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VTtransplant t1_jac9fx5 wrote

Park and ride, and State Police building.


WaitWhatAntidote t1_jacc72f wrote

Park and ride by a state police station. No thank you.


meinblown t1_jacj03m wrote

Hardmode handies a big nogo for you bud?


WaitWhatAntidote t1_jad2jwv wrote

That’s going over my head. Hard mode handies? Lol


whaletacochamp t1_jad94vv wrote

Park and rides are famous hook up spots. So having one near a police station makes getting a handy extra difficult. Ergo hardmode handies


WaitWhatAntidote t1_jadcxsm wrote

You can guess what type of person I am.

Edit: used to get weed, not handjobs.


sound_of_apocalypto t1_jadjrpf wrote

One wonders if it will result in a smaller number of stolen catalytic converters compared to other park and rides. Probably not.