Recent comments in /f/todayilearned

Mikey637 t1_jegtqnv wrote

Some high percentage of people are sensitive to chicory, I personally can’t drink it without getting spaced out, hot and agitated and it raises the average persons gut acidity, old job had cheap coffee for staff and I got tested for IBS and other issues until we worked it out.

If anyone here tends to have upset stomachs often with burning check your coffee, it may be cheap and you might be sensitive, it wrecked havoc on my digestive system for close to a year.


ero_senin05 t1_jegsb9s wrote

I've never been skiing or snowboarding before. I've never even seen real snow in my life. But I would have thought it was common sense that you stay away from trees because they hurt when you crash into them anyway. This tree well thing just gives another reason to stay away from them