t1_j6l1jho wrote
mrparovozic t1_j6l1rvx wrote
Not really euthanized. They are still good as beef
fermango t1_j6l2mz9 wrote
Looked it up. Apparently in 0.1% of male/female twins they can be identical. But this means that the female ends up "losing" a chromosome and rather than becoming XX when the egg splits she is XO. They call this Turner Syndrome and it can lead to a range of medical issues including infertility, just like the cows mentioned above.
In 99.9% of cases involving male/female twins they are non-identical and do not share a placenta so the female is no more likely to be infertile than in singular female babies.
baconseedsower t1_j6l3aqh wrote
I still have the male twin from a pair I bottle raised. They were born full size and the cow had them unassisted. The farmer found her later trying to figure out which was hers. Ultimately he took them both and gave them to me to raise. The heifer was a freemartin and a jerk. She went to auction at about butcher age. Her brother had been hypoxic at birth, we think he was the second one and took too long to come out. It caused brain damage that made him dumb and lovable, so we trained him as a work animal, but mostly he's an oversized pet.
cashwins t1_j6l4j2s wrote
Most freemartin calves are NOT euthanized. They make for an ideal beef animal thus are valuable from a production standpoint.
anarchyreigns t1_j6l4mrl wrote
The key here is that we need to understand that humans have hormonal influences on their offspring during pregnancy, these influences can result in gender disparities that may make a child feel as though they are misgendered. I wish that people could understand that a person born of one “sex” may never be able to adapt to being that person.
[deleted] t1_j6l6en2 wrote
reineedshelp t1_j6l6fb5 wrote
The pinnacle of evolution lol
theilluminati1 t1_j6l6m4m wrote
Well, this is mind blowing. Damn.
chantillylace9 t1_j6l6sk8 wrote
A…a……a…..WHAT vagina?
[deleted] t1_j6l7846 wrote
gwaydms t1_j6l7k1z wrote
A freemartin often doesn't have internal reproductive organs. A blind passage ends without connecting to anything else, like the unfortunate bovine's vagina. That's why she was injured by the bull.
AdhesiveMuffin t1_j6l7trr wrote
The commenter is likely just misusing the word. They definitely aren't "euthanized" but raised for slaughter
[deleted] t1_j6l8mzy wrote
indomitablescot t1_j6la1zg wrote
It's vagina couldn't see dick all...
[deleted] t1_j6lawnx wrote
ChocolatDip t1_j6layg1 wrote
I can't imagine what its like being pregnant with twins for a cow. 😭 They probably sleep all day and doesn't want to move
Buford12 t1_j6laztk wrote
In mix sex bovine twins if the anastomoses placentas before day 45 the female will be a freemartin. If the anastomoses placentas after day 45 the female will be fertile. Cattle twins are also chimeric. Twins are rare in cattle about 1 in 200 births. Of which 1/2 are fraternal.
MrsSpuncrusha t1_j6lbgwt wrote
From West Central Wisconsin. Can confirm.
[deleted] t1_j6lc4e9 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6lcmjz wrote
[deleted] t1_j6lcub0 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6leje7 wrote
Livingmorganism t1_j6lesu9 wrote
You can also keep the freemartin females and use them as gomers for heat detection. They like to hump.
Livingmorganism t1_j6lf3d4 wrote
We once had a cow have triplets. 60-ish pounds each. That cow was preganante. Although we had another one with twins that were each 115 lbs, so technically she had it worse. Very prognort.
delicatearchcouple t1_j6lh1ji wrote
Well I'll just reply to myself since you're such a tender little thing that you went and blocked me...
Do you buddy. Just not going to get you anywhere and going to further alienate yourselves as evidenced by everything you cited.
Remember how no one gave a fuck about drag shows until every headline had to mention trans people? Then you get the backlash from the ignorant minority and they double down and rally their troops against you.
Then the general public has trans fatigue and is less helpful to your cause, more quick to dismiss your issues, and eager to focus on anything else but the constant background noise of finger pointing and victim identity. The focus is on the stupid one liner bullshit and not on the actual suffering of the folks you care about.
So you have whipped your enemies into a fervor (knowing that they currently have more power than you) all while alienating and exhausting potential allies.
If this is the approach that makes the most sense to you, then get it. Do you.
I just don't see it as effective. Seems to be a poor choice pragmatically.
Raichu7 t1_j6li5gt wrote
If you’re raising dairy cattle rather than beef what good is a cow who can’t get pregnant? I doubt all freemartin calves are kept.
[deleted] t1_j6lioub wrote
Iamjimmym t1_j6ljeyo wrote
Ah, just like growing cannabis!
iammada t1_j6ljm2g wrote
If only cattle could be bought and sold...
