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MarkVII88 t1_j7ukpn8 wrote

I think one option is to buy a propane-fired insert for your existing boiler.


Some_Mediocre_Guy OP t1_j7ukydy wrote

Wow. I had no idea this was an option. Looks like I have a bit of reading to do to investigate further. Thank you!


SomeConstructionGuy t1_j7uqwc3 wrote

The catch is you will be limited to single stage non condensing efficiencies in the mid 80s%. That’s not as huge a concern if you have old radiation, but you will give up some efficiency and comfort over a modern modulating boiler with outdoor reset.


Careful_Square1742 t1_j7v1cdr wrote

this is an option, but will gain OP nothing regarding efficiency. their old oil burner is likely burning at 80%ish efficiency, and a new LP boiler will be about the same