Recent comments in /f/todayilearned

nullcharstring t1_jefxwxu wrote

Believe it or not, I agree with you. That said, there are still inconsistencies that ought to be cleared up. There's no doubt that the device exists and that there were units deployed. There's also no doubt that there were 3 American battalions and 2 German battalions of Pershing 1a missiles deployed and their mission was to deny the Red Army access to Western Europe. It would be very interesting to see some actual battle plans rather than reading the somewhat contradictory oral history of this device.


Bruce-7891 t1_jefxrs9 wrote

Yeah, some of those, you have to ask, what are we calling a state of matter now? Superconductivity? It's a physical property. That's like saying hot and cold are states of matter. This is giving me "there are 27 different genders" vibes.


DormeDwayne t1_jefuqxj wrote

Yeah, that doesn’t sound very healthy, I admit, but whatever workd for you! You’re probably a man, bigger than me, and likely younger, as well, so you probably have much higher caloric needs than I do.


Th0m45D4v15 t1_jefu6sq wrote

It was common to wake up, and get a little snack in before work. Then you would have a large meal in the middle of the day, then a small meal before bed. I’ve heard from older generations, and it may not be as common on average, but with people I know, they also had a tendency to wake back up, and hang out and talk with neighbors or family well after dark. Has anyone else heard of this?