Recent comments in /f/todayilearned
EvilMonkeyMimic t1_jeg464i wrote
Reply to comment by 80088008135 in TIL A newborn baby is 75% water at birth. A slightly higher water content than bananas, but slightly less than potatoes. by Imbiberr
Edward Elric made this mistake
spookyskost t1_jeg44pj wrote
Reply to comment by Th0m45D4v15 in TIL In the West the largest meal of the day has historically been eaten at midday. It was not until Napoleon's empire there was the "abominable habit of dining as late as seven in the evening" as British travelers reported. The British adopted later dinners by 1850 from changes in work schedules. by jamescookenotthatone
Oh yeah, supposedly during the medieval ages it wasn’t uncommon to wake up and be up for a couple hours during the night before going back to bed. It was called Two Sleeps. Here’s a BBC article on it:
Infernalism t1_jeg44dr wrote
Reply to TIL that as President-Elect, US Pres. James Buchanan improperly wrote to a Supreme Court justice asking him to vote pro-slavery in the Dred Scott case. The court would rule 7-2 that Scott was a possession, not a person, and denied his petition for freedom by archfapper
Chattel slavery and its after-effects is a fucking tragedy.
Reconstruction should have lasted 50 years.
Kolada t1_jeg3t2y wrote
Reply to comment by Ragnarotico in TIL A newborn baby is 75% water at birth. A slightly higher water content than bananas, but slightly less than potatoes. by Imbiberr
I mean having another 15 points of water in you is pretty OMG in my opinion
flinkebernt t1_jeg3sq3 wrote
Reply to comment by Imbiberr in TIL A newborn baby is 75% water at birth. A slightly higher water content than bananas, but slightly less than potatoes. by Imbiberr
I hate that idiot
Potential-Theory1669 t1_jeg3nv6 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in TIL of Cáin Adomnáin, dubbed "Europe's first human rights treaty". Created in the year 697, was a set of laws - which kings across Ireland and parts of Scotland mutually agreed to follow - that guaranteed the safety of non-combatants in warfare. by Madbrad200
The word Gael, as in Gaelic, i.e. Irish, comes from a Welsh word for "Raider".
sooprvylyn t1_jeg3men wrote
Reply to comment by raltyinferno in TIL: honeycombs start out circular, and the surface tension of the beeswax pulls them into hexagons as it solidifies, because it is the most energetically favorable conformation. by craigdahlke
Look, i ate the hell out of em as a kid, and I wouldn't turn a bowl down today. They arent bad, and were tollerable for my mom on the sugar scale.
That said, if i want a sugar-bomb cereal ive got a few items further up the list im gonna go for first.
JustAPerspective t1_jeg3k7p wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in TIL that Walt Disney World began as "The Florida Project". Dummy corporations were used, by Walt Disney Productions, to buy up 27,000 acres of land to avoid bursts of land speculation in the Orlando area. Early rumors assumed possible development by NASA, Ford, the Rockefellers, and Howard Hughes. by jdward01
>This discussion is about Disney cheating subsistence farmers out of their homesteads. Try to keep up.
We mentioned rich white dudes who form corporations - your effort to focus a discussion on something irrelevant to the topic appears willful, so it's simple to read the thread & see how full of shit you are. U.S.A., you are.
saliczar t1_jeg3e5w wrote
Reply to TIL that on top of the 3 matters of state that we’re all familiar with (solid, liquid, gas), there are at least 24 more, though most only exist under extreme conditions by gianthooverpig
Aren't the conditions that allow for liquid water more extreme than those that allow solid or gas? Such a small window of temperatures that makes it liquid.
Nazamroth t1_jeg3ayp wrote
Reply to TIL that New Orleans chicory coffee mix started during the American Civil War when Union naval blockades cut off the port of New Orleans bringing coffee shipments to a halt. New Orleanians looking for their coffee fix began mixing chicory with coffee to stretch out the supply. by GeoJono
Most iconic foods start out as a "ok, what do we have on hand and what can we make from it?" thing. Often as a staple food for the masses.
TAHayduke t1_jeg3583 wrote
Reply to comment by InsaneBrew in TIL that New Orleans chicory coffee mix started during the American Civil War when Union naval blockades cut off the port of New Orleans bringing coffee shipments to a halt. New Orleanians looking for their coffee fix began mixing chicory with coffee to stretch out the supply. by GeoJono
I love chicory coffee black.