Iamjimmym t1_j6ljm5z wrote
"Ol' Johnny couldn't find his way out of a blind vagina!"
RealDDDeal t1_j6ljy6o wrote
Is this true of all bovines, including wild ones? Bison and buffalo as well? Are these fertility phenomena related to their husbandry or domestication breeding practices over time?
alcaste19 t1_j6lknx9 wrote
Fun fact, factoid means something false but sounds true
[deleted] t1_j6lkuk6 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6ll4rh wrote
[deleted] t1_j6llep2 wrote
wojtekthesoldierbear t1_j6llhi4 wrote
chomps on a burger
sears a steak
spreads marrow on toast
If only we could DO SOMETHING
nirad t1_j6llzub wrote
tRaNsGeNdEr aNiMaLs dOn’T eXiSt!!111
audreyba123 t1_j6lm864 wrote
I just read the article you linked, but it says there’s no difference. “SUMMARY Women with a male co-twin had the same chances of being pregnant and having children compared to same-sex twin pairs.”
elementnix t1_j6lnla9 wrote
Can also mean brief or trivial information, not just something repeated so often it becomes accepted as truth
arneeche t1_j6lo323 wrote
We call them freemarket.
SteerJock t1_j6lo4vu wrote
Dairy cattle are still fed to weight and harvested. They're not just thrown into a pit if they aren't useful for milking.
Foghorner t1_j6lo980 wrote
Does she then give birth to a super cow?
Raichu7 t1_j6lolme wrote
Dairy cattle aren’t raised for meat unless they are a dual purpose breed.
nrith t1_j6lp201 wrote
This is more than I needed to know about cattle.
vyrelis t1_j6lpblb wrote
The mom couldn't process that she had twins?
wolfie379 t1_j6lpiqf wrote
Note that twin births among cattle are rare. In the Old West, one cowboy telling another “your cow had twins” would usually result in a fatal case of “lead poisoning” - since “twins” usually meant that there was a cow wearing a different brand bawling for its lost calf.
pdieten t1_j6lq9wk wrote
"A freemartin is the normal outcome of mixed twins in all cattle species which have been studied. It does not normally occur in most other mammals, though it has been recorded in sheep,[14] goats,[15] and pigs.[16]"
KmartQuality t1_j6lqdhg wrote
there is a lengthened tuft of hair at the ventral tip of the vulva in a freemartin heifer
MamaLlama629 t1_j6lra6b wrote
A freemartin
ImaginaryCaramel t1_j6lrkp9 wrote
Babe, wake up, new hillbilly slang just dropped!
pdieten t1_j6ls2de wrote
Depends on your definition of raised, I suppose, when I lived on the family Holstein dairy farm my parents would usually ship male Holstein calves out early for veal.
The cows were usually artificially inseminated with Holstein semen, but we kept a Hereford bull on the farm to keep the cow producing in case artificial means failed. The Hereford was much more docile than Holstein bulls so it was safer to keep him around, but the offspring of that mating were sterile so they'd be raised to 1000# as steers and either shipped or we'd keep it for ourselves if we were low on freezer beef.
Can't remember what was done with freemartins. It was a lot of decades ago.
1955photo t1_j6lsl26 wrote
Cows quite often are confused about that. And sometimes they will just reject a calf for no apparent reason. We are not talking about rocket scientists here. :D
Bjorn2bwilde24 t1_j6lslvd wrote
She actually ended up giving birth to Cow-Jesus.
1955photo t1_j6lssuu wrote
A Hereford bull and a Holstein cow will produce sterile offspring? Not even Dr. Pol talked about that. Learn something every day.
notyogrannysgrandkid t1_j6lttsr wrote
When this occurs she is required to be named Martin Freeman.
fhizzle t1_j6ltwc5 wrote
SleeplessTaxidermist t1_j6lty9u wrote
Not all that rare nowadays. I believe dairy breeds are more prone to them than beef cattle. It's not uncommon for a cow to reject one of the calves. I see plenty of twin calf posts in my farming and cattle groups during the seasons.
MORE than two is rare and strange. Twin heifers is the lottery.
Phrygian_Guy_93 t1_j6ltypy wrote
Penant ☺️
uzerkine t1_j6lu1mo wrote
It's still edible, right?
pdieten t1_j6luacs wrote
Was a long time ago, I could be mistaken. The females definitely wouldn't produce. I suppose the males probably weren't sterile because the vet had to come around with the beefmaker to castrate them, but the mixed breed steers always yielded good beef.
