Recent comments in /f/todayilearned
reenign3 t1_jegt65t wrote
Reply to TIL A newborn baby is 75% water at birth. A slightly higher water content than bananas, but slightly less than potatoes. by Imbiberr
I’m sorry but there is no way a potato is 75%+ water
Wazula23 t1_jegt40e wrote
Reply to TIL that on top of the 3 matters of state that we’re all familiar with (solid, liquid, gas), there are at least 24 more, though most only exist under extreme conditions by gianthooverpig
Solid Liquid Gas Dopey Sleepy Prancer Vixen Scary Sporty Matthew Luke Taco meat Azerbaijan Double liquid France
Prowland12 t1_jegt2ew wrote
Reply to comment by th3h4ck3r in TIL In the West the largest meal of the day has historically been eaten at midday. It was not until Napoleon's empire there was the "abominable habit of dining as late as seven in the evening" as British travelers reported. The British adopted later dinners by 1850 from changes in work schedules. by jamescookenotthatone
I learned this the hard way when I travelled there. The tiny breakfasts made me so upset.
-B0B- t1_jegszjj wrote
Reply to comment by justforkinks0131 in TIL about the void that forms under certain trees when it snows, called tree wells. The upper branches of the tree prevents snow from falling below it, creating a pocket that is a serious peril for skiers & snow boarders. Several die every year from falling head first into these voids. by Roguecop
OP made this post in response to that one so
ero_senin05 t1_jegsb9s wrote
Reply to TIL about the void that forms under certain trees when it snows, called tree wells. The upper branches of the tree prevents snow from falling below it, creating a pocket that is a serious peril for skiers & snow boarders. Several die every year from falling head first into these voids. by Roguecop
I've never been skiing or snowboarding before. I've never even seen real snow in my life. But I would have thought it was common sense that you stay away from trees because they hurt when you crash into them anyway. This tree well thing just gives another reason to stay away from them
AlternativeBasket t1_jegs8gu wrote
Reply to comment by 80088008135 in TIL A newborn baby is 75% water at birth. A slightly higher water content than bananas, but slightly less than potatoes. by Imbiberr
I was wondering if that meant you needed to poke them with a fork before roasting them.
justforkinks0131 t1_jegrhej wrote
Reply to TIL about the void that forms under certain trees when it snows, called tree wells. The upper branches of the tree prevents snow from falling below it, creating a pocket that is a serious peril for skiers & snow boarders. Several die every year from falling head first into these voids. by Roguecop
Interestingly enough the algorithm seems to promote these 2 together:
It was very informative, but still freaked me out tho.
lbiggy t1_jegrf3l wrote
Reply to TIL A newborn baby is 75% water at birth. A slightly higher water content than bananas, but slightly less than potatoes. by Imbiberr
takes pic of newborn with banana for sc- water table
[deleted] t1_jegrd4j wrote
Reply to TIL about the void that forms under certain trees when it snows, called tree wells. The upper branches of the tree prevents snow from falling below it, creating a pocket that is a serious peril for skiers & snow boarders. Several die every year from falling head first into these voids. by Roguecop
Imaginary_Subject168 t1_jegqwol wrote
Reply to TIL A newborn baby is 75% water at birth. A slightly higher water content than bananas, but slightly less than potatoes. by Imbiberr
TIL potatoes are juicier than babies
5_on_the_floor t1_jegqqlk wrote
Reply to TIL: honeycombs start out circular, and the surface tension of the beeswax pulls them into hexagons as it solidifies, because it is the most energetically favorable conformation. by craigdahlke
This solves the mystery of how “know” to build hexagons. They don’t lol.
chaseinger t1_jegqge3 wrote
Reply to comment by ThatOnePunkEmpath in TIL about the void that forms under certain trees when it snows, called tree wells. The upper branches of the tree prevents snow from falling below it, creating a pocket that is a serious peril for skiers & snow boarders. Several die every year from falling head first into these voids. by Roguecop
austrian here:
whatever you do on a mountain could be the last thing you do.
enjoy your trip.
