While this Nation continues sawing the branch we are sitting on, as our planet heats up, and diseases/vectors spread, as the middle-class weakens and shrinks because of crony-capitalism, Kakis and Nepos polluting and over-exploiting resources, making us all more susceptible sickness and poverty; we politicize human life, focus only on profits, boosting the economy and mUh FrEEduMBs, while marching headlong into Christo-Fascist authoritarism and ecological collapse.
Our sacrifices and our labor just works to make rich people richer. If you're lucky to be in the 40-60% income bracket and even if you have (employer) health insurance, you're likely 1 medical emergency away from bankruptcy. If you are in the lower 20% income bracket you do not even register on the wealth distribution map: https://youtu.be/QPKKQnijnsM
There Ain't no democracy under capitalism, just the veneer of it; spiced with dog-whistle, flag-waving, patriotism; of a mythos that never existed in the 1st place. Corporate greed that creates poverty, the war on 'terror', on drugs, on education; unaffordable houses to buy or rent, going hungry because groceries are inflated, all lead to more violence.
We protest and a militarized police force start murdering people on the streets, blinding journalists, and kidnapping protestors. Women had their rights fucking stolen by religious zealots on the Supreme Court, trans and gay people are being attacked and murdered, and white christian nationalists are attacking our power grids.
A militarized police force murdering and assaulting people is violence.
Allowing heated rhetoric that leads gay and trans people to be attacked and murdered is violence.
Stealing women’s rights and causing more death and suffering is violence.
Fucking polio has returned, N5H1 is waiting in the wings; we have the highest levels of wealth inequality ever, massive levels of “inflation”, rampant corporate greed that is embedded at every level of our government. Our (industrial/political) Elites are attempting to maintain their status-quo until the collapse finds them fully landed, safe in their bunkers or behind gated communities guarded by mercs. Then, after the SHTF, they'll turn to profit off disaster capitalism like the vultures they are.
You can't have true democracy when you have aristocrats who can unilaterally make decisions that destroy people's lives. We've got Economic-Elite Domination and Biased Pluralism, not Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or Majoritarian Pluralism.
Our Dem “labor” party is compromised my members protecting health insurance companies and insane big pharma profit margins. Dems won’t commit to ideals that will transform life for the working class; more than hand out crumbs to prevent instability on a scale that might lead to unified class consciousness. Our Repub 'corpo' party are all in on complete slavish servitude to these big-biz interests and are not only completely worthless to the working class, but actively hostile to them.
All our branches of government, its institutions (justice,health,...) have been bought, regulatory-captured, and privatized by the investor class. A Free market and capitalism are not one and the same. Specially when free isn't fair and capitalism today is controlled by the Establishment, the american aristocracy, the captians of industry and their financiers; who, like any criminal enterprise, relentlessly take until they're stopped by a greater power; leaving a waste dump in their wake. This kleptocracy, the media and think-tanks that support the revolving door of pay2play politics, its hypocritically unfair playing field, has proven itself out of reach of the law, immune from accountability save ponying up some money with no admission guilt.
To 'fix' our Country we need (again, IMO) to Allow workers to unionize, Repeal Citizens United, Enact Glass-Stegal, End no-knock, End Civil Asset Forfeiture, Enact RCV, full separation of (a regulated/taxed) church and state, Remove barriers to voting, strengthen EPA/FDA/USDA/, Eliminate electoral college or have states join National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC), and, mostly, put safeguards in place that reduces corruption and increases accountability and safeguards against "The tragedy of the Commons".
To 'fix' our State we need (again, IMO) to:
Legalize all drugs and regulate them through dispensaries like ganja. Treat it as the health issue it is and unburden the cops/courts and stigma of criminalization.
Adopt some moderate form of socialism, like social democracy, liberal socialism, or democratic socialism.
=> Social Democratic - capitalism with a conscious Social democracy in general isn’t radical, it’s essentially capitalism but with critical societal needs and resources (healthcare, schooling, poverty safety nets, natural resource usage) socialized. There is nothing radical whatsoever about a social democracy A living wage and healthcare are actually arguably the opposite of radical. They're handouts to keep the citizens from overthrowing the aristocracy and chopping off heads. Von Bismark implemented a universal healthcare system to undermine the radical socialist/communist movement growing in his country.
As Bernie is fond of saying, healthcare for everybody isn't radical. A living wage for workers isn't radical. A strong social safety net that protects our most vulnerable is not radical. Progressives/Leftists have been presenting that alternative for decades. Drowned out by MSM, Lobbiests, Industry's think tanks, and both parties.
=> Democratic Socialism - wouldn't be (entirely) capitalistic at all. But the key parts of socialist industrial planning would be:
Socialized lending; a centralized, democratically accountable bank that lends directly to producers. Incentives for worker cooperatives; such that producers who receive this lending be primarily those that are controlled by workers.
No war but the Class War!
[deleted] t1_j8ymp8r wrote