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FearandLoathinginBTV OP t1_j728rft wrote

In my opinion, since this has been a long running issue and there is legislative super-majority in Vt right now, if there is no major moves towards resolving the issue during this General assemblies term then every current Statewide and General Assembly elected official should be up for replacement.

There’s too much federal money floating around in the State’s hands for there to so little progress on this issue.


contrary-contrarian t1_j72fcsl wrote

Many people have been calling for wider investments in housing for a decade or more before this came to a head. The governor has vetoed measures that would have aided the crises already.

There are folks fighting the good fight but I agree the obstructionists need to go.


HillRatch t1_j74d6f9 wrote

The entire state legislature and governor are up for replacement every two years, regardless of what they do or don't do.