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RamaSchneider OP t1_j7ou49r wrote

I think you'll find that it's the difference in intent and definition that matters. I don't know you, so this next sentence is not meant to necessarily describe you in any way: There are people I can walk up to and say "Hey shit-for-brains, what's up?"

But there are way more people who are going to react in unfriendly ways.

If I say that phrase to a friend who knows what I mean, that's one thing. But the stranger who looks at me and wonders what is coming after the "shit-for-brains" .. that is a problem.

The solution is simple too. I'll be you know what it is - the Burlington HS BB players do.


SmoothSlavperator t1_j7p756t wrote

What exactly was the racial slur? What a slur is these days is a bit subjective...sometimes. A lot of times no, but also frequently yes.

Secondly, why does a statement of "hate has no place here" firstly have a fist and secondly a logo of a copyrighted brand?


TheTowerBard t1_j7p7qjf wrote

As the ignorant racist scum in the comments are showing, the issue is not just in high school sports. Vermont has a major issue with racism and always has. We just have gotten by without it being so obvious simply because there is a serious lack of diversity here. Not a lot of targets for these scumbags.

There’s a great PBS doc I recommend called I Am From Here everyone should watch:


anusty t1_j7p90fa wrote

People need to get over themselves. When I grew up in VT, we were responsible for our own feelings, not everyone else. Meritocracy ruled, not everyone gets a ribbon.

Only the strong survive; it’s an absolute truth in all of nature…the eternal truth, we’re always at war fighting battles among our fellow humans trying to survive and be happy. Doesn’t always have to be kinetic to be war.


TheTowerBard t1_j7palwx wrote

I deem being a racist a bad practice. You should consider stopping.

Also, I’m not particularly interested in your bullshit mental gymnastics you scumbags use to make it easier to sleep at night. If your spending this amount of time and energy reacting to this article in this way, you are truly a vile scumbag racist POS. I’m sorry if that reality hurts your fee fees, but maybe reflect on it a bit.


0fficerGeorgeGreen t1_j7pboy3 wrote

Damn, these comments make me ashamed of some of my fellow VTers. We are supposed to be chill.


newenglandsouth t1_j7pbtyz wrote

You have followed the liberal MO to perfection. You have not answered the original question at all while attacking me personally - someone you do not know personally.

So to recap to help you along… (I’m paraphrasing)

  1. The original question posed was “Why can black people use the “n-word” while non-black people can not?”

  2. I replied “It is hypocrisy to do so.”

  3. Your turn - try again…


EverybodyWangChung52 t1_j7pbw7k wrote

Played football against North Country HS, the words thrown at a couple of our black (and Hispanic kids) was shocking. Same thing happened playing Fair Haven. And the amount of confederate flag on cars was mind boggling. Racism is alive and wel in VT


ilagitamus t1_j7pdnl3 wrote

It’s not hypocrisy, turns out a racial minority taking ownership of a racial slur and using it in their own context and intents is a nuanced issue too complex for your tiny racist brain to comprehend.


Sudden_Dragonfly2638 t1_j7pf4zm wrote

You realize the reason we are not still stone age brutes is because we came together in groups to achieve a common purpose?

Get your head out of your ass and realize you are responsible to/for others in addition to yourself.


MarkVII88 t1_j7phits wrote

Thanks for another Link post OP!


EvilSubnetMask t1_j7pimq5 wrote

Does which slur was used really matter? A slur is a slur, it's just hate speech. Which particular racial slur is probably irrelevant. Given previous occurrences this year already and the girls in the article pictures are black, I'm sure we can probably guess. If your kid was the target of the statement, would it really matter to you which word they used to insult and degrade them? To answer your other questions:

The raised fist is a globally recognized symbol of solidarity against oppression.

"Hate has no Home Here" is a non-profit group from Chicago that is trying to combat hate speech.


SeeTheSounds t1_j7pipvi wrote

Hey white trash step outside of your trailer and get in your rusted out pile of shit. Drive to the nearest large city and volunteer at a homeless shelter. Step outside of your bitchmade comfort zone and interact with people that don’t look exactly like you.

Just words so sticks and stones bitch.


TheTowerBard t1_j7pll7w wrote

This is the ignorant bullshit they brainwashed you with. You want to know another eternal truth? Human beings have always looked out for each other and helped the weakest of their communities. Since the dawn of man. You also see this behavior EVERYWHERE in nature.

