Recent comments in /f/todayilearned
A40 t1_jeghjr2 wrote
Reply to comment by ryschwith in TIL an amateur archaeologist discovered European cave paintings used a proto-writing system meant to convey the gestation period of the various animals they painted by using dots to indicate the lunar cycle. by AudibleNod
The 'symbols' look like this (make them bigger/smearier): . . .
(They might be mosquitoes. Or spits. Or signatures.)
BarnyardCoral t1_jeghef0 wrote
Reply to TIL A newborn baby is 75% water at birth. A slightly higher water content than bananas, but slightly less than potatoes. by Imbiberr
Technically, we're all mostly empty space too, so
smallz86 t1_jeghatm wrote
Reply to comment by jackmon in TIL that Walt Disney World began as "The Florida Project". Dummy corporations were used, by Walt Disney Productions, to buy up 27,000 acres of land to avoid bursts of land speculation in the Orlando area. Early rumors assumed possible development by NASA, Ford, the Rockefellers, and Howard Hughes. by jdward01
My parents went in Feb of 22 and they said something similar.
But when we were there in Feb of 23 they said it was drastically less crowded. So maybe last year was like COVID hangover vacations?
ryschwith t1_jeggy3q wrote
Reply to comment by A40 in TIL an amateur archaeologist discovered European cave paintings used a proto-writing system meant to convey the gestation period of the various animals they painted by using dots to indicate the lunar cycle. by AudibleNod
I don’t know, the paper has some pretty compelling data. Certainly not a slam dunk—I’d like to see the symbols interpreted/recorded by someone not directly associated with the study to remove possible bias from that process, for example—but solid enough to be worth getting more eyes on it.
Dr-Retz t1_jeggws5 wrote
LizF0311 t1_jeggj0r wrote
Reply to comment by Mechbeast in TIL that Walt Disney World began as "The Florida Project". Dummy corporations were used, by Walt Disney Productions, to buy up 27,000 acres of land to avoid bursts of land speculation in the Orlando area. Early rumors assumed possible development by NASA, Ford, the Rockefellers, and Howard Hughes. by jdward01
… “The Florida Project”
Tuobsessed t1_jeggcia wrote
Reply to TIL A newborn baby is 75% water at birth. A slightly higher water content than bananas, but slightly less than potatoes. by Imbiberr
That why we call them little bags of water in the medical field.
Bruce-7891 t1_jegfrdq wrote
Reply to comment by DungeonicGushing in TIL that on top of the 3 matters of state that we’re all familiar with (solid, liquid, gas), there are at least 24 more, though most only exist under extreme conditions by gianthooverpig
Agreed, after awhile it’s like, what are we even talking about anymore?
helpful__explorer t1_jegfg4c wrote
Reply to comment by bonalisalovesyou in TIL In the West the largest meal of the day has historically been eaten at midday. It was not until Napoleon's empire there was the "abominable habit of dining as late as seven in the evening" as British travelers reported. The British adopted later dinners by 1850 from changes in work schedules. by jamescookenotthatone
Now I'm having flashbacks of the parks and rec episode where leslie tries to teach senior about condom usage and the local maude flanders demands they promote abstinence instead.
tintedsemiconductor t1_jegfddm wrote
Reply to TIL A newborn baby is 75% water at birth. A slightly higher water content than bananas, but slightly less than potatoes. by Imbiberr
Why does it seem like someone who writes recipes is responsible for making this comparison?
andre5913 t1_jegeyb6 wrote
Reply to comment by th3h4ck3r in TIL In the West the largest meal of the day has historically been eaten at midday. It was not until Napoleon's empire there was the "abominable habit of dining as late as seven in the evening" as British travelers reported. The British adopted later dinners by 1850 from changes in work schedules. by jamescookenotthatone
Same in several countries in latin america (...which makes sense considering our past with Spain).
Breakfast can be sightly bigger, with smth like scrambled eggs, cereal bowl/a sandwitch and coffee, and dinner is even lighter, just a biscuit or so. Sometimes its skipped altogether besides a hot drink.
