thirdeyefish t1_j6liqxh wrote
That and, and I'm going out on a limb here, most people don't open doors with their butts.
SniffUmaMuffins t1_j6lis62 wrote
People should stop pooping on their keyboards
picado t1_j6liw9b wrote
Great, now I'm anxious about the keypads at the grocery.
MPFX3000 t1_j6ljkew wrote
Well yeah I don’t pick my nose while I’m taking a dump, I do it while writing emails
HotPocket_Consumed t1_j6ljtkn wrote
And it’s gotten me sick 0 times
Brain_Hawk t1_j6lju24 wrote
There is a huge tendency to compare things to how dirty a toilet seat is, but your average toilet seat is pretty clean. We don't generally poop on them, if we do pay on them pee is pretty sterile anyway, and for the most part people tend to clean their toilets fairly often. When's the last time you disinfected your keyboard? Some of you will say yesterday, but some of you will say never. I might also say never.
There's some Lysol wipes right next to me but I'm too busy right now
SaulsAll t1_j6ljvut wrote
Which colonies are forming? Want to guess how many CFU are on your face? In your mouth? It's not the number, it's the type.
>recommends washing your hands regularly (and properly)
This is the proper take-away.
TheReal_AlphaPatriot t1_j6ljxfw wrote
Yes, but MY keyboard has MY colony-forming units of bacteria that came from MY hands and I already have a good relationship with that bacteria. There’s nothing that’s going to kill me.
But it really grosses me out to use someone else’s keyboard. Or phone.
[deleted] t1_j6lk7xn wrote
Dont_Wanna_Not_Gonna t1_j6lkeh4 wrote
TIB. (Today I Barfed)
CascadiaBrowncoat t1_j6llf63 wrote
Challenge accepted!
Bloka2au t1_j6llhuz wrote
What an unhelpful comparison.
nrfx t1_j6lm7pv wrote
Other people's keyboards are one of the grossest things I can think of.
Everyone seen that picture of the communal Fleshlight at burning man yeah?
Same energy.
RedSonGamble t1_j6lmdcl wrote
Or toilet.
But yea just like you won’t get sick from ingesting your own feces. (Except in very rare/specific situations) Basically if it comes from you it’s fine to ingest.
And yes you can take this statement to the extreme and be like well if that’s only what you live off of it will kill you. Sure. But that’s not what I mean.
ShameSpearofPain t1_j6lmdnl wrote
Using one of those compressed air canisters to clean out the keys of a shared keyboard is so disgusting.
RedSonGamble t1_j6lmgn0 wrote
Wanna guess what the dirtiest part of the human body is? 🤗. Go on guess
LowLeftMarksman t1_j6lms14 wrote
Ex fucking scuse me? Communal fleshlight?
Xszit t1_j6lmsmn wrote
The dirtiest place in the office is the top of the hand sanitizer pump.
Nobody touches the sanitizer pump because they have clean hands and I've never seen anyone sanitize the pump after they do their hands.
JumpyButterscotch t1_j6lmyd1 wrote
Wait til you hear about kid toys in the dentist office!
Kevin69138 t1_j6ln7hq wrote
Lol wtf. Gross didnt see that one
BinaryRhyme t1_j6lnmyx wrote
... likewise your kitchen washcloth. ;)
hobbitdude13 t1_j6lo27f wrote
>communal fleshlight
That is an unholy combination of words.
Joshudan t1_j6lojam wrote
Sure, but I don't eat sandwiches over my toilet seat!
well, except that one time...
Amy_Macadamia t1_j6lom3a wrote
iskin t1_j6lons3 wrote
Why would you eat over the toilet seat when there is a perfectly good table attached to the toilet?
iskin t1_j6looy9 wrote
SniffUmaMuffins t1_j6lotkg wrote
Are your boogers more dirty than your poop?
peepeedog t1_j6lounb wrote
How else are you going to get aids by jacking off?
iskin t1_j6lov8p wrote
I clean my toilet seat with disinfectant before and after I use it. I clean my keyboard every morning with disinfectant before I start my work day. So I clean my toilet seat 2-6 times on a normal day and my keyboard once a day. Checks out.
lakshmananlm t1_j6lozvq wrote
And this is why we have healthy immune systems.
shibaninja t1_j6lp0df wrote
Thank you for reminding me of that.. aaaand I'm done redditing for the day..