"Only the strong survive" can only be said if you apply ZERO thought into what you are saying (how very on brand). It's genuinely the dumbest and most ignorant of all the the dumb ignorant things you chuds say. Even you, as tough and independent as you want to pretend you are, I guarantee you have people you watch out for in life. And I bet there are people watching out for you too. Good on you, but stop pretending there is some issue when other people look out for others as well.

With that said, your racist bullshit isn't welcome in Vermont. Never has been and never will be.


SmoothSlavperator t1_j7pltlg wrote

Oh look, another dipshit 12 year old that doesn't understand the nuance and intricacies of language and the overall complexity of the entire issue and just wants to get on a high horse, bludgeon everyone instead of actually work through and solve an issue.


TheTowerBard t1_j7plu4x wrote

People have been helping people since the dawn of man, even when we were stone age brutes. We see it everywhere in nature to. Comments like that person's are just the result of a lifetime of brainwashing. They are afraid of everything and everyone.


TheTowerBard t1_j7pn08y wrote

Nope. In my 40s, grew up in VT, have lived all over the country as an adult including major cities, and moved back.

You know we solve this issue? We, as a society, stop tolerating intolerance. We stop putting up with your ignorance and blind hatred of everything simply because folks like you live in constant fear. Grow the eff up and reflect on how people are reacting to your bullshit here. You're a racist. Full stop.


TheTowerBard t1_j7pnin6 wrote

Nope, I learned a lot. One of the things I learned was the paradox of tolerance. I also did a lot of homeless outreach throughout the country. What have you been up to the last few decades?

I am sorry Vermont's education system failed you. You should get out and see the world a bit bro, it's not as scary as the angry man on TV says it is.


xxxDog_Fucker_69xxx t1_j7pt26d wrote

Yes, dropping a hard r is far more egregious then an off handed comment made from ignorance. If they’re serious about reform they should clearly define the language used to make it easier to condemn and bring it to the publics attention.


TheTowerBard t1_j7pyagq wrote

That's cute, but this is the second time I've found you to be possibly racist on here and you do have 88 in your handle. Most people I know are smart enough to avoid using extremely well known white supremacist dog whistles in their online handles if they aren't that.

There's this old saying about ducks that I think might apply here. I think you know the one. Something about "if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck..."


you_give_me_coupon t1_j7pykp9 wrote

I mean, what /u/anusty said is at least plausible. People with skeletons in their closets are often quick to go on the attack, to direct scrutiny away from themselves. Like all the "male feminists" who turn out to be sex pests. And a 5-second glance at /r/ShitLibSafari shows there's plenty of racist attitudes among the woko haram/VPR-tote-bag crowd.


SmoothSlavperator t1_j7pyrp3 wrote

I'm a scientist near a major city. I work in STEM in an environment where I am the minority. I have two godchildren, neither are white. One is the offspring of a refugee, the other is the offspring of an undocumented immigrant. I speak 3 languages and can partially understand about 5 additional.

At what point did I say racism should be tolerated? I asked for more information.

Combatting racism is a lot like combatting terrorism. If you come in heavy handed, it causes people to dig in and you wind up with more racists. Racism is learned either from their upbringing environment or their life experiences. You have to TEACH people to not be racist, you can't beat them over the head with it and expect them to change. Half the kids you see slipping like that aren't even racist, they're still developing emotionally and think they're being edgy or cool by doing such things. You have to show them that that is not the way. Your saviorism is getting in the way of developing any real strategy to combat the issue. Its like herding cats.


TheTowerBard t1_j7q0h28 wrote

So you want to continue to tolerate intolerance? What you describe is the failed approach we have been using for generations. It doesn't work. We need to stop tolerating intolerance, wholly and completely. Full stop.

The things you wrote in this last comment don't jive with your original statements btw. Someone as smart as you that has diversity in your life and in your family knows EXCATLY what slurs are and exactly why they aren't ok to use in this setting. Shame on you, for real. So enough of this bullshit gaslighting. If you are who you say you are, you wouldn't ask the questions you asked.

