Recent comments in /f/todayilearned

Landlubber77 t1_jegk9q4 wrote

We had something similar back in the early to mid 2000s, it was a website called DanceSafe that had pictures of all the ecstasy tabs making the rounds, what their chemical composition was and if they were "safe." That safety being relative to the pills whipped up in some asshole's bathtub full of various cleaning solvents.


CypripediumGuttatum t1_jegk3er wrote

You learned about something that is mostly made up with little science based evidence. There is some nuggets of truth in there but it’s pretty logic based stuff, tall things shade shorter things, rotate crops etc but always look for why and how a certain plant does better with another and some evidence to that effect before believing too much about this.


Kiariana t1_jegjzch wrote

Same in Newfoundland and Labrador up in Canada. It's a running joke in my family as my stepdad is a Newfie and refers to lunch as dinner, while we refer to supper as dinner/supper interchangeably


DungeonicGushing t1_jegjqhy wrote

It’s the outrage that kills me. How am I supposed to guess you identify with clowns? If you truly identify with some obscure label, foster understanding, but don’t post cringe videos on TikTok about how people are purposefully mislabeling.

But also like yeah man, when my professor told me there are as many genders as there are people, he didn’t mean this. He meant people have different ideas of masculinity and femininity, on a spectrum, not that people would suddenly decide they identify their gender with the random fucking non-human things.

I identify as a human, not a baseball. I am male, but I think cars and sports are gay.

I’m also completely stoned right now.


PM_ME_UR_TAMAGOTCHIS t1_jegjfzz wrote

Ah, the Hou Jing in a long line of 400 years of civil wars and rebellions.

The entire "Period of Disunity" from the fall of the Han Dynasty to the rise of the Sui is probably the most co fusing but interesting historical periods ever.


heisdeadjim_au t1_jegi9sz wrote

I did this yesterday. You're completely correct.

Chef wanted some Australian native bee honeycomb as an accoutriment to a dish. We got delivered the frame from the hive today.

Fascinating, and, rather tasty!