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Unique-Public-8594 t1_j72i0k4 wrote

This is being spammed to every state sub.


random_vermonter t1_j730nal wrote

I've seen a lot of posts with very little, if anything to do with Vermont in the last few days. It's really annoying. If it's not Vermont-specific, why is it posted here?


Sparrows_Shadow t1_j7327hx wrote

I am a Vermont educator, and this is a very relevant issue.


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j73d85l wrote

Vermont has had vouchers for children for towns that don’t have a high school for many years, and it has worked well.

The Supreme Court said states can’t discriminate against some students by only offering vouchers to a select few.

The education establishment doesn’t want to lose their stranglehold on 2 billion in state spending on preK-12 education that current results in <45% proficiency state wide.

So is this an issue? Yes Are Vermonts children being offered equal access to quality education? No Is the NEA looking out for the best interest of your child? No.


RoyalAntelope9948 t1_j74buo2 wrote

It does have to do with Vermont. We are now paying tax dollars to both private schools as well as religious schools.


LetterGrouchy6053 OP t1_j72it2u wrote

It's not spam. It is a relevant topic in many states and I thought I'd enter the dialog.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j72l63b wrote

It’s not specific to Vermont. Maybe the right place for it is in an education sub? Unlike MSM, Reddit is divided into specific topics.


Kink4202 t1_j72uh3r wrote

It's happening in Vermont, so it's relative for the sub