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MarkVII88 t1_j6wq83e wrote

OP crossposts many news stories across a number of VT and New England subs. Most of the time it's just a link to the story, with the implication that redditors in that sub should take it and run with some kind of discussion. OP seems like more of a shit-stirrer. Not that I'm any better with my comments, but I don't crosspost stuff in the hopes of creating controversy or getting votes. And I don't re-post stuff that's already been posted 2 or 3 other times and has already been discussed. Please see my comment linked below about the types of people in VT. I think you'll notice where OP fits.


deadowl t1_j6zdvgr wrote

You're not going to be crossposting in rural regional subreddits if your goal is imaginary internet points. You're not going to be crossposting from a political-focused subreddit unless you're interested in discussing politics, which I guess could be fairly called shit-stirring.

Last VT Politics subreddit I knew, r/vermontpolitics, was run by powermods just making a run on state + politics subreddits.


MarkVII88 t1_j6zh60b wrote

Or perhaps if you're desperate to be relevant and be portrayed as knowledgeable, as a pillar of your community, and to have your fingers in all kinds of pies. See link to one of my previous comments above.