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RaiShado t1_j6obt2u wrote

aTTacK tHe aRgumENt NOT ThE pErson

Thank you, you have let me rule out the complete idiot part and I can now classify you as just a gigantic festering asshole.

You had ZERO argument to attack, you were trying to use sarcasm to hate on Americans just because you think it's fun to hate on Americans.

And now, after you get called out on it, you are playing the victim. Just STFU and, like I said before, take your hate elsewhere.

Also, just so you know, largest and biggest are also not units of measure. But all three, including girth, can be measured, the units would vary depending on what was being measured, and in the case of land area it would be square kilometers or square miles. Although largest and biggest are synonyms so it's the same either way. Girth wouldn't be measured in this instance as it is another term for circumference or perimeter.