_destiel t1_j6lumz3 wrote
CapNBall1851 t1_j6luna2 wrote
It happens with cattle everywhere other than Reddit.
baconseedsower t1_j6lvi0j wrote
It isn't uncommon. They are hardwired for the concept of one baby, so when nature gives them two, they don't always understand. Also, they're cows. Not very bright.
Diplodocus114 t1_j6lwdu9 wrote
Those Hereford bulls were so docile. Local farmer had a 'Bull warning' on his field with a public footpath through.
The massive thing merely stayed with his harem and ignored passsers-by. He would sometimes approach for treats and scare people who didn't know him.
Nazamroth t1_j6lwlbh wrote
Huh, would you look at that. Just this morning I was wondering what would happen if someone got flooded by both male and female hormones but didnt feel like googling it.
Diplodocus114 t1_j6lwve9 wrote
We had heifers and bullocks here. Both referring to young cattle not yet suitable for breeding. The bullocks were sent for slaughter.
A female was then called a 'cow' once she had a calf and deemed suitable for milking.
[deleted] t1_j6lxtu6 wrote
Does that calf want to be called they/them?
snogard_dragons t1_j6lybjs wrote
Doc Pol knows what’s up
Kooky-Cry-4088 t1_j6lyhm2 wrote
Someone already answered it but bulls are still fed out. They don’t gain as quickly but they’re still worth $2500 a piece at time of harvest… Holstein also is some of the highest marbling meat you’ll find grades choice and prime more often than many other cattle just takes more time and feed.
CurrentDismal9115 t1_j6lyixe wrote
Well that can't possibly be true. Nothing can defy the rules of "basic biology" that I learned in 4th grade! /s
gwaydms t1_j6m0knu wrote
He's 80, and still practicing AFAIK. As long as he can do the hard work, he will.
fourleafclover13 t1_j6m0wep wrote
Saw one a while back whom had four. I'd have tied them off like you do with horses.
Kelwyvern t1_j6m0yna wrote
NetAdministrative239 t1_j6m1k2w wrote
That's amazing I had no idea
QAoA t1_j6m1kn9 wrote
Do cows not usually have twins? With goats it's quite common to have 2 or 3 kids.
baconseedsower t1_j6m248c wrote
No, cows generally have one and many don't survive having twins. I don't remember the exact amount but less than 5% of births are twins, and usually they are undersized due to lack of space. The fact this girl managed to have full size twins unassisted with both babies and momma surviving is shocking.
kelldricked t1_j6m38qd wrote
I always love watching that show untill he picks the gloves and shoves his entire arm into the hole of a cow, donkey or horse.
Then i suddenly regret watching it, while eating and pretend like the show doesnt exist for 3 months. Then i forget why i never watch it and the cycle repeats.
Blimeydog t1_j6m3o27 wrote
You say intersex, I say veal.
Apt_5 t1_j6m3svb wrote
This is still pretty basic biology. Not ELI5 basic but the concepts are fundamental and straightforward to understand.
CurrentDismal9115 t1_j6m3uww wrote
"/s" = I'm being sarcastic
airfryermasterrace t1_j6m576x wrote
Is this how intersex people are created? Can this be identified and prevented during early pregnancy?
kweenllama t1_j6m65o2 wrote
Do you have a source for “pregnancy hormones cause gender disparity”? I don’t know if that’s true and I’d love to read about it
Clean-Agent9473 t1_j6m6wpi wrote
It's more common in the dairy industry because of the genetics and also more likely to be with a i or embryo transfer. Most beef cattle is live cover, AKA the bull does the job. Therefore, a life cover is more likely to not give you twins.
Haukivirta t1_j6m96so wrote
Why doesn't this happen in humans?
Carnivorous_Mower t1_j6m9slt wrote
Yep. I worked on a dairy farm for about 10 years and we had the odd freemartin sneak through into the replacement heifers. You don't find out until the artificial insemination technician tries to inseminate her and things aren't right (I can't exactly remember what they find in there. Might have been no cervix?) Wastes a lot of time and money raising a useless cow.
[deleted] t1_j6maem0 wrote
hammyhamm t1_j6mb401 wrote
Why doesn’t this happen with fraternal twins in humans?
jnex26 t1_j6mb86u wrote
No it's not.. the fetus develops normally until something happens that causes either a surge of testosterone to either be fired off or not..
^^ there are many reasons for this..
Foghorner t1_j6mbfxl wrote
SleeplessTaxidermist t1_j6mcah3 wrote
Dairy cattle are commonly AI'd with sexed semen, yes, but I've never heard of embryo transfer in cattle. Maybe your thinking show cattle or horses? Embryo is expensive as hell. Pretty common in the horse world when you're talking high dollar stock (not Thoroughbreds irrc).
