Recent comments in /f/todayilearned

Hattix t1_jeftryh wrote

Some of those are states of states. It's difficult to pigeon-hole states of matter, since states of matter aren't actually a physical thing by themselves.

Do we want to consider glass to be a different state of matter than metal? It should be: Metals are not remotely similar to glasses. In bulk properties they have rigid bodies, but that's about it. They're both "solid" and yet what meaning does this have? Mercury is far more similar to iron than either are to sulphur. Why should we consider the bulk property of rigidity or fluidity to be more important than, say, conductivity or first ionisation enthalpy?

Ultimately, it's best to restrict "states of matter" to everyday experience, as that's what they're meant to be.


Selfpropelledfapping t1_jeftgev wrote


Brandonmac10x t1_jeftbv1 wrote

I weight 130 lbs. I eat like a 4/5 a pound of chicken and 1lb of fries some days.

Other days is like 2 and a half cups of rice.

Back when I was making burgers I’d have 3 3/4 lb burgers and a big side of pasta (half a stacked plate).

I eat a lot. And a lot of times I’ll pass out after eating so much because I’m full and don’t want to move.

I’m probably unhealthy af though.


Adventurous-Zombie-1 t1_jefshpk wrote

The dictionary definition of "dinner" is simply the largest meal of the day. We now just think of it meaning the evening meal. My dad, an ex farmer, still refers to his midday meal as 'dinner'. It's caused a lot of confusion over the years!


killroystyx t1_jefsfmr wrote

Like that story about the Hebrews of old being descendents of time travelers from Mars who were stranded here when they jumped forward in time to escape the destruction of Mars in a civil war over the existence of magic. At least thats where some of the the people of Atlantis were from before they destabilized it and sank it into the sea(not their fault, poor planning sounds like). And thats where architects of the pyramids were from. ALL the pyramids.


DormeDwayne t1_jefs56z wrote

Dinner is usually my biggest meal of the day, too, but unlike you I don’t skip lunch, I skip breakfast.

If I may ask, how is your weight and your sleep quality? Does a heavy dinner not make you sleep less well?


Nanoo_1972 t1_jefrgkm wrote

My parents were both raised in Czech households, and we called them breakfast, lunch, and supper. My wife's family called them breakfast, lunch and dinner. She finally broke my spirit and I know call supper, dinner.


bolanrox t1_jefqnh5 wrote

Was a bit in the Alt SciFi / Fiction Turtledove book Guns for the South.

time travelers upon meeting Gen Lee for the first time offer him folgers instant coffee. Lee says its not as good as the real thing but much better than the Chicory blend.