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Ojisan1 t1_j6c88fn wrote

> "This wasn't like a one time thing he said in passing. It wasn't like, 'Oh, by the way, this happened.' He went into great detail," a crying Feldman said in the documentary about Haim, who died from pneumonia in 2010. "He told me, 'Charlie bent me over in between two trailers and put Crisco oil on my butt and raped me in broad daylight. Anybody could have walked by, anybody could have seen it.'"


amanamongbotss t1_j6e2pt5 wrote

What the fuck. Charlie Sheen was raping teens?


Fondren_Richmond t1_j6fvku3 wrote

probably not


GaiaAnon t1_j6fxt6e wrote

Because Corey Haim totally made it up? Why would he do that? It certainly wasn't for attention since he didn't tell anyone (except Feldman)


HPmoni t1_j6jevpk wrote

All these guys had serious drug priorities.

Feldman also couldn't decide if Michael Jackson was a pervert.


Fondren_Richmond t1_j6kyulf wrote

Feldman made it up or switched names to someone more noticeable, and waited until Haim wasn't around to rebut or retract it.