Foghorner t1_j6lp913 wrote
It’s not in the seat because it’s on everyone ass cheeks
RDMvb6 t1_j6lponl wrote
But no sweaty fat men have sat on my keyboard. If you had to lick one of them, I’d still rather lick a keyboard.
ChiggaOG t1_j6lpvfo wrote
Bet you didn't know it probably contains a colony of staphylococcus and streptococcus bacteria.
Source: Me; eating food right at my desk with my bare hands after touching my keyboard to get a canker sore a few days later. Also, I have gotten a sore throat.
Can_of_Ubik t1_j6lpztv wrote
Utterly cursed.
Declanmar t1_j6lqulh wrote
More importantly, people clean their toilets with bleach, which kills everything.
Mr_Yuker t1_j6ltgbz wrote
I've been dragging my balls across your keyboard for years at this point
Mr_Yuker t1_j6ltkfk wrote
Yes it's for the community... Don't try to take it home with you sir
the_hell_you_say t1_j6ltlr2 wrote
OP eats ass
Mr_Yuker t1_j6ltmbl wrote
Mmmmm... You sounds delightful
Mr_Yuker t1_j6ltq32 wrote
No... Just periodically rub your balls with your hand to clean them off... The testicles germ colonies will battle and win against any competing colony
wanawanka t1_j6lvr3x wrote
Seriously. Same with the whole flushing the toilet is like setting off a poop bomb in your bathroom. But like, if these were ACTUAL problems wouldnt we all be dying of dysentery and the plague?
Just wash your hands before you fingerbang strangers' mouths, and don't...hold your mouth over the toilet bowl when you flush like ur collecting snowflakes and I think we're all gonna just keep living our lives.
Edit: I'm not a doctor. This is speculation. But I just think there are more dangerous sources of disease.
OrcRobotGhostSamurai t1_j6lvyjt wrote
Yeah but I don't lick my keyboard.
BCProgramming t1_j6lx2nu wrote
It's just me here, and my keyboard bacteria. Relationships will be difficult, but not impossible.
Warboss17 t1_j6ly1bk wrote
Idk, all my coworkers arent taking turns taking a shit on my keyboard
Drugsarefordrugs t1_j6ly3qm wrote
From a laptop-user perspective, how can I operationalize this info so that my keyboard can be more sanitary?
dam_sharks_mother t1_j6ly76j wrote
Apple Pay w watch or phone. I refuse to touch those things, disgusting.
5spd4wd t1_j6lybao wrote
At least once a week I turn my keyboard upside down and give it a few raps on the desk to dislodge anything stuck between the keys. Then I wipe it thoroughly with Clorox disinfecting wipes. So my computer keyboard is not anywhere close to those bacteria numbers. No one's needs to be.
Daftworks t1_j6lz0v0 wrote
That's why our office has those automatic dispensers
kupuwhakawhiti t1_j6lz2h5 wrote
Ok, I’ll spend most of my working hours on a keyboard and you can spend yours fingering a toilet seat. We’ll see who gets sick first.
Daftworks t1_j6lz7e6 wrote
Cleaning a keyboard is also quite a bit of tedious work. Especially if you have a lot of "debris" in there
OneSidedDice t1_j6lzg85 wrote
I got it from the Control key
It jumped right up
And grabbed my meat
ronflair t1_j6lzpm7 wrote
I bet my yogurt also has more CFU than a public toilet seat. But my yogurt also is far less likely to give me monkey pox.
Visual_Reason2608 t1_j6m1tlu wrote
nah yours is filthy too
Ginge00 t1_j6m36mp wrote
This is why I take my keyboard home at night rather than using the supplied ones. Also mines worth several hundred dollars.
Devil_May_Kare t1_j6m4bv6 wrote
The probiotic supplement I deliberately ingested this evening has something like 10,000,000,000 CFU. CFUs are not equivalent to dirt.
Rich4477 t1_j6m4ruf wrote
I worked in a food plant with the cfu swab tester. the sole of my boot was far cleaner than the shared computer mouse.
jooes t1_j6m5e10 wrote
Phones especially, people bring those everywhere.