InsaneBrew t1_jegq8h5 wrote
Reply to comment by TAHayduke in TIL that New Orleans chicory coffee mix started during the American Civil War when Union naval blockades cut off the port of New Orleans bringing coffee shipments to a halt. New Orleanians looking for their coffee fix began mixing chicory with coffee to stretch out the supply. by GeoJono
Fair enough! Love Who and What you love! Be happy!
sowrdman51 t1_jegptqd wrote
Reply to TIL: honeycombs start out circular, and the surface tension of the beeswax pulls them into hexagons as it solidifies, because it is the most energetically favorable conformation. by craigdahlke
Technically anything that happens happens because it’s the most energetically favorable conformation
CaptainCooksLeftEye t1_jegpou1 wrote
Reply to TIL A newborn baby is 75% water at birth. A slightly higher water content than bananas, but slightly less than potatoes. by Imbiberr
Is this where we start to use babies as units of measurements instead of bananas? Maybe a truce between metric and imperial? Is this history in the making?
Maybe the Irish will chirp in here?
Red_Sox_5 t1_jegpmz6 wrote
Reply to TIL A newborn baby is 75% water at birth. A slightly higher water content than bananas, but slightly less than potatoes. by Imbiberr
More shitting than bananas, though.
andoy t1_jegpkx0 wrote
Reply to TIL baby giraffes fall 6 feet to the ground they are born. The fall doesn’t hurt them, but snaps the umbilical cord and tears the amniotic sack, with the shock of the fall stimulating the baby to take its first breath. by billyboysuedo
that’s how high the giraffe’s orifice from the ground? i have only seem giraffe from afar in zoos but never realized it.
drahcirm t1_jegp1ad wrote
Reply to TIL about the void that forms under certain trees when it snows, called tree wells. The upper branches of the tree prevents snow from falling below it, creating a pocket that is a serious peril for skiers & snow boarders. Several die every year from falling head first into these voids. by Roguecop
Wind deflection around a tree trunk will also carve snow out. It's a major (if not the biggest) factor in the formation of tree wells.
Salt_Market_6989 t1_jegou3x wrote
Reply to comment by Roguecop in TIL about the void that forms under certain trees when it snows, called tree wells. The upper branches of the tree prevents snow from falling below it, creating a pocket that is a serious peril for skiers & snow boarders. Several die every year from falling head first into these voids. by Roguecop
Thanks, I see...
bolanrox t1_jegopm3 wrote
Reply to TIL about the void that forms under certain trees when it snows, called tree wells. The upper branches of the tree prevents snow from falling below it, creating a pocket that is a serious peril for skiers & snow boarders. Several die every year from falling head first into these voids. by Roguecop
Or just trees in general? Sonny Bono, one of the kennedys, liam neeisons wife?
ThatOnePunkEmpath t1_jegob37 wrote
Reply to TIL about the void that forms under certain trees when it snows, called tree wells. The upper branches of the tree prevents snow from falling below it, creating a pocket that is a serious peril for skiers & snow boarders. Several die every year from falling head first into these voids. by Roguecop
Having a stressful day, packing for a last minute ski trip right now and log on for a 5 min break to "de-stress"
This is the first post I see..
Roguecop OP t1_jegoagk wrote
Reply to comment by Salt_Market_6989 in TIL about the void that forms under certain trees when it snows, called tree wells. The upper branches of the tree prevents snow from falling below it, creating a pocket that is a serious peril for skiers & snow boarders. Several die every year from falling head first into these voids. by Roguecop
Suffocation is number one cause it says. People fall in get buried and can't dig themselves out.
Maccus_D t1_jego0py wrote
Reply to TIL Arabic numbers have only existed in their present form since about the 10th century. Only a few texts using Arabic numerals appeared outside of Italy until the late 15th century. It wasn't until the mid-16th century that Arabic numbers were in common use in most of Europe by joecooool418
Because they are Indian
Mikey637 t1_jegtqnv wrote
Reply to comment by r1ch999999 in TIL that New Orleans chicory coffee mix started during the American Civil War when Union naval blockades cut off the port of New Orleans bringing coffee shipments to a halt. New Orleanians looking for their coffee fix began mixing chicory with coffee to stretch out the supply. by GeoJono
Some high percentage of people are sensitive to chicory, I personally can’t drink it without getting spaced out, hot and agitated and it raises the average persons gut acidity, old job had cheap coffee for staff and I got tested for IBS and other issues until we worked it out.
If anyone here tends to have upset stomachs often with burning check your coffee, it may be cheap and you might be sensitive, it wrecked havoc on my digestive system for close to a year.