TIL Hou Jing, a general during the China's North-South period, seized control of the government of the Liang dynasty by rebelling. After that, in an act of vanity, he gave himself the title of "General of the Universe, Past, Present, and Future, Commander of all Forces in the Six Directions".
en.wikipedia.orgSubmitted by zhuquanzhong t3_1278gcx
TIL in the tiny African kingdom of Lesotho, a local style of accordion folk music known as Famo has sprung a fierce bloody gang war which has contributed to its high homicide rate. Little-known to the outside world, scores of musicians and hundreds of DJs, fans, family members etc. have been slain.
bbc.comSubmitted by delano1998 t3_123xxjg
TIL over the course of his 23 published adventures, Herge's Tintin was knocked unconscious 43 times. Between 1929 and 1973, he was hit with a rake, a brick, a whisky bottle, an oar, a giant apple, a camel femur, a block of ice, and countless punches and clubs.
theglobeandmail.comSubmitted by morerubberstamps t3_126p83d
TIL that Kurt Cobain got the inspiration to make Nirvana's famous song "Smells Like Teen Spirit" when Kathleen Hanna, the singer of the band "Bikini Kill" wrote "Kurt smells like teen spirit" on a board. Teen Spirit was a woman's deodorant and he didn't knew it until he was done with the song.
theguardian.comSubmitted by WonderfulWanderer777 t3_126qji1
TIL that in Chinese Folk Religion, a mortal human being could ascend into godhood not through the decisions of a clergy/church, but by the sheer number of people who believe that their extraordinary achievements led to apotheosis, which forced Confucian/Taoists clerics to canonize a person as a God.
en.wikipedia.orgSubmitted by Khysamgathys t3_124n0s0
TIL in order to prevent certain legal instruments from operating in perpetuity, a Royal Lives Clause may be written into a contract which provides a definite but extended period of time usually tied to twenty-one years past the death of last living descendent of the current British monarch.
mondaq.comSubmitted by AudibleNod t3_126ldrd
TIL that after Leon Czolgosz was executed for assassinating US Pres. William McKinley, the prison warden poured sulfuric acid on the corpse, burned his belongings, and refused to turn over the body to Leon's brother. This was to prevent exhibitions of his life
en.wikipedia.orgSubmitted by archfapper t3_126s0go
Submitted by sammer003 t3_122yd14