Plenty of people jerk off to internet porn, phone in one hand, dick/vagina in the other. Your phone is covered in all sorts of bodily fluids. Maybe you wash your hands (and that's a big maybe), but you're not washing your phone.
Literally everybody brings their phone into the bathroom. Everybody surfs the web while they're taking a shit. Your hands are covered in god knows what, and then they put the phone down on the nasty-ass fucking counter, wash their hands (hopefully), and immediately pick it back up again. Why bother washing your hands if you're not going to wash your phone?
People bring them into the kitchen to follow recipes. Cut some chicken, scroll to the next step, wash hands maybe, dice some onions, scroll to the next step...
jcozzy27 t1_j6m5rzv wrote
Can just imagine the sign shop taking this order holy shit!
thorpie88 t1_j6m5s2a wrote
There's only seven keys we need to use on the keyboard and they are far cleaner than the rest because of it. It's annoying when someone wipes the sawdust off as I can remember the inputs at first
michaelvsaucetookdmt t1_j6m69wb wrote
And? You rub the sanitizer on your hands after you touch the pump. Seems kinda like a non-issue
Devil_May_Kare t1_j6m6ugj wrote
A few percent of people are asymptomatic carriers of MRSA in their skin microbiome. MRSA can kill if a few things go wrong at once. It usually sits there being dormant or causing transient infections like pimples, because Staphylococcus aureus gonna S. aureus, but it can sometimes get into your soft tissue and lungs and blood and then kill you if not adequately treated (and adequate treatment is hard because MRSA is immune to a lot of our favorite antibiotics).
SomeIndividual1 t1_j6ma7e8 wrote
shit is full of bacterial, when you flush your shit, shit bacterial get all over the toilet sit
SomeIndividual1 t1_j6mac7v wrote
Just remember, whenever you touch other people's phone, keyboard and mouse. there will be jizz on it, cause everyone crank it out
stenmarkv t1_j6mbcx3 wrote
Isn't this because people don't clean their keyboards regularly?
mikefever90 t1_j6mcqym wrote
still not a good idea to eat out of a toilet bowl.
I_wont_argue t1_j6mdw8t wrote
Do you just pump the sanitizer on your one hand and not sanitize the hand you used to press the pump or what ? You literally sanitize your hand 5 seconds later so it does not matter what you touched just before that.
Carighan t1_j6me5n7 wrote
> but you're not washing your phone
Your pet might help out. Depends on the pet, of course.
Lecanoscopy t1_j6me8gw wrote
Ha ha I do. I work with kids. Sanitize all the things.
WastefulWatcher t1_j6mekpa wrote
I literally wash my phone. Why not? It’s waterproof to that degree anyway.
Slurm818 t1_j6meuvv wrote
OP doesn’t clean their keyboard apparently
Getdeded t1_j6mf7ft wrote
Your keyboard maybe. Alcohol in a spray bottle
abby_normally t1_j6mfpb3 wrote
Now tell me how dirty my smartphone screen is.
RyanNewhart t1_j6mgt5z wrote
LPT: Stop wiping your ass with your mousepad.
demoran t1_j6mhwo9 wrote
And here I am, not caring about either. How am I even still alive?
[deleted] t1_j6mi8cq wrote
Well what's your nickname huh? No one gets to pick theirs you know
[deleted] t1_j6mibcm wrote
You wanna use my bar of soap after I rim with it?
Either_Difficulty851 t1_j6mio9l wrote
How much is shipping to Pennsylvania?
I_wont_argue t1_j6mixv4 wrote
Same here, I also refuse to touch anything from apple, it's disgusting.
Either_Difficulty851 t1_j6mj11r wrote
What does something like that pay? Can I work remotely?
I_wont_argue t1_j6mj77u wrote
>Wait til you hear about kids toys in the dentist office!
Jyel t1_j6mj7qc wrote
I clean my keyboard from time to time:(
I_wont_argue t1_j6mjps3 wrote
You are weird.
LiesInRuins t1_j6mjv3j wrote
I just tried typing with my toilet seat and it didn’t work.
[deleted] t1_j6mk91m wrote
fuzzy9691 t1_j6mkhp6 wrote
I hate these stupid ‘factoids’.
Yeah, a toilet seat, a twenty dollar note, a phone, a door knob. Whatever.
