TIL about Ragamuffin Day, a celebration in the New York metro area in the late-1800s and early-1900s in which children wore costumes and went door-to-door asking for candy or money on Thanksgiving. It fell out of favor as trick-or-treating on Halloween gained acceptance in the 1940s and '50s.
en.wikipedia.orgSubmitted by PikesPique t3_y1e2ft
TIL Early drones were developed during the First World War. These radio controlled planes were primarily for target practice but by 1942 a drone with a built in TV camera was capable of delivering a torpedo to a ship 20 miles from the controller.
en.wikipedia.orgSubmitted by jamescookenotthatone t3_125kl1d
TIL that in 1947, U.S. House Minority Leader Sam Rayburn was gifted a 1947 Cadillac Fleetwood Series 62 from 142 Democratic congressmembers and 50 Republican congressmembers. Each congressmen donated $25 to circumvent Rayburns personal rule of not accepting gifts more than $25.
en.wikipedia.orgSubmitted by FranklinDRoosevelt32 t3_107j100
TIL Mountain Gorillas almost never drink water. They get their hydration from from their plant diet and morning dew. Despite living in rainforests, they also tend to dislike rain and try to not get wet when crossing a stream. They have never been observed drinking water in the wild before 2013
theeastafrican.co.keSubmitted by Ainsley-Sorsby t3_zz8llx
TIL that when the French first arrived in North America they met the Ojibwe Indians who introduced them to other tribes but used nasty names. The Lakota/Dakota people were called "Nadowessiwag," which became Nadouessioux in French, then Sioux in English. It means "little snake."
en.wikipedia.orgSubmitted by marmorset t3_yfuoqz
TIL That the character who first said the phrase "fortune favours the bold" - Turnus, in the Aeneid, spends the rest of the story suffering military defeats before he's killed and heads to the underworld, miserable, at the end of the last book.
en.wikipedia.orgSubmitted by Equal_Caregiver_4909 t3_10prv76
TIL Michael DeBakey, developed over many years the technique of replacing the damaged aorta with a tube made of polyethylene terephthalate. He himself suffered aortic dissection at the age of 97 and survived for two years thanks to the technique he developed himself.
en.wikipedia.orgSubmitted by Bobba_fat t3_ycjsn2
TIL: Zhu Youcheng is the only emperor in Chinese history, to be married to one wife and remain faithful to her, having no concubines. He was a hardworking emperor, lowering taxes, reducing spending, and demonstrating tolerance for Muslims. His son, however, had a haram so large, some starved.
en.wikipedia.orgSubmitted by Flares117 t3_zyyxk1
Submitted by Dearfield t3_1059jux