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memorytheatre t1_j7t8i17 wrote

I guarantee you. Not by librarians.


vermontitguy t1_j7u6nqp wrote

I worked in IT for a dozen years at two small Vermont colleges. I don't accept your guarantee. At both colleges, the librarians were deeply involved in the maintenance of and responsibility for the library websites. They worked collaboratively with IT for the technical aspects, but had full authority over the content.


Twombls t1_j7ub6xu wrote

You do know that the organizing structure of a library is a science and people go to school for it right? They spend countless hours categorizing and sorting through internal materials so they have a library that makes sense. Even digitally.


random_vermonter t1_j7x9vqr wrote

You're just like the OP. Another clueless twit pretending to be an expert on something they know little about.