It’s not the AMOUNT of bacteria that matters; it’s the type. Shithead.
Tankeverket t1_j6ml02a wrote
In/on/over ear headphones, keyboard, mouse, hats/caps, phone
These are very gross and my top 5 most gross things that you can use that aren't yours
IssacHunt89 t1_j6ml11a wrote
Those are just numbers, nothing about the fact the different bacteria on the keyboard Vs toilet.
d-signet t1_j6mlb77 wrote
You guys have separate keyboards and toilet seats?
DanishWonder t1_j6mlk7l wrote
Yep. That link is staying blue.
Clemen11 t1_j6mmq6e wrote
I read this, quietly got up, headed to my toilet, and brought back a pack of anti bacterial wipes
shortercrust t1_j6mngcr wrote
I always think the toilet seat comparison is weird. How dirty is your toilet seat? The only thing that touches mine is my bum, which is pretty clean. It’s not like I smear poo all over it.
made3 t1_j6mnwr6 wrote
I am honestly not sure why I shoud give a shit.
Cleaverpuns t1_j6molvc wrote
Some may pay to watch you
Hattemageren t1_j6mpg1d wrote
Except when it's empty :(
CTRL1_ALT2_DEL3 t1_j6ms3ou wrote
I know it's time to clean mine when the glass of wine tilts right over it, bridging? parts of the PCB and randomly activating keys. Luckily this happens about every fortnight, so my keebee is mostly squeaky clean.
fml_ianal t1_j6mtqx2 wrote
You press the sanitizer dispenser with your asshole?!
Either_Difficulty851 t1_j6mueo2 wrote
Fans of bears in particular.
Tyrinnus t1_j6mvpll wrote
Weird way to spell "OP's mom"
I2eB6L t1_j6mvrxi wrote
One is dirty, one is shitty
Beatless7 t1_j6mvvd8 wrote
Have you seen my toilet?
The_Real_Manimal t1_j6mwcn6 wrote
That's gross.
kgyula t1_j6mxpjn wrote
I told you 9.58 million times don't exaggerate.
technicalityNDBO t1_j6mzcdl wrote
Exactly. The bacteria got onto your keyboard from your hands. The same hands you'd use to rub your eyes, or pick a popcorn kernel out of your teeth.
It's just a stigma like with saliva. We spend all day swallowing our own saliva. But if we spit into a glass and drank it out of there, it would be gross for some reason.
gellenburg t1_j6n5ikz wrote
172 seems awfully low considering all the shit spray from the toilet that we're supposed to now be worried about. Or, maybe that was all actually bullshit and clickbait.
BlackNosedOwl t1_j6n7h3l wrote
That is why I don't type where I eat.
Slinkyfest2005 t1_j6n7np9 wrote
It's pretty tame. Pretty sure it was just an art install designed to dredge horror in the mind of folks as opposed to an actual public toy.
HentaiSpirit t1_j6n8y96 wrote
why the fuck is this even a thing
HentaiSpirit t1_j6n958c wrote
Epic germs battle of the history
throwawayfghtyu t1_j6n96w4 wrote
Porcelain is also an excellent material for anti-bacterial properties
_dirty_lew_ t1_j6n99ch wrote
Not my keyboard
cote112 t1_j6n9epx wrote
I try to disinfectant wipe mine once a month.
RussianTrumpOff2Jail t1_j6nb4c4 wrote
>and don't...hold your mouth over the toilet bowl when you flush like ur collecting snowflakes
On the toilet rn, will try to remember this.
Joshudan t1_j6ngh5v wrote
lol, I never thought of that! Genius!
[deleted] t1_j6njtw5 wrote
fargmania t1_j6nlyuh wrote
Please define "dirtier". I'm fairly sure that bacteria is on just about everything on earth. I'm made up of several pounds of bacteria right now... and this is not just normal but healthy.
If a toilet seat is covered with e.coli, monkeypox and streptococcus... I'm going to be more concerned about that than how many of them there are. The type of microcritters you are likely dealing with... matters.
Lastly... I don't know anyone who has fallen ill from using a keyboard. Or for going to the toilet, for that matter. Unless you are immune-compromised, and you don't engage in basic hygiene... you are probably going to be fine.
Shuggaloaf t1_j6nmpq7 wrote
How'd it go?
