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ellusiveuser t1_j7sa1wk wrote

Done. Fahrenheit 451°. Nothing more needs to be said.


Eagle_Arm t1_j7sc9to wrote

Vermont State Colleges are trying to create a stranglehold on the knowledge of society?

Or they are failing and this is a lb attempt to save money at failing schools?

Which is more likely?


ellusiveuser t1_j7sf5xt wrote

Either way, what's the outcome?


Eagle_Arm t1_j7si0e3 wrote

Those are two entirely different scenarios. I'm assuming you understand that.

One is the active censorship by government and the other is a school not being able to fund itself, but using the guise of being more effective and streamlined.

You understand the difference right.....right?


ellusiveuser t1_j7u5m05 wrote

You understand the books are unavailable in either scenario... right?


Eagle_Arm t1_j7ud9ql wrote

So you're sticking by your bad analogy?


ellusiveuser t1_j7uqb0y wrote

The end result of depriving access to literature is tyranny whether defacto by budgetary mismanagement, or de jure by writ of autocratic decree. The result is still the same and should be opposed as such. The fact that you're defending the circumstances due to financial incompetence doesn't change the absolutely incalculably inexcusable outcome, which was made evident in the novel.


Eagle_Arm t1_j7v60z0 wrote

I'm not defending anything. I'm saying your analogy is garbage. I don't like the fact that books are going away, but not liking something doesn't mean I don't understand it.

And you calling the library's physical copies being removed as tyranny is also crazy. It's not good, but it's not tyranny.

I'll just go ahead and assume you also think if someone doesn't agree with you that they are the basically the next Hitler.

Who knows maybe these VT colleges are tyrannical!


ellusiveuser t1_j7v91yq wrote

I don't think you're Hitler for not agreeing with me, I just think you're incapable of thinking critically. The important thing to focus on here is not the means, but the end. However you arrive at the end it doesn't change the outcome, despite the means. Yes, if the decision by a governing body is to physically remove tangible literature from a designated repository of literature, directly as a result from an overly bloated and mismanaged administration that is trying to navigate funding The outcome. Is. The. Same. Call it a tyranny of oppression or a tyranny of incompetence, the governing force is creating a reality that can only rationally be perceived as devolving the spectrum of intelligence so far from a semblance of acceptable reality that it's almost worse if it is a result of incompetence and not as a calculated attempt at overthrowing a freethinking body politic. At least that level of evil is comprehensible.


Eagle_Arm t1_j7vbuv2 wrote


The college also isn't the government. I don't know if you're incapable of critical and real-world thought or you've just selected your point to argue and keep digging in further.


ellusiveuser t1_j7vvcxt wrote

Now you're trolling me. And as always, you're criticism is self referential. The administration of a Vermont university is a governing body it governs the operations of the university.


Eagle_Arm t1_j7vy83i wrote

I wish it was just trolling. It'd be easy enough to do, but not what I'm doing.

So switching from using the word tyranny to govern and trying to make it sound like government? As in, the college is a government?

You do know that a college may "govern" but your now just using it as an adjective. They can also administer. Hell, they could even dictate!

But just because they are dictating, doesn't make them a dictatorship. Just as governing, doesn't make them a government.

It's not a government, it's also not tyrannical. Giving them wheels also wouldn't make them a bicycle.


ellusiveuser t1_j7w73am wrote

Ok, this has been fun, thanks for understanding my point. Be careful in the storm. Sleep well, talk to you in the morning.


[deleted] t1_j7shgv2 wrote



Eagle_Arm t1_j7sihu0 wrote

I know they're failing. They've been failing for years. They are doing a slow death through all of the colleges rather than determining what to actually cut out and try to correct the ship.

The sad reality is not all of them can stay open at their current standing. Desire to stay open isn't going to pay bills. Higher recruitment (unlikely) or severe consolidation needs to occur.

Maybe there is another way I'm not familiar with, but the slow closing is only prolonging it's death. Work to correct the issue and get the system healthy rather than doing slow amputation.


[deleted] t1_j7v4xm3 wrote



Eagle_Arm t1_j7v6jzb wrote

Ehhhh, that's a bit of a stretch....I'm not going to agree they aren't funded because it's white Vermonters going there. That's a huge accusation.

We don't spend a lot of higher Ed because it's turned into a business rather than focusing on why it actually exists, which is to educate.

Admin bloat, unnecessary classes and positions that serve no purpose to educate, but offer positions to people. I also don't think state schools should turn a profit, they should break even, like a government service. But if say that, they also need support. Can't expect them to operate like a business without operating like a business.


[deleted] t1_j7vz720 wrote



Eagle_Arm t1_j7w02rs wrote

Yup, gonna need some actual proof of that before even acknowledge it's true.

I'm sure I'll be waiting for awhile


[deleted] t1_j7wf8y2 wrote



Eagle_Arm t1_j7wjb79 wrote

If it's true, then you should have any issue backing it up with verified news stories or legal proceedings that occurred from it rather than just word from some guy on the internet.


LobsterSuspicious836 t1_j7wks5m wrote


Eagle_Arm t1_j7wvvvq wrote

Please see my previous comment. That video is literally, "some guy on the internet."

Show something with some proof to it.


[deleted] t1_j7x13td wrote



Eagle_Arm t1_j7x1mvq wrote

News articles say he wasn't fired for that....

The earth is flat. I've been to the edge of it. I've seen it. There's your primary source saying the earth is flat. Not back up by anything, but me, the primary source. To question my declaration would be ludacris!


[deleted] t1_j7x3w1m wrote



Eagle_Arm t1_j7x7ybj wrote

I set it up? Fire away.

I didn't say he was right. I wrote that he wasn't fired for that based on an article....nothing to do with him being right. I said he wasn't fired for....what did you say....oh, being white. And to take it further, wasn't fired because of the video.

An ad hominem would be saying you're a dumbass for believing it that without actual proof.

To perform another ad hominem, you're a dumbass if you think that one page document says quotas. I didn't seem to catch racial quotas anywhere there.....almost like it's not breaking the law.

Oh, and is the teachers union the school making the hiring decisions? Oh, they're not? Because the teachers union isn't in charge of a union and say things it wants....because it's not the hiring authority? Holy shit! Glad we could come to that realization together to figure out the teachers union isn't UVM!


[deleted] t1_j7x994i wrote



Eagle_Arm t1_j7xxbx9 wrote

Two in a....working build reports. Holy shit, if you're going to UVM, I'm glad I didn't attend there, not much for standards.