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unknownpanda121 t1_j5n4j1f wrote

I understand he was glad he didn’t get carjacked but dude probably went out and carjacked someone else some other time. A Big Mac isn’t going to change this man’s mentality.


InterPunct t1_j5n6qsh wrote

I have no idea who Lou Williams is but he doesn't seem very bright, if well-intentioned.


tendollarstd t1_j5nch7b wrote

Someone was in that other thread about the Eagles player who had his car stolen….


Swiggity53 t1_j5njl0i wrote

two girls and they get along like I’m Lou….


kingofwale t1_j5njtbo wrote

So…. You aren’t you when you are hungry.


badpeaches t1_j5nkaqx wrote

Title reads like a corporate fast food chain shill threw this together


square3481 t1_j5nkru2 wrote

Then he made him tea and told him he could make it as a massage therapist.


Brock_Way t1_j5nsu4d wrote

Paying people to not commit violence against you is called extortion.

EDIT: Correct where necessary because of my terrible wording.


thedr0ughts t1_j5nyzmw wrote

Sweet Lou did a lot for the city of Philadelphia so the gunman saw it was Lou and didn’t rob him, Lou was able to talk him down.

Lou Williams isn’t some rich guy going through the hood ignorantly… obviously he knows how to handle himself and would know if he’s being carjacked


mcpickledick t1_j5o070a wrote

"Thanks for victimizing other people with far less money instead"


DoofusMagnus t1_j5o6mka wrote

Could have been a good way to get the guy's face on a security camera. Doesn't sound like that's the route he went, though.


_PM_ME_YOUR_FORESKIN t1_j5og3t4 wrote

I mean. I’d take him to McDonald’s while I waited for the police to come arrest his ass. You can’t just be carjacking people.


Outdoor_classroom t1_j5ok479 wrote

I grew up super poor. I sometimes get the feeling that when you can relate to a criminal you don’t take the crime too personally. Lots of us have been so close to the edge you wonder if you’ll have to start committing crimes to get by. It isn’t a “mentality” that makes a person more likely to commit crime. I don’t know anything about Williams’ background, but I wonder if Williams felt that way. I doubt he was trying to change the carjackers ways. He probably was literally just buying him a burger


Sharcbait t1_j5om867 wrote

In the interview Lou tells it ain't like that.

He says the car jacker recognized him from doing community work and has a mini-breakdown where he says he doesn't have anything and is basically homeless and doesn't even have anything to eat. Lou tells him to meet him at McDonalds and he would buy him anything he wants to eat (just fearing for his own safety and buying time for his body guard to come back)

It's not like Lou was trying to change the world 1 bigmac at a time, he was just trying to distract the dude long enough until the bodyguard could come back.


Judge_Rhinohold t1_j5or3gs wrote

I also haven’t carjacked Lou Williams. Where’s my McDonalds?


XGeN_ReaL t1_j5p2dua wrote

Im honestly perplexed how you can say he doesn’t seem bright based on successfully de-escalating a life threatening altercation.

He managed to not get robbed, not get shot, and bought enough time for his security to arrive. If that is not intelligence, what is?


frankybling t1_j5pd294 wrote

Yo man are you hungry? I’ll buy you some food right over there… this is pretty good thinking.


Tex-Rob t1_j5pjnoa wrote

It's funny that you joke about this, but I legit was thinking about this recently. Most of us have heard the stories of parole boards approvals come at the start and right after lunch, and become very unlikely as the parole board members get hungry. It makes me wonder how many high tension situations could be diffused by the person just eating something. Like, I wonder how many crimes are committed when the person is hungry, vs not? Super random thoughts for the day.


FinancialYou4519 t1_j5qcal7 wrote

When youre in a relationship and have a fight. Trust me, eat something the both of you. I swear like 85% of all domestic fights could be solved with a sandwich cut in half. (Source: trust me brah)


BikiniBottomYe t1_j5qfist wrote

Lol I woulda jacked him twice... hate me some chicken lou wil


Salmol1na t1_j5sxqqf wrote

Williams made 5 million before endorsements in 2011. Couldn’t he have gone a step higher like Denny’s or Waffle House?


rhymes_with_chicken t1_j61hcbw wrote

I’m 6’10 and have almost been mugged twice. But, in both cases once the would be assailant was standing toe to toe with me, we ended up talking about where I played, how tall I was, what size shoes I wore, and parted ways by shaking hands and exchanging goodbyes. Wild shit. But, I’ll take it over the alternatives.