Submitted by joeydokes t3_114yb6v in vermont

While this Nation continues sawing the branch we are sitting on, as our planet heats up, and diseases/vectors spread, as the middle-class weakens and shrinks because of crony-capitalism, Kakis and Nepos polluting and over-exploiting resources, making us all more susceptible sickness and poverty; we politicize human life, focus only on profits, boosting the economy and mUh FrEEduMBs, while marching headlong into Christo-Fascist authoritarism and ecological collapse.

Our sacrifices and our labor just works to make rich people richer. If you're lucky to be in the 40-60% income bracket and even if you have (employer) health insurance, you're likely 1 medical emergency away from bankruptcy. If you are in the lower 20% income bracket you do not even register on the wealth distribution map:

There Ain't no democracy under capitalism, just the veneer of it; spiced with dog-whistle, flag-waving, patriotism; of a mythos that never existed in the 1st place. Corporate greed that creates poverty, the war on 'terror', on drugs, on education; unaffordable houses to buy or rent, going hungry because groceries are inflated, all lead to more violence.

We protest and a militarized police force start murdering people on the streets, blinding journalists, and kidnapping protestors. Women had their rights fucking stolen by religious zealots on the Supreme Court, trans and gay people are being attacked and murdered, and white christian nationalists are attacking our power grids.

A militarized police force murdering and assaulting people is violence.

Allowing heated rhetoric that leads gay and trans people to be attacked and murdered is violence.

Stealing women’s rights and causing more death and suffering is violence.

Fucking polio has returned, N5H1 is waiting in the wings; we have the highest levels of wealth inequality ever, massive levels of “inflation”, rampant corporate greed that is embedded at every level of our government. Our (industrial/political) Elites are attempting to maintain their status-quo until the collapse finds them fully landed, safe in their bunkers or behind gated communities guarded by mercs. Then, after the SHTF, they'll turn to profit off disaster capitalism like the vultures they are.

You can't have true democracy when you have aristocrats who can unilaterally make decisions that destroy people's lives. We've got Economic-Elite Domination and Biased Pluralism, not Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or Majoritarian Pluralism.

Our Dem “labor” party is compromised my members protecting health insurance companies and insane big pharma profit margins. Dems won’t commit to ideals that will transform life for the working class; more than hand out crumbs to prevent instability on a scale that might lead to unified class consciousness. Our Repub 'corpo' party are all in on complete slavish servitude to these big-biz interests and are not only completely worthless to the working class, but actively hostile to them.

All our branches of government, its institutions (justice,health,...) have been bought, regulatory-captured, and privatized by the investor class. A Free market and capitalism are not one and the same. Specially when free isn't fair and capitalism today is controlled by the Establishment, the american aristocracy, the captians of industry and their financiers; who, like any criminal enterprise, relentlessly take until they're stopped by a greater power; leaving a waste dump in their wake. This kleptocracy, the media and think-tanks that support the revolving door of pay2play politics, its hypocritically unfair playing field, has proven itself out of reach of the law, immune from accountability save ponying up some money with no admission guilt.

To 'fix' our Country we need (again, IMO) to Allow workers to unionize, Repeal Citizens United, Enact Glass-Stegal, End no-knock, End Civil Asset Forfeiture, Enact RCV, full separation of (a regulated/taxed) church and state, Remove barriers to voting, strengthen EPA/FDA/USDA/, Eliminate electoral college or have states join National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC), and, mostly, put safeguards in place that reduces corruption and increases accountability and safeguards against "The tragedy of the Commons".

To 'fix' our State we need (again, IMO) to:

Legalize all drugs and regulate them through dispensaries like ganja. Treat it as the health issue it is and unburden the cops/courts and stigma of criminalization.

Adopt some moderate form of socialism, like social democracy, liberal socialism, or democratic socialism.

=> Social Democratic - capitalism with a conscious Social democracy in general isn’t radical, it’s essentially capitalism but with critical societal needs and resources (healthcare, schooling, poverty safety nets, natural resource usage) socialized. There is nothing radical whatsoever about a social democracy A living wage and healthcare are actually arguably the opposite of radical. They're handouts to keep the citizens from overthrowing the aristocracy and chopping off heads. Von Bismark implemented a universal healthcare system to undermine the radical socialist/communist movement growing in his country.