You don't have to take my word for any of this, either. Go ahead reread MLK's Letter From Birmingham Jail. Educate yourself on the paradox of tolerance. People much smarter than both of us have been trying to get you moderates to recognize this approach doesn't work for generations now. Listen to them, not me.

You want to get racism out of our communities? Make it VERY CLEAR that this bullshit isn't welcome here in any way shape or form. And when LITERAL CHILDREN tell you they are fed up with the racism they experience, shut your mouth and listen instead of trying to spark an ignorant debate about what slurs are ok. Why? Because that is racist. You are being racist. Sorry if that hurts your feelings, but here we are. You know better.


WorldlinessNo4862 t1_j7q27e3 wrote

Having played Rutland multiple times those are some of the most vile racists I’ve ever met.


TheTowerBard t1_j7q2idm wrote

We are balkanizing anyway. We have been doing the approach you are advocating for and the thing you are suggesting will happen if we do things "my" way is already happening while doing things your way.

Again, MLK literally disagrees with you. Maybe this is a good time for us all to reread some of his works and reflect on them. It is black history month, afterall. And don't slack on the paradox of tolerance, either.


MargaerySchrute t1_j7q35i9 wrote

This argument is like saying “I’m not racist because I have black friends”, and that isn’t how it works.

When you ask what slur is used, it puts the emphasis on the wrong thing: the word, when the issue is the intent of using these words. We don’t need to know the slur in order to change the behavior.


SmoothSlavperator t1_j7q3fbx wrote

People in this sub love jumping to conclusions.

I concur, intent is what matters. What slurs and the context can give clues as to intent. Once you have a better handle on exactly what transpired, then you can more effectively address it in a manner that works the most efficiently.


QuicheSmash t1_j7q3j52 wrote

You have to be the weakest, most pathetically insecure piece of shit to use any racial slur against anyone, let alone young girls.

It doesn't matter what slur it is, if it makes someone scared, intimidated or feel marginalized, you are garbage. The mind-blowing ignorance of racists is that the only way they can feel good about themselves is to make someone else feel badly about something they cannot control.

Get a life.


MargaerySchrute t1_j7q4774 wrote

“Only the strong survive” So are you admitting you are weak? Because that’s the vibe this is giving. You must really loathe the lesser-abled population. @sudden dragonfly is right, get your head out of your ass


MargaerySchrute t1_j7q6n24 wrote

I mean did SBHS think they could keep being the rebels forever? They had a rebel soldier on their basketball court a couple decades ago. Like ew. Not sure if it’s there now but I bet no. Same with rice as the little Indians. Green Knights sounds better anyways.


DarkLamont t1_j7qapff wrote

I didn't know black people existed up north tbh, I figured white people were trapped there


slightlyTartLemon t1_j7qaw0m wrote

I really can’t wrap my head around the need for yelling slurs and harassment for sports. I didn’t grow up in a sports family, so I just view sports as a game. It’s for funsies, to have a good time. It ain’t that serious!! Good on these students.


captaincrunch00 t1_j7qd6z9 wrote

>Played football against North Country HS, the words thrown at a couple of our black (and Hispanic kids) was shocking

From the players or the adults in the stands? I ask because I've been in the stands and haven't heard anything, and I'd be one to call them out.


OkNotice8600 t1_j7qgzl3 wrote

Hey. I didn’t say either. I’m pointing out the hypocrisy over a word that one culture used liberally and the other group can get murdered for using it. It’s a word. The “connection” you’ll cry about is so far removed from these kids it’s laughable. They listen to the word all day, and use it as a term of endearment. Wake up, they are a culture, not a race. Plenty of white people I know use it too.


OkNotice8600 t1_j7qhtqo wrote

Weird that it’s ok for one group to use a word as a term of endearment, but if another race uses it, it’s very bad. What don’t you understand? If a black man uses the word towards another black man but is aggressive in action, is he racist??


Piggypopsicle2 t1_j7qhyuq wrote

I grew up in central VT and all the black children (and many/almost all of the non-white kids) in our school were adopted into white families. I can't imagine how isolating it feels to be experiencing racism, and not have a parent to go to for lived experience support/advice. I heard about a lot of blatant racism towards these peers. I also found that sports culture was so depended on who participated, my grade level it was toxic for a lot of sports but a few years later I heard it was great.


TheTowerBard t1_j7qu1bc wrote

Nah, he claims he named it after his first car or something like that.