ArchaKun t1_j6noqvm wrote
He's dead, Jim.
V6Ga t1_j6np1xa wrote
Jus' saying.
I think your calculator has a virus.
Tru-Queer t1_j6npebu wrote
Well ya see he hit the bowl with such force his log bounced out of the toilet and he choked to death. Talk about a way to go.
Smooth move, Exlax.
Gandalf32 t1_j6ns98a wrote
See, working in IT, and after touching countless other's keyboards, I gotta admit I rarely get sick. Doesn't bother me at all.
Shuggaloaf t1_j6nte9c wrote
He died as he lived, by boldly going where no man has gone before.
[deleted] t1_j6nthrp wrote
RonSwansonsOldMan t1_j6nudrt wrote
Guess I better stop pooping on my keyboard.
CascadiaBrowncoat t1_j6o091n wrote
95% of the hands you shake have had a penis in them
BigBaws92 t1_j6o0eik wrote
His is the filthiest
FIERY_URETHRA t1_j6o3f51 wrote
I wash my phone. Rubbing alcohol does wonders.
AltonIllinois t1_j6o5vj6 wrote
"How likely is either one to get you sick" is the only metric that counts.
Starkrall t1_j6o6137 wrote
I saw a gamertag the other night that puts all cursed phrases to shame: DaughterMilker
turkey_sandwiches t1_j6o8ipa wrote
Sure, but which bacteria is also important.
Dragmire800 t1_j6oc12s wrote
For $1 million, I’d eat my own shit, but I wouldn’t eat a stranger’s shit
[deleted] t1_j6odlok wrote
Dammit I'm a bodywash guy. Looks like I'm taking a road trip
humblepotatopeeler t1_j6oduvy wrote
it's no surprise since u spend all day breathing on the thing.
Picolete t1_j6ohjzu wrote
I still dont understand what some people do over their laptops to get them so dirty
SweatyToothed t1_j6oj1se wrote
To shreds you say?
Gandalf32 t1_j6ombvj wrote
I've seen it all, coffee spills, dog food, soda, alcohol, you name it. They just treat their keyboards like an extension to their placemat on the dinner table I guess.
kurizma t1_j6oq4vn wrote
it's the quantity, but the quality.
pewpewpewouch t1_j6ot7ff wrote
Wait until you find out about that waterbottle you have on your desk.
Radiobandit t1_j6ov4zy wrote
Right? Guaranteed 99/100 people would still (Rightfully) choose to eat something that fell on their keyboard over something that sat on their toilet seat.
RedSonGamble t1_j6ovhzb wrote
The butthole
RedSonGamble t1_j6ovjgz wrote
The butthole
Complex_Blueberry_31 t1_j6oxgev wrote
I clean my keyboards and phone atleast once a day
Ethereal42 t1_j6oxpjs wrote
I was contemplating this the other day, your ass is perhaps the least touched and exposed part of your body, meaning a toilet seat cannot possibly be dirtier than a handle or keyboard etc
Defiant_Dirt_31it3 t1_j6oyij5 wrote
Dear god don't flip over your keyboard... please or use a duster on it. Things come out that you don't want leaking.
Siggi_pop t1_j6p251f wrote
Has anyone considered that toilet seats, regardless how close to bare anus, are generally very clean?
egres_svk t1_j6pae9i wrote
Wash hands before using it, don't eat or snack while working. Does wonders.
According-Classic658 t1_j6pb35e wrote
I worked at a start-up. Dozens of people in a large dark room. Months went by using the assigned computer they gave me. The lights were turned on for the first time and the fucking filth that was on there. Stains all over it. The previous person that sat there ate a sandwich and a large piece of bread had been stuck under the space bar.
I found a new one in storage and lysol the fuck out of it.
icanith t1_j6pgc0p wrote
When I think of dirty keyboards, I can't help but think of Gattaca.
geo22717 t1_j6phiu3 wrote
not if you wash your hands bfore using it & wiping it down with alcohol every other week also wash ur phones every other day with soap & water, its not hard to be clean
Either_Difficulty851 t1_j6pikeq wrote
I'm not sure what transaction you're contemplating here. But, I do like butt stuff and body wash.
jfpbookworm t1_j6lihqp wrote
Because most people clean their toilet seats from time to time.