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EscapedAlcatraz t1_j7qixqb wrote

Or maybe people still care about property rights, even in this Progressive utopia.


Commercial_Case_7475 t1_j7qlcdk wrote

Second homes are already being taxed. Nothing to do with property rights. Why should we cater to wealthy outsiders and continue to shoot ourselves in the foot? Just use the money to fund universal childcare for Vermonters or something like that.


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7s8p51 wrote

This is where VT is at. We should not cater to wealthy outsiders and end up with no workforce as result of it.


mattgm1995 t1_j7qn25g wrote

You would shoot yourselves in the foot by losing all of the local tax revenue and tourism jobs if they leave


EscapedAlcatraz t1_j7rb6ha wrote

You’re suggesting to raise the taxes until the owners surrender and sell. Don’t tell me what to do with my money. Don’t tell me what I can do with my property. Don’t tell me how to heat my house.


Commercial_Case_7475 t1_j7rkjzs wrote

Yeah pretty much. Do what you want with your money, but you obviously have an entitled attitude that assumes your actions have no consequences.


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7s8rud wrote

We're not, we're just telling you how much you have to pay in taxes. If it's too much you'd be free to sell.