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Ambiguous_Duck t1_j59i9pg wrote

Probably that the biggest of idiots cannot see humour in taboo whereas everyone else can.


Landlubber77 t1_j59mitg wrote

Eddie Murphy, Key and Peele, Chappelle, Chris Rock, Katt Williams, shit I've been into black humor for years.


ChuckFarkley t1_j59r9yv wrote

And other studies show it's a harbinger of Dementia, Alzheimer's Type.


GermaneRiposte101 t1_j59urit wrote

Thank you, I love black humour. Does that mean I am smarter than everyone who down votes me?


Edit: Does that mean I am dumber than all who up vote me?


MJN91075 t1_j59z4e4 wrote

Who won the Tour De France in 1940?

The 7th Panzer Division


BanjosAndBoredom t1_j5acrhf wrote

I recently made a taboo joke in a reddit comment and got downvoted into oblivion. It feels good to know that all those people just didn't like it because they're dumb 👍


seething_with_class t1_j5aqwx7 wrote

People who don't understand when and why and where and with whom that sort of humor is funny, and just go for a shotgun maximum impact approach probably don't, though, any more than people who are so comfortable with their bodies that they want to give everyone on the bus a free show get more and better sex like the, uh, context-appropriate body-confident folks do.


Drone68342B t1_j5b2f55 wrote

My grandfather never made it out of Auschwitz. He got drunk and fell out of a guard tower.


Xerox9 t1_j5bpaz7 wrote

"Guys I swear, I'm not just an insufferable, edgy, piece of shit. I'm just smarter than you lol"


aisha_so_sweet t1_j5c1ylz wrote

Nah, I think stuff like that is funny and I have no intelligence


[deleted] t1_j5c6q51 wrote

Therefore the woke liberal mob is very stupid.


assjackal t1_j5ci42t wrote

I think the caveat here is timing and audience. Most people aren't adverse to a good dark joke as long as they know everyone involved doesn't actually think that way. My roommate is black and I have Italian heritage, we occasionally say slightly racist shit to each other in good humor but know each other's limit. This is after dozens of hours of deep dialogue about systemic racism and similar topics.

Of course the dude who opens up a party with dead baby jokes or the like is definitely not the brightest bulb.


lntercontinental t1_j5co6fa wrote

— The annoying, smelly kid with greasy unwashed hair at the back of the classroom trying to defend himself after literally calling someone the n word and trying to pass it off as ”dark humor”


Libertas-Vel-Mors t1_j5d5trx wrote

I have a t-shirt with Stalin's picture on it that says

"Dark humor is like food...not everyone get's it.*


JumpyButterscotch t1_j5dh0o1 wrote

It’s almost like smart folks can process ideas without buying into them wholeheartedly. On the other hand, pearl clutching folks that can’t think outside their bubble.


4Ever2Thee t1_j5ey4av wrote

This is the last thing redditors need to see. Now they’re just gonna be trying to be darker and edgier; this might even bring back dead baby jokes, let’s just leave them in the past.


willateo t1_j5hr4k9 wrote

Dark humor is like food: not everyone gets it.


Jrubas t1_j5l2e7h wrote

My friends and I are savage with one another. I made one too many jokes about sucking some dick and my gay friend said I was a bigger f*g than he was. My black friend called me a peckerwood and I called him the N-word. All you have to do is exist and we have a roast just waiting.

Then I come here and have to rein it in so as not to scandalize the classy likes of Reddit. Wouldn't want any swooning or monocle dropping now would we?


StupidOldAndFat t1_j5mlq75 wrote

I’ve no problem with tasteless humor, it’s one of the few things that I do well. But it’s not dark. I’m not making the rules, I simply read the study. Nor do I care about what you fins funny, but will point out when someone reads a headline and jumps straight to “look at meeee! This is what I doooooo!” Being a poser is also not dark humor.