TIL "Hey Jude" evolved from the song "Hey Jules" which Paul McCartney wrote for John Lennon's son, Julian, to comfort him while Lennon and his wife were getting separated, He recorded first part of the song on his way to Cynthia and Julian in his Car with a recorder installed in his car's dashboard.
rockandrollgarage.comSubmitted by Knight_TheRider t3_z87sx1
TIL that one of the few positive health effects of smoking is a drastic reduction of a person's risk of thyroid cancer. According to a Korean study of the health records of over 10M people, smokers have a 36% lower risk of thyroid cancer. Smoking and heavy drinking reduces one's risk even more.
thyroid.orgSubmitted by EncyclopediaJake t3_zwtfsi
TIL that in 2020, researchers tried to determine the actual effects of ingesting George's Marvelous Medicine (from the Roald Dahl book), consisting of shampoo, anti-freeze, brown paint, floor polish, and 30 other household items. It would cause vomiting, kidney injury, convulsions, and likely death.
en.wikipedia.orgSubmitted by derstherower t3_10k6zy0
TIL one of the first use of avant-garde technique of tape manipulation in music was the 1955 hit "Jingle Bells" by The Singing Dogs. Using a razor, Carl Weismann cut, then spliced sounds of dog barks together, correcting speed, pitch and melody of the resulting tape. It reached #22 on Billboard.
en.wikipedia.orgSubmitted by Bubbly-Incident t3_zukh8j
TIL Lake Baikal is located in southeast Siberia and is the oldest and deepest lake in the world, at 25 million years old and 1,700 meters deep. It contains 20% of the world's unfrozen freshwater and is home to a rich and unusual freshwater fauna that is of significant value to evolutionary science.
whc.unesco.orgSubmitted by wisely_lined56 t3_zpzh6z
TIL that Kurt Cobain got the inspiration to make Nirvana's famous song "Smells Like Teen Spirit" when Kathleen Hanna, the singer of the band "Bikini Kill" wrote "Kurt smells like teen spirit" on a board. Teen Spirit was a woman's deodorant and he didn't knew it until he was done with the song.
theguardian.comSubmitted by WonderfulWanderer777 t3_126qji1
TIL In 1971, the Guinness World Records listed Clara as the "Most Indefatigable Cruise Passenger". For 14 years, she lived on RMS Caronia, which cost her $396 in daily fare. Without accounting for inflation, Cunard Line received $4 million from her in tickets.
en.wikipedia.orgSubmitted by thenerdknuckle t3_youd5a
TIL about the Forty Elephants or Forty Thieves, an all women crime syndicate in London in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that specialized in shoplifting and pretending to be maids and robbing the wealthy families who hired them.
en.wikipedia.orgSubmitted by Professor_Hillbilly t3_124yp1v