Twins come from the cow, not the bull, live or AI it's up to how many eggs are released during ovulation or if the egg splits. This can happen due to genetic predisposition, hormones, or pure luck.
Some farms also use a cleanup bull to catch any cows that didn't take. AI is also becoming vastly more common for beef cattle, smaller farms especially. Bulls are big, expensive, and dangerous. Way easier, cheaper, and safer, to AI the herd and rent a cleanup bull for a couple weeks to catch the missed cows.
If you're on Facebook it'd recommend the Cow Talk group. You'll see plenty of natural twins from live and AI in both dairy and beef cattle.
xv433 t1_j6md00k wrote
So that factoid definition is a factoid?
huntingteacher25 t1_j6md12n wrote
Agree. Had one a few years ago. She put on weight like a steer and was a fine animal.
[deleted] t1_j6md8x5 wrote
Scr00gie t1_j6me75n wrote
Free Martinis?
Scr00gie t1_j6me7ft wrote
Free Martinis?
wotmate t1_j6mfbl6 wrote
You should try it sometime, it's quite warm.
[deleted] t1_j6mffgo wrote
kelldricked t1_j6mg6qs wrote
Nah im not allowed near the cows anymore due to a previous accident.
RichardSaunders t1_j6mgigz wrote
for deer as a species, there's the word deer, regardless of whether it's a buck or a doe. is there an equivalent term for a single bos taurus? my great uncle called them "bossies" (bah-sees), but i reckon he just made that up based on the latin.
20Characters_orless t1_j6mjbz9 wrote
Growing in up we would occasionally have what we called Bullers, steers that the other steers would ride constantly. We had to separate them from the rest of the herd early on, or they would be rode to death.
XxHavanaHoneyxX t1_j6mjf2j wrote
are-you-my-mummy t1_j6mkeq2 wrote
Embryo work is common enough for high value pedigrees in the UK that farmers can take a qualification to do it themselves
MildElevation t1_j6mkg1f wrote
Probably starts something like this: "Oh no! I've been flooded by male and female hormones! I really should google this but I don't feel like it...Hope nothing had happens."
Nazamroth t1_j6mleac wrote
Listen, it happens to all of us. You wake up in the morning, drink your cocoa, get the urge to commit crimes against humanity and abduct several hundred people to carry out your experiments, then you sit down and log in to work.
DeterminedThrowaway t1_j6mmgau wrote
As someone with an intersex condition, you really don't
DeterminedThrowaway t1_j6mmmn3 wrote
Intersex is an umbrella term that covers many different conditions with many different causes. There is no way that I know about to prevent them during pregnancy
inverteboi t1_j6mnkjk wrote
You're right, I'm sorry. I didn't really think before commenting and it was very insensitive of me.
sionnach t1_j6mnp3g wrote
If only that were always true. Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome and Twin Anamea Polychthaemia Sequence are pretty horrible things that happen not infrequently in monochorionic (identical) twins.
sionnach t1_j6mns2r wrote
The shared blood bit, yes it can happen. But only in monochorionic (identical) twins, so you don’t get the “wrong” hormonal exchange I suppose.
DeterminedThrowaway t1_j6mnwdd wrote
I honestly didn't expect a reply like this, thank you. I will admit I'm a little oversensitive about people saying they wish they were intersex, because it happens more than you'd think and they don't understand the reality of it. On my end, I'll say that I understand why it might be appealing to someone on a surface level and I'll try to word it a little better next time
inverteboi t1_j6mo83l wrote
Please don't worry about being oversensitive, you were absolutely correct to put me in my place about it. I'm a non binary person with some dysphoria in that area but that gives me no right to downplay others' pain. Thank you for your reply, I'll make sure to educate myself much better on this for the future ❤
DeterminedThrowaway t1_j6mp83i wrote
I'm a trans-masc enby and one of the reasons it's so frustrating to me is that not only did my intersex condition rob me of how I would have preferred to be born (I have XY chromosomes but don't get to be male which is endlessly grating to me), it also made it impossible for me to really do anything about it since I'm insensitive to T and was surgically altered as an infant already. I know it's a lot to put out there but it's just some context about how intersex conditions can be incredibly counterproductive rather than validating. I don't get any comfort from this, just health issues unfortunately
chantillylace9 t1_j6mqpl7 wrote
This is both better and worse than I had imagined. I sure hope this isn’t very common. And I’m even more glad that doesn’t happen with human twins
pheasant692 t1_j6mqppk wrote
Does this apply to human twins also. Just curious.
