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t1_j7pipvi wrote

Hey white trash step outside of your trailer and get in your rusted out pile of shit. Drive to the nearest large city and volunteer at a homeless shelter. Step outside of your bitchmade comfort zone and interact with people that don’t look exactly like you.

Just words so sticks and stones bitch.


t1_j7pmg6d wrote

People like this are terrified of everything in life. It's truly pathetic.


t1_j7q2lfu wrote

This thread is full of individual reasons for any rational person to dislike the residents of this state at large regardless of which side of this conversation they are on.


t1_j7qywsq wrote

Well, don’t live in trailer and have had both positive and negative interactions with all walks of life and have come across no shortage of people like yourself who presume to know a person based on a post🤣🤣🤣