Also, I do notice that you don’t have an 88 in your handle. Nor a 14. I’m not sure about Reddit, but most online spaces avoid these numbers because they are so commonly used by white supremacists.

Now, we can certainly make the argument that folks might not be aware of that. To which I say, now you know, go ahead and change it if you don’t want to be seen as a white supremacist in online spaces. This isn’t new. They’ve been using those numbers since the dawn of the internet. Ignorance isn’t a valid excuse at this point.


anusty t1_j7qywsq wrote

Well, don’t live in trailer and have had both positive and negative interactions with all walks of life and have come across no shortage of people like yourself who presume to know a person based on a post🤣🤣🤣


YOurAreWr0ng t1_j7rqifl wrote

I literally believe nothing you say here. You come across as hateful, ignorant, and pathetic. I don’t care what sex, gender, or race you are. That’s the thing about us not racists liberal Vermonters. We only judge you on if you’re an asshole or not. Liberals are not racist almost by definition lol. Some might be but that’s rare. The heat your feeing in this thread is the healthy VT disrespect for ignorance and hate. You need to cool off, turn off FOX news, and make better friends. Otherwise you’re just the loser in the thread calling your allies racist.


TheTowerBard t1_j7rrapx wrote

Again, making assumptions while telling others not to. I’m no fan of liberals, my friend. I not only read MLK’s letter from Birmingham jail, but I took it as gospel. Liberals (moderates) are doing far more damage to our country and society than the openly evil right-wing. MLK was right on the money with that one. Something all the libs that praise him seem to forget.

The only thing I don’t understand here is why someone like you would be using right-wing talking points and/or supporting that brand of politics.

No, tossing slurs around isn’t ok. At all. Ever. For any reason. Yet here you are, someone who has likely been a target of those slurs, arguing online that people shouldn’t care if others use them. You’re wrong. I’ve been a target of slurs as well despite your ignorant assumptions about who I am. Slurs aren’t ok, and arguing they are will only serve to make you look foolish every time.

I also see you deleted your initial comment…


OkNotice8600 t1_j7rrfx5 wrote

Oh so sanctimonious. “Heat” lmao. You’re all virtue signaling liberal dems living in rural VT. You know nothing of the thing you speak about. All you know if how to insult and name call. What a foul mouth, very typical lib behavior.

The value of triggering all you dotards is worth so much more then your fake reddit points. Get a life


OkNotice8600 t1_j7rssdj wrote

Nope, totally didn’t delete it. Prob banned. You’re missing my whole point. It’s a word. Why is ok for some to use and not others? I never said it was ok to use, just trying to figure out the hypocrisy. They want to punish some kid for using the same word that the so called victim (I’m sure) uses too. In fact I’m context, if the perpetrator skin was black, no one would have batted an eye. The kid wasn’t racist, he was using the same ghetto talk they all do. You really think his intent was racism?

And I’m not political, but let’s call it like it is. I would bet my life everyone on this thread identifies as dem or liberal. With no ideas on what those actually mean. You seem too but most others, no.


olrustyeye t1_j7s2ty8 wrote

I'm in pretty strong support the first amendment, but I've never understood why blatant treason is tolerated specifically in the north, but all over America. You're free to express yourself, but you are not free to express a symbol of ideologies that tore this nation apart, whose motto is: The south will rise again.

Bruh... how much more clear can you get?


TheTowerBard t1_j7s34to wrote

I grew up here though, and I also have a daughter that is currently playing bball for her school in this state. I know for a fact they are using those slurs with a whole lot of hate behind it. They learned it from their parents who were doing it when I was playing as a kid.

Please do not give these people more credit than they deserve. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how racist a place Vermont is. We get away with a better reputation than we deserve simply because there is such an extreme lack of diversity here.


doctorchivago t1_j7s3as6 wrote

The answer is that a good portion of our country still supports the ideals of the confederacy. Like there is a good number of people who I'm sure if you were like "we should have slaves again" would be like finally!! It's gross. We have military bases named after confederate generals, I mean imagine if they had "Goering Air Force Base" in Germany, it's fuckin wild.


olrustyeye t1_j7s57t7 wrote

I know quite a few people from the south. Usually, they're indoctrinated to believe the civil war was about "states rights" to which I always add, "to own slaves." This is met with outrage and typically I've gaslit them. Not to say you're not right, but in my own experience that's typically not the case(That they would want slavery again). Although these people are from larger southern cities so maybe that changes it?

