Recent comments in /f/todayilearned

MegaKetaWook t1_jeh1a63 wrote

You're good. I ski regularly in Colorado and they arent as big of an issue as they can be made out to be. Yes, they are absolutely around the mountain but not everywhere. Large snowfalls are more likely to cause them, and you need to be in the glades to find one.


Brave-Examination-70 t1_jeh0kj7 wrote

For sure. One of those many things that seem obvious once you think about it, but won’t happen until someone comes along with the political or social capital to champion it and oppose a pharma industry that will fight against any minor expense or threat to their brand.


jcd1974 OP t1_jegzuar wrote

Another "fun fact":

Charles-Henri Sanson's eldest son Gabriel (1767–1792) had been his assistant and heir apparent from 1790, but he died after slipping off a scaffold as he displayed a severed head to the crowd. With his death, the hereditary obligation fell to the youngest son.


chanlion t1_jegzc8d wrote

I got sucked into one, not even that deep, maybe 1 foot from the top, took me 15 mins to get out. If you struggle, you fall deeper. The only thing is to unleash your skis or snowboard to get surface area. But in doing so, you go deeper.