Hhic416 t1_jeg2jdi wrote
Reply to comment by OldMork in TIL in the 1920s, Coco Chanel accidentally got a tan, and helped inspire the trend of sunbathing. Soon "sunlight therapy" was prescribed for almost every ailment from fatigue to tuberculosis. Before this, tanned skin was associated with the lower classes who work outside, and fair skin was revered. by Pfeffer_Prinz
I used to work with a Korean guy as a landscaper and he always wore long sleeves, we asked why and he said “so my friends don’t think I’m poor”
LupusDeusMagnus t1_jeg2dzu wrote
Reply to comment by th3h4ck3r in TIL In the West the largest meal of the day has historically been eaten at midday. It was not until Napoleon's empire there was the "abominable habit of dining as late as seven in the evening" as British travelers reported. The British adopted later dinners by 1850 from changes in work schedules. by jamescookenotthatone
Iberian and Iberian American thing too, IIRC.
thedvorakian t1_jeg26bt wrote
Reply to TIL A newborn baby is 75% water at birth. A slightly higher water content than bananas, but slightly less than potatoes. by Imbiberr
I'd hate to be the doctor that had to distill babies to generate that number
AlphaWhelp t1_jeg1zgu wrote
Reply to TIL: About Earth trojans. Two asteroids that share our orbit, leading us around the sun. by RevolutionaryAd94
A little further out past the Trojans is a planet named Gor
SageFrancisSFR t1_jeg1xje wrote
Reply to TIL A newborn baby is 75% water at birth. A slightly higher water content than bananas, but slightly less than potatoes. by Imbiberr
That’s why you should never give babies water to drink. It’s deadly. They burst like a water balloon.
idanthology t1_jeg1wh9 wrote
Reply to TIL A newborn baby is 75% water at birth. A slightly higher water content than bananas, but slightly less than potatoes. by Imbiberr
Apparently humans share nearly 1/2 of our genetic sequence w/ bananas, but only 1/3 w/ potatoes.
Bruce-7891 t1_jeg1tvy wrote
Reply to comment by EndoExo in TIL: About Earth trojans. Two asteroids that share our orbit, leading us around the sun. by RevolutionaryAd94
This makes more sense. Doesn't the speed of the orbit and mass of the object have to be a certain ratio for it not to get sucked into the star or ejected into space? It would have to be a planet sized asteroid. The title is a little misleading.
WendysNumber6 t1_jeg1qct wrote
Reply to comment by Garper in TIL the Japanese government launched Sake Viva, a contest to encourage young people to drink more and so boost tax revenues. by penguinopusredux
GOP: "you should work three jobs to survive...hey how come white poor people aren't having kids?...maybe if we ban birth control? That has to be it"
lorddoa t1_jeg1oix wrote
Reply to comment by grease-beef-patty in TIL that New Orleans chicory coffee mix started during the American Civil War when Union naval blockades cut off the port of New Orleans bringing coffee shipments to a halt. New Orleanians looking for their coffee fix began mixing chicory with coffee to stretch out the supply. by GeoJono
Back in the early 2000s, Texas prisons had two types of coffee. Foldger's instant for like $4.00 a can and a brand of Chicory I can't remember for $1.00. I only made the mistake of getting chicory once.
raltyinferno t1_jeg1m54 wrote
Reply to comment by sooprvylyn in TIL: honeycombs start out circular, and the surface tension of the beeswax pulls them into hexagons as it solidifies, because it is the most energetically favorable conformation. by craigdahlke
What? Crazy talk. Honeycombs were my unhealthy cereal of choice. My mom would never buy sugary cereal, so when I went to one of my friends' houses he'd have the full selection, and honeycombs were my favorite of them.
Jameszhang73 t1_jeg1bff wrote
Reply to comment by bolanrox in TIL that New Orleans chicory coffee mix started during the American Civil War when Union naval blockades cut off the port of New Orleans bringing coffee shipments to a halt. New Orleanians looking for their coffee fix began mixing chicory with coffee to stretch out the supply. by GeoJono
I'm not as familiar with Thai coffee but it does look similar from what I can see. Viet coffee is less spiced and more sweet.
craigdahlke OP t1_jeg14zk wrote
Reply to comment by pongnguy in TIL: honeycombs start out circular, and the surface tension of the beeswax pulls them into hexagons as it solidifies, because it is the most energetically favorable conformation. by craigdahlke
Not so. The article is not exaggerating anything here, if you read it carefully. As another user pointed out, an isolated cell will conform to a circle. The crucial point here is that there is a 3-way junction between the cells that pulls equally in all 3 directions. And it makes sense if you think about it as well. 360 degrees (all directions) divided equally into 3 (surface tensions pulling equally in 3 directions) you get 120 degrees. Which is also, you guessed it, the interior angle of each vertex of a hexagon!
The example with the bundle of straws works on a similar concept, except instead of pulling, you are applying a force to the perimeter of a circle from 6 different directions. 360/6 = 60 degrees, the central angle made by dividing the perimeter into 6 straight sections (I. E. a hexagon).
XForce23 t1_jeg109i wrote
Reply to TIL: honeycombs start out circular, and the surface tension of the beeswax pulls them into hexagons as it solidifies, because it is the most energetically favorable conformation. by craigdahlke
"most energetically favorable conformation" = easiest shape to achieve tessellation in other words. Achieves the most area with the smallest perimeter and does not waste any space in between each shape
Th0m45D4v15 t1_jeg4b5t wrote
Reply to comment by spookyskost in TIL In the West the largest meal of the day has historically been eaten at midday. It was not until Napoleon's empire there was the "abominable habit of dining as late as seven in the evening" as British travelers reported. The British adopted later dinners by 1850 from changes in work schedules. by jamescookenotthatone
My family told me how they used to hang out with friends and family late, because of working all day and no air conditioning. Late at night was the only cool time, when nothing had to be done.