I think generally the supporters of the confederacy would like to pretend it's about supporting state autonomy, and I think a lot of Vermonters might agree with the idea of "keep the damn government out". But you can't make a strong case when you then go around being a complete asshole to an entire group of the population.

That's like saying you don't need a daddy or mommy to supervise you then when they turn their back for a second you shove a kid into the sandpit. Maybe you don't, but how can you argue that if you're being irresponsible? Of course, when THEY get pushed into the sandpit you're running to ask Daddy Tru-*cough* the government to help punish the bully.

At the end of the day, I find it appalling and frankly abhorrent when I see confed flags up here. It boils my blood until I remember that's EXACTLY what they want. In my mind, there is absolutely no doubt its treason, its hateful, and the people should be imprisoned somewhere in Texas at a work camp for 40 years.

But like... thats just my opinion man.


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_j7u1hi5 wrote

> I'm in pretty strong support the first amendment,

But yet you think you can decide what people can say or do.

"but you are not free to express a symbol of ideologies that tore this nation apart"

Seems someone does not really understand the first amendment here. It protects this speech specifically. You can not criminalize opinions no matter how much you wish you could.


olrustyeye t1_j7ueu0q wrote

Is it okay for you to transmit government secrets to Russia, Iraq, China or any other country?For YEARS we punished people, and still do, for flying flags for communism. None of those things, in my opinion, are NEARLY as bad as flying a flag for a country that REBELLED against the constitution that gave them that freedom and claims to rebel again.

You don't get to express treason. Thats like wanting ISIS to fly their flags and when you tell them to take it down and not express their ideologies them claiming its their first amendment rights.

You're dying on a hill hiding a septic tank of lies. Give it up.

Hillary Clinton is considered a criminal for disclosing confidential info to the wrong people. Is not an email an expression?

ISIS is an extremist organization we deem as a dangerous ideology that seeks to destroy America. Is this ideology not a form of expression?

CRT Is considered by some an insanely dangerous ideology to spread throughout the country because of its potential to imbalance and overcorrect freedom through restriction. Yet, still, it is an ideology.

You only want to restrict what you believe is bad. I want to restrict a very VERY clear action of treason from a violent and disgusting terrorist organization that sought to enslave and indoctrinate an entire section of the population under false religious pre-tenses and false philosophical pre-tenses.

To be clear I know you'll never change your mind as you are indoctrinated beyond help, but I'm hoping if anyone who CAN change their mind reads this they'll see how ludicrous and illogical your statement is. At the VERY least a hypocritical point many Conservatives/Republicans make about why a symbol of treason is okay to buy and hang.


Vermontdude802 t1_j7ugjgn wrote

The fact the all the uncensored posts are shocked about racism is really telling. This is an echo chamber but let me explain. Europeans are awaking to realize that the current system is completely against them. Check out Ireland, France, UK, Germany and many many more! Even here in America the far right continues to rise. You're not going to get the full picture of the world inside this little box where fat men on computers decided what can and what will not be said. A tidal wave is coming that none of you can see!


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_j7uvog6 wrote

Holy shit batman! Russia, ISIS, Iraq, China, CRT, Hillary nice job! Seriously though that was quite the rant.

I can fly whatever flag I want and so can you. Even a Nazi one or Confederate one. YOU do not get to redefine what what our SCOTUS has deemed free speech. I suggest you read up on some 1st amendment case law.


foamerfrank t1_j7vjq6y wrote

The first amendment isn’t about individuals or even corporations dictating what should or shouldn’t be said. It’s about the government saying that it’s LEGAL to say those things. Just because you can legally say things and not go to prison, doesn’t mean you’re not an asshole for saying those things. The freedom part is about government intervention into what you say, nobody else.


cpujockey t1_j7wdv70 wrote

> Confederate flags.. in Vermont.. you really can't fix stupid, can you?

that shit truly pisses me off. folks waving those flags have no idea that we put up a hell of a fight against the south, we were also part of the underground railroad. You'd think that the losers' flag should be a icon of getting your ass kicked - but they wear their loss with some form of white trash pride that I just don't understand.