Lunch is the big one. Taking a siesta is less common though
[deleted] t1_jegepc0 wrote
Reply to comment by MisterCortez in TIL that Walt Disney World began as "The Florida Project". Dummy corporations were used, by Walt Disney Productions, to buy up 27,000 acres of land to avoid bursts of land speculation in the Orlando area. Early rumors assumed possible development by NASA, Ford, the Rockefellers, and Howard Hughes. by jdward01
Nghtmare-Moon t1_jegeof5 wrote
[deleted] t1_jegeeac wrote
backcountrydrifter t1_jegebyz wrote
Reply to comment by colonelsmoothie in TIL that New Orleans chicory coffee mix started during the American Civil War when Union naval blockades cut off the port of New Orleans bringing coffee shipments to a halt. New Orleanians looking for their coffee fix began mixing chicory with coffee to stretch out the supply. by GeoJono
I’ll die on the hill of claiming that Vietnamese and Cambodians have coffee dialed.
From the flavor to the coffee shop experience. In a just world, every neighborhood on earth will have a Vietnamese run coffee shop with macarons and the most attentive polite wait staff in the world. It’s an art to them and it should be rewarded.
formerlyanonymous_ t1_jege99n wrote
Reply to comment by kuahara in TIL: About Earth trojans. Two asteroids that share our orbit, leading us around the sun. by RevolutionaryAd94
Honestly, Neptune and Pluto's 3:2 resonance sounds way worse, but is equally nothing.
Haze95 t1_jegduos wrote
Reply to TIL that as President-Elect, US Pres. James Buchanan improperly wrote to a Supreme Court justice asking him to vote pro-slavery in the Dred Scott case. The court would rule 7-2 that Scott was a possession, not a person, and denied his petition for freedom by archfapper
Almost certainly the worst President
DaShortRound t1_jegdcfz wrote
Reply to TIL A newborn baby is 75% water at birth. A slightly higher water content than bananas, but slightly less than potatoes. by Imbiberr
So a baby is closer to a potato than a banana? I learned something today.
circuitbreak t1_jegd5vo wrote
Reply to comment by KingKratom00 in TIL in the tiny African kingdom of Lesotho, a local style of accordion folk music known as Famo has sprung a fierce bloody gang war which has contributed to its high homicide rate. Little-known to the outside world, scores of musicians and hundreds of DJs, fans, family members etc. have been slain. by delano1998
I forgot what I was responding to tbh. I think the deleted comment was some dude being racist though.
Art0fRuinN23 t1_jegd1ku wrote
ledow t1_jegcy49 wrote
Reply to comment by Brave-Examination-70 in TIL that The National Library of Medicine has a Pillbox dataset made up of 8,693 photographs of pills, with an accompanying database of drug information. It was built to help with the identification of unknown pills. by jonkeegan
I'm always amazed that they aren't required to have a standardised code marking on them.
Sure, it won't stop fraud, but this isn't about that... it's about knowing exactly what white pill little Johnny just swallowed out of grandma's bathroom cabinet when nobody was looking.
DavoTB t1_jegcmmf wrote
Reply to comment by Captain__Spiff in TIL children were most prone to lead poisoning because lead chips and toys with lead dust tasted "sweet". by WhatA_Nerd
That one is new to me. Still searching through some old PSA messages…
iPod3G t1_jegcd5u wrote
Reply to TIL A newborn baby is 75% water at birth. A slightly higher water content than bananas, but slightly less than potatoes. by Imbiberr
But which one is closer if you juice them like an orange?
Brave-Examination-70 t1_jegbq46 wrote
Reply to TIL that The National Library of Medicine has a Pillbox dataset made up of 8,693 photographs of pills, with an accompanying database of drug information. It was built to help with the identification of unknown pills. by jonkeegan
Kind of strange considering most medications come in a variety of colors, and forms, sometimes with letters/numbers, sometimes without. Might be useful to have a standardized color and labeling system.
wanking_to_got t1_jeghni0 wrote
Reply to comment by ZipoBibrok5x108 in TIL about Companion Planting, which helps gardens grow by planting strategically based on root compatibility and soil optimization by diatriose
Onions or leek deters root fly which is a common enemy for carrot farmers