As Bernie is fond of saying, healthcare for everybody isn't radical. A living wage for workers isn't radical. A strong social safety net that protects our most vulnerable is not radical. Progressives/Leftists have been presenting that alternative for decades. Drowned out by MSM, Lobbiests, Industry's think tanks, and both parties.

=> Democratic Socialism - wouldn't be (entirely) capitalistic at all. But the key parts of socialist industrial planning would be:

Socialized lending; a centralized, democratically accountable bank that lends directly to producers. Incentives for worker cooperatives; such that producers who receive this lending be primarily those that are controlled by workers.

No war but the Class War!



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joeydokes OP t1_j8yno95 wrote


The moderators of r/vermontpolitics have set this community to private. Only approved members can view and take part in its discussions.

is a place for news and discussion about politics in the Green Mountain State, with more politics than /r/Vermont and more Vermont than /r/politics.


Mechanicjohn12 t1_j8z64vg wrote

Why do we need to adopt socialism? Why not simply allow citizens to take their own lives by their own reigns by EASING regulations?

If we were to go the route you describe, would you be willing to lose large swathes of current US land/genocide millions upon millions of people? Because only a small percentage of this nation would agree to what you propose if they fully understood the ramifications.

You speak of getting rid of the electoral college, which is one of the main reasons we live in a UNITED states of America; no state other than the most populous would be willing to join a contractual agreement to be subjected to the will of plurality. We would never have gained independence, and we would have never had the compromise needed to bring the nation back together after the civil war.

Now; there are some points you made I can agree with, but many of them just perpetuate an image of a dystopian future. We BARELY live in a capitalistic society. What we currently live under is more closely related to corporatism.

Capitalism at the end of the day is two consenting parties agreeing to do business, and only ABLE to do business if both parties agree/consent without the need for approval from a third party. What is wrong with that? That is the most peaceful form of economics IMO.

Our nations framework and building principles are what the nation needs to rebuild us back to glory and wealth for MOST instead of a few. We have just gotten so damn far from our roots of freedom and liberties through bureaucratic legislation and corruption at all levels of government.

The issues stem from our politicians having no expectation of retaliation/accountability for literally destroying the lives of millions of people at a time by fucking signing a paper.


joeydokes OP t1_j8zbvv2 wrote

> EASING regulations?

Ok, first thanks for your reply. Next, my federal POV is dead in the water; it'll no nowhere; despite my disagreeing with your outcomes.

Easing regulations is what has lead to regulatory capture, giving corporations personhood and no responsibilities. Creating the revolving door, where people stay in gov just long enough to get lucrative lobby jobs; and then, get paid to re-enter politics; Influence peddlers taking key congressional jobs.

The so-called reverse revolving door, in which lobbyists for highly regulated interest groups temporarily take jobs in government with influence or oversight over policy impacting their former employers

To the point where many corporations with a stake in government policy now write the incentives into employment contracts. Where Banks and defense contractors extend special bonuses as a reward for executives to leave and enter government.

> getting rid of the electoral college

Popular vote, free of fixing/gerrymandering etc... is direct democracy; like it or not. Choosing a 'college' to do that for us may have had its place, but no longer. Because we cannot trust either them or the process.

> many of [your points] just perpetuate an image of a dystopian future. We BARELY live in a capitalistic society. What we currently live under is more closely related to corporatism.

And going even further in that direction unless we collectively act to stop it.

> both parties agree/consent without the need for approval from a third party. What is wrong with that?

Nothing, that's the marketplace in an ideal world; which is not where we are. Corporatism is, by definition, predatory; one's gain is another's loss. It's ruthless enough w/out corruption, but add that spice and you end up with what we have now: a kakistocracy serving kleptocrats.

> to rebuild us back to glory and wealth...

Allow that our 'glory-n-wealth', in the 0sum game has come with buckets of bloodshed that made an aristocracy filthy rich in a land that supposedly shed itself of a monarch. Its a myth told by the victors, but more important, as they've drained the well there is no going back. Only bleeding more blood from the stone that was the middle-class who once benefited by being trickled-down upon.