_ManMadeGod_ t1_j6mr03h wrote
"harvested for beef" is a weird way of saying "fattened up so we can tear flesh from bone"
Jesus Christ these creatures are sentient.
inverteboi t1_j6mrld8 wrote
I'm really sorry to hear all this, honestly it sounds awful and I'm sorry it's something that you have to deal with :( thank you for trusting me with this information even after how rude I was, I know it must be so exhausting to have to explain to people so much- I know its exhausting being non binary even without the extra hardship. Thank you for this.
Neat-Beautiful-5505 t1_j6ms7hs wrote
“ThEReS oNLy tWo gEnDErs” stupid woke cows!
tjjwaddo t1_j6mt312 wrote
That's absolutely fascinating. Thank you.
Queasy-Slide-6002 t1_j6mtlla wrote
Poor girl cows 😢
gwaydms t1_j6myr4z wrote
shadowdash66 t1_j6mz8te wrote
Don't tell r/conservative about this
[deleted] t1_j6n392r wrote
RanDumbMatthew t1_j6n3lc1 wrote
I love you science!
KingofZombies t1_j6n3sda wrote
"basic biology" mfs lose everything
Smarty_40 t1_j6n6rnk wrote
I have to say, I did not know this about cows. Fun fact learned today 👍
elementnix t1_j6n6s3p wrote
nanochipdata t1_j6n99bz wrote
In vet school they taught us that they’re extremely useful to put in a herd of heifers or other females because the free martin will mount them during times of estrus. Being able to detect this 24 window of fertility is important for farmers to use AI at the right time and successfully impregnate the heifers etc.
ananomalie t1_j6nbupv wrote
The things i am learning today...
pdieten t1_j6nccuq wrote
Yeah, a regulation was enacted where I lived, and probably where you lived too, that notices had to be put up if a bull lived on the property even if all he did was stand there and chew his cud at you. Must have been sometime in the '80s, because one day when I was in my early teens Dad grabbed a big magic marker and wrote "Beware of bull" on the whitewashed doors to the barns.
Hobbs512 t1_j6ndao2 wrote
If the calf can breed, are there any additional risks such as birth defects at play?
ModsLoveFascists t1_j6nedvp wrote
BuT THere Are OnLY TWo seXEs! rabble rabble
fourleafclover13 t1_j6nhhh0 wrote
Thanks for the catch.
LupusDeusMagnus t1_j6nli5n wrote
Blood doesn’t usually goes from one twin to another. It would have to go through the mother.
overeducatedhick t1_j6np42u wrote
We always called these "freemartin" heifers. We just never tried to keep them as replacement heifers for the herd.
rodeopete3281 t1_j6nq59z wrote
It's called a Freemartin. They're great to raise, cornfed for a year or so and then have processed.
rodeopete3281 t1_j6nqhr0 wrote
Which sucks, because they can still be fed up for processing. The meat is amazing.
cesconerry t1_j6ntpij wrote
this adds to my knowledge
GruntPizzaParty t1_j6nwjtq wrote
Crazy this hasn’t gotten gold yet. I’d do it, but rents due
meowroarhiss t1_j6nxzvu wrote
Wtf?! Why doesn’t the world discuss this more? Why is it specific to cowboys? Does it happen to any other profession? What about farmers?
Diplodocus114 t1_j6nykq9 wrote
Enter at your own risk etc. I was a kid in farming country in the 70s (born 63) and never saw a sign until the 1990s. Bulls were fine - they never left their girls unless approached - it was the curious bullocks that chased you.
Even now I would check out the undersides of young cattle before entering a field of strangers.
Infinite_Mango4 t1_j6o7349 wrote
That's crazy I was just reading Brave New World 5 mins ago
[deleted] t1_j6oczvk wrote
Ok-Table-3774 t1_j6ogp1g wrote
That good to hear! We were told otherwise at the UC Davis Veterinary Genetics Lab when I worked there. It made me pretty sad.
SleeplessTaxidermist t1_j6ork15 wrote
I had no idea that was a thing there! Embryo transfer is like....never mentioned among US cattle farmers.
Honestly there is a lot about UK husbandry practices I really admire. I watch a cattle farrier who trims whole dairy herds and treats various diseases of the hoof. Here, Farmer Joe just sells the cow with poorly feet and gets a cow with better feet.
405134 t1_j6oufl5 wrote
Wow , that’s gotta be pretty rare though right? And I’m sure situations where twins are conjoined in the womb also potentially could share blood; like conjoined twins
Pk2216 t1_j6jr4ok wrote
Ooooh, that's pretty interesting.