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herbw t1_j6kenmb wrote

yep my heart of hearts. Hope to get there once more before I die. Glacier pt. overlook, max merced river runoff peak. 3 of greatest waterfalls in Western hemisphere thundering down, 1000's tons /sec. water.

I fly around there often in my mind's eye. To the Right Half Dome. Over a bit, nevada falls. Down a bit, Vernal. Up high right, Illilouette. Across the valley, Yosemite thundering down 1600' in two drops. Blow yer away you stand too close. To left, Massive El Capitan vastest Granite formation known. Others.

Tetons, too, Yellowstone maybe, but hell close my eyes, I'm there visual, hearing, smells of pines, sounds of animals. I got a good visual memory.