You may not agree on the speed in which collapse is coming, but 'objects in the rearview are closer than they seem' is apropos. Unless something is created (State-wide at least) to claw back our ideals, working-class ideals, caring for the least ideals, ... they'll be no different from the vanishing wildlife and bees.


joeydokes OP t1_j8zcirs wrote

Thanks for the history, I had no idea what that sub was about but the exclusionary, preaching to the choir tone, doesn't surprise me.

My rants aren't so much to find agreement as to serve a discourse where facts and best ideas hopefully prevail


friedmpa t1_j8zcyru wrote

i cant believe people have time to write this much


joeydokes OP t1_j8zfjna wrote

Sometimes tweets work fine. Other times, late at night, pondering how we got to this sorry reality, where the future is taking us, opens up the braingates for words to spill.

Also, FWIW, most people's loop is eat,commute,work,commute,eat, tv, sleep... repeat.

Being retired gives me too much idle time now that this boomer's made way for the next gen to take my place. :)


joeydokes OP t1_j8zgtl6 wrote

Well, who dat? Not me - I'm not preaching, just spilling facts that you can dispute if you care to; and not be poorly treated or distained for doing so.

Just make your case instead of snark from a barely 1month old account w/no Karma - see I can do that too! But I honestly won't judge based on your (brief) post history w/trucks, 2A, or funny memes :)


vermont4runner t1_j8zhq4i wrote

Where did any of that come from? I was giving you background on Rama and you went full asshole…

I delete and replace my account about every 6-12mo. I’m not new around here and at no point was I taking a shot at you. Seems like you’re looking for a fight though.


joeydokes OP t1_j8zjaj7 wrote

My sincere apologies! Really. I thought the context was alluding to me not Rama or r/vermontpolitics. Aside, I was surprised to see a lot in your history that aligns w/me, for real. Including shall not be... and life along 22A (friends in Poultney).

So, yea, it was kinda an asshole retort. And yea, I am prepared to fight (w/words) on this matter, considering how important I feel it is.

Again, forgive my impertinence

Peace Out, pard!


joeydokes OP t1_j8zndht wrote

thanks for the kind reassurance :) Trump could prove to the camels' nose in an otherwise Koch brothers / America First / Freedumb Foundation world !

At that point I'll be jiggy with collapse and relaxed AF on hard cider and maple edibles :)


LyraSerpentine t1_j8zoki4 wrote

The only way to make the necessary changes we need is to run for political office and win. If we have enough Millennials, Gen-Z leftists make it into office, then we can force the changes required in political culture to push out the lobbyists and corporate interests to retake democracy. And then we can begin to make the policy changes we need to make the cultural changes to protect ourselves and what's left of the planet. Otherwise, we're just pissing in the wind with these rants and failed protests. Run for office. Force them out of the space. Save democracy, save Earth.


joeydokes OP t1_j8zqztj wrote

Being of a 2-party system where one is purely a controlled opposition, trying for elected office, even at Statewide levels, is pointless in and of itself.

Being a grey state and good-bye'ing boomers might give VT a running head start, but the push has to be more organized I think. Almost how the R's are trying to corner school boards and the edu market.

Progressive and Green both succumbed to a liberalism thats gone neo and had helped take us to this sickened state. Hearing the word 'socialist' drummed into maga ears with few besides Bernie to try and explain it make it a poison pill.

Let's go with Leftists! So far left it looks like right to sane conservatives that aren't caught up with praising Jesus :)

It's a banner that orgs need to adopt maybe? A manifesto or mantra? "Enough is Enough, Stop the Take!"

I've been doing this shit since the 60's riots and the wind is still blowin' that piss my way. But, for me, here's where it changed:

All the 'anti-queer' threats of violence to performers and shows, all the threats of violence to pro-abortion/choice; in the street, in their face.

Vermont has been spared a lot of that form of hate, but figuring out how to best deal with it is a good lesson. When and how best to confront hate/threats and who will stand.

r/socialistRA says can't advocate direct action (LLC) but aims me to the JBGC (John Brown Gun Club), the one org willing to confront (sometimes unarmed) these nazis if asked/requested or on-the-spot if needed.

One small(ish) group in the State that can mobilize w/a text and be available to rally assistance. Count me in.

