Recent comments in /f/todayilearned

typhoidtimmy t1_jefptnl wrote

Chicory drinker here on occasion

Absolutely. Needs milk or something to cut the bite. And that bite is damn big.

Edit: Now I want to try it with condensed milk. That sounds delicious.


Lunarvania t1_jefpi4e wrote

Excellent read, thank you. Had no idea this was even a misconception people had. It's really annoying how some atheist dude bros go out of their way to make religion and belief look bad when compared to science and rationalism, as if they did not and do not coexist peacefully. There is way more credible things to be critical abour.


bothunter t1_jefozfx wrote

I wouldn't expect people to know all the states of matter, but it's kind of sad that a lot of people don't realize there are more than three, and plasma is one of them. (and experiments involving plasma are fun as hell)


_Dnikeb t1_jefotiw wrote

Yup. Grab a bunch of straws or balloons, press them together, they're going to spontaneously arrange themselves into hexagons.

Also if you examine a bee or wasp comb from up close, you'll realize the outermost cells are still mostly round, because they're not completely surrounded by other cells.


VersatileFaerie t1_jefo3qw wrote

From what I have heard from people who like it, you never want to drink it plain. It needs milk or a creamer to balance out the taste. So if you enjoy your coffee with put any additions or with very little sugar or creamer, you will not find a way to enjoy chicory coffee. I have heard dandelion coffee is closer to the taste of coffee without having any actual coffee in it. The problem is that it is hard to find in most places and you would have to grow them yourself since so many people use chemicals on their lawns. I've thought about growing them in a pot since I rent, but my cats are rude and eat any plant I try to grow, so I have given up until I have more space.


NotBrooklyn2421 t1_jefn36i wrote

My mom’s side of the family all does the same. They use dinner to describe a large meal, typically eaten as a family or group. Dinner can be served anytime between 11am and 7pm depending on the setting and details.