> Force them out of the space.

take the cause to where 'they' play and recreate. The exclusive backwoods CC's and yacht clubs; nobody is safe until all are safe ... but I digress.


MarkVII88 t1_j911fu2 wrote

I scrolled, and scrolled, and scrolled to the bottom, in the hope of finding a TL;DR. I left broken hearted.


Vermontess t1_j916xak wrote

Have you considered posting these serial rants in the Maine sub since that’s where you live?


RoyalAntelope9948 t1_j91m4ja wrote

Apparently I'm going to be down voted too but I agree with everything in your post. It made me feel so powerless. I have watched what this country has become for probably as long as you have. I'm sorry for the generations that are watching our country burn under the non-humanity that seems to be prevalent now. I'm afraid for what we have become and where we seem to be going.


joeydokes OP t1_j91s1vc wrote

> I'm afraid for what we have become and where we seem to be going.

I hear ya! The sentiment behind my 'rants' hoping to add to the collective wake-up call. I'm going back to being comfortably numb now :)


joeydokes OP t1_j91st5i wrote

Not surprisingly, ME has almost the exact same issues as here, specially WRT new arrivals (see 'moving to maine' threads) and the impact on natives.

Still, my spouse's job is in VT, all our friends are in VT, I close my eyes and see my stomping grounds in VT; and, should I live long enough, hope to have a small bug-out camp somewhere in the woods/forests that I know like the back of my hand, in VT.

My rants are done. Someone else can ring the wake-up bell.


precursive t1_j9296xq wrote

As an independent northern New England Gen X left libertarian, I don't particularly disagree with any of your analysis, though I disagree with some of your prescriptions (other than your legislative prescriptions, I'd vote for them, probably) and have grown less... fire-y over time about it all, especially when it comes to talking about isms and ists.

At this point in my life, I'm a fan of the patient, committed approach summarized well by John Lewis'

"Use the words of the movement to pace yourself. We used to say that ours is not the struggle of one day, one week, or one year. Ours is not the struggle of one judicial appointment or presidential term. Ours is the struggle of a lifetime, or maybe even many lifetimes, and each one of us in every generation must do our part. And if we believe in the change we seek, then it is easy to commit to doing all we can, because the responsibility is ours alone to build a better society and a more peaceful world."

Get a job working for state government, run for office, vote, work for NGOs, be a model for youth... give what you can when you have surplus... love, love, and love, fully agape.

I guess I no longer believe it possible to immediately change the world (or anyone's mind), any more than I believe it possible to boil sap into syrup in a second, but I do believe millions of people committing from their hearts and of their own free will to "be the change you want to see in the world" can make a real, meaningful difference, over time.

While we should remain ever vigilant to not "fall backwards" as well as do our best to "skate towards where the puck will be"... "two steps forward, one step back" seems to be the reality of [mostly] non-violent progress. While, without a doubt, there remain tragic stories at an individual level, I believe we are, from 10,000 feet, in a better place, across the board, than where we were 100 years ago. Hopefully 100 years from now our descendents will look back and feel the same.

Agape, stay on course!


joeydokes OP t1_j92ia7f wrote

> have grown less... fire-y over time about it all, especially when it comes to talking about isms and ists.

I hear that. Me too :)

And thanks for the John Lewis words of perseverance and fortitude, reminders help!

People generally don't change until they're ready to, often when faced with some harsh reality (like sickness/death/loss ...) I'd like to share your optimism insofar as making meaningful change happen, but ground truths make me feel we are facing insurmountable hurdles. That still doesn't mean we can't laugh, love, tell our stories and be our best selves possible.

> Hopefully 100 years from now our descendents ...

Will not all be miserable or the spawn of an entitled 1% in a world with billions less people calling it home :)

I don't envy kids today in the world 20 years from now, let alone the next century. Their story will be the legacy of ours today.

Anyhow, thanks for the great reply and be well!


mountainwocky t1_j94i22g wrote

You aren't likely to achieve positive change by being satisfied with just surviving. Pushing for some of the goals the OP mentioned is a good thing. None of the goals are likely to happen on their own without someone fighting for them.


VTGrown t1_j94yoco wrote

